Fayz Attempts A Dubai Forums Meet,

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Fayz attempts a Dubai Forums Meet, Feb 10, 2006
Well it looks like the other event attempts seem to be at a standstill so I’m going to try to organize one. (if this is not the case I apologize for stepping on any toes)

First I’d like to ask that this topic remain focused on meeting up. This means NO attacks on people, their ideas or social/religious values. I ask you all use a little self control. For example if somebody suggest a BBQ and Pork/Alcohol comes in to the Mix and you ain’t feeling that an appropriate answer would be I would vote for no pork/alcohol not a personal attack on the person or his values, I’ll treat this thread as a majority rules.

Secondly I’m the laziest person you’ll ever meet so anybody willing to volunteer is greatly appreciated, I was born to delegate ;)

I ask all interested people to comment on the following, I really am looking for suggestions. Below are some, feel free to add.

The Weekend of March 3rd
The Weekend of March 10th
The Weekend of Feb 24th
Child Friendly
Event Type
BBQ/open beach gathering
Event location
Jebal Ali Beach
Zabeel Park
Irish Village
Bar Zar
Trilogy roof top
Century Village (Shisha)
Dubai Creek (Shisha)
Liban's building

If this topic stays focused I think it would be a blast.

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Feb 10, 2006
For myself, I cannot do anthing after the end of this month as we start a uge project at work and I may be out of the country for extended periods of time...

I prefer to alcohol, and no pork, and no bars...

But thats just me :wink:

If the majority wants these things, then I wish you guys a great time!!

We could also do it in my building, the pool area is always empty and I am buddies with the security people...
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Feb 10, 2006
An Example of a response and my vote,

The Weekend of March 3rd
Child Friendly
Event Type
BBQ/open beach gathering
Event location
Zabeel Park

I'm open to pretty much anything, I would prefer it was outdoors as the weather will soon be changing and i want to enjoy it while i can. I'll send you a PM with my contact information :wink:
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Feb 10, 2006
Liban wrote:For myself, I cannot do anthing after the end of this month as we start a uge project at work and I may be out of the country for extended periods of time...

I prefer to alcohol, and no pork, and no bars...

But thats just me :wink:

If the majority wants these things, then I wish you guys a great time!!

We could also do it in my building, the pool area is always empty and I am buddies with the security people...

Wow Liban, that was a quick response I didn't even finish posting :P. Thank you for the response and I'll add Feb 24 and your place to the list of choices. Thank you for the offer.
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Feb 10, 2006
how are you brother!!...sorry about not sending the email...am at work will send it today...i am up for all of the above at any of the dates after march 1st...and i would gladly help...excpet dont have a car...though i can "contribute" alcohol...as you might have gathered after my house warming..have more than plenty...shisha gets my top vote!!!!
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Feb 10, 2006
The Weekend of Feb 24th

Child Friendly
no prefrence

Event Type
BBQ/open beach gathering

Event location in prefrence order
Jebal Ali Beach
Zabeel Park
Liban's building
Trilogy roof top (Shisha too)
Century Village (Shisha)
Dubai Creek (Shisha)
Irish Village
Bar Zar

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Re: Fayz attempts a Dubai Forums Meet, Feb 10, 2006
fayz wrote:Secondly I’m the laziest person you’ll ever meet so anybody willing to volunteer is greatly appreciated, I was born to delegate ;)

lmao...i love it.
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Feb 10, 2006
you guys are making this WAY too complicated :) democracy doesnt work its the arab world my friends haha

all you should do is set a time/place and just go out and have fun. if two people show up thats a success ... coz a "meet" happened. Dont expect all the members to show up on the first time. coz alot of people will wanna wait and see how the first one goes .. no one killed anyone, there wasnt a psycho stalker , etc ... and as time progresses more and more people will show up at those meets if you guys make it a regular thing.

just my 2 fils .. and i apologize for not staying on topic.
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Re: Fayz attempts a Dubai Forums Meet, Feb 11, 2006
boostah wrote:
fayz wrote:Secondly I’m the laziest person you’ll ever meet so anybody willing to volunteer is greatly appreciated, I was born to delegate ;)

lmao...i love it.

Does this mean your volunteering?? ;)
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Feb 11, 2006
Maaad, I agree but what can I say I guess I’m gluten for punishment.
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Re: Fayz attempts a Dubai Forums Meet, Feb 11, 2006
fayz wrote:
boostah wrote:
fayz wrote:Secondly I’m the laziest person you’ll ever meet so anybody willing to volunteer is greatly appreciated, I was born to delegate ;)

lmao...i love it.

Does this mean your volunteering?? ;)

hehe means i empathise and at the same time find the honesty comical.., but ofcourse if i was living there i would go, didnt know beer was such a big deal if you dont drink fine, isnt dubai all about live and let live...? second thoughts dont answer that just transport it to fight club...lol
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Feb 11, 2006
The Weekend of March 3rd

Child Friendly
No Pref

Event Type
no pref

Event location
Jebal Ali Beach
Zabeel Park
Century Village (Shisha)
Dubai Creek (Shisha)
Liban's building
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Feb 11, 2006
Shisha!! :D
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Feb 11, 2006
Yeah I agree. I reckon just post a date & a time & place & see what happens. The people who are interested will go anywhere within reason & you dont have to worry about stepping on toes or any of the organisation hassle!

Im open for anything.... within reason, of course! 8)
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Feb 11, 2006
Im open for anything.... within reason, of course!

And by the look of your avatar it's a safe bet to say you're right!! :lol: :lol: It still makes me laugh everytime I see it. :D
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Feb 11, 2006
I like to give a good first impression of myself you see!!! :lol:

Although, am NOT impressed by the rugby result today!!!! I should be doing just like my kitty is doing in order to drown my sorrows!!!
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Feb 12, 2006
thank you all for your responses, I'll leave it open for a few more days for feedback and likely by the end of this week post a time and a place. Look forward to meeting all of you.
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Feb 12, 2006
The Weekend of March 3rd

Child Friendly
No - What can I say.. Im a bad influence

Event Type
Sheesha/Coffee/Juice {really luv smoking that tobacco water pipe lol}
note: sheesha: higher percentage of inhaling cancer causing nicotine 4 d lungs. We'll probably die one way or the other anyway.

Event location
Dubai Creek (Shisha) {read comments above}
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Feb 13, 2006
ross392 wrote:Date:

note: sheesha: higher percentage of inhaling cancer causing nicotine 4 d lungs. We'll probably die one way or the other anyway.

Dubai Creek (Shisha) {read comments above}

beg to differ...unprocessed tobacco isnt as harmful as a ciggerette...whose ingredients include tar and cynide among so many more compunds that would make you think real hard....but then i am a fool who has the vice unfortunately...working on reducing and quitting...started the nicotine gums...give you one whopper of a headache as a side effect...
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Feb 14, 2006
The Weekend of March 3rd
The Weekend of Feb 24th

Child Friendly

Event Type
BBQ/open beach gathering
Zabeel Park
Liban's building
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Feb 14, 2006
I want to come too !

no pref

Child Friendly
no pref

[b]Event Type:


Event location
Trilogy roof top
Irish Village
Century Village (Shisha)
Bar Zar
Dubai Creek (Shisha)
Liban's building
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Feb 14, 2006
constantine wrote:
ross392 wrote:Date:

note: sheesha: higher percentage of inhaling cancer causing nicotine 4 d lungs. We'll probably die one way or the other anyway.

Dubai Creek (Shisha) {read comments above}

beg to differ...unprocessed tobacco isnt as harmful as a ciggerette...whose ingredients include tar and cynide among so many more compunds that would make you think real hard....but then i am a fool who has the vice unfortunately...working on reducing and quitting...started the nicotine gums...give you one whopper of a headache as a side effect...

.........and to prove my point: 8)

"Many people consider sheesha t be less harmful than smoking cigarettes. But according to a study conducted at King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah, sheesha can be even more harmful. Sheesha smokers absorb more carbon monoxide than do cigarette smokers, putting themselves at greater risk for coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and chronic respiratory disease. It can also retard fetal growth.

Sheesha smokers using charcoal have higher levels of carbon monoxide in their blood than those using an electrical device. Carbon monoxide absorption is greatly increased when sheesha is smoked just prior to sleeping. Even minimal exposure to carbon monoxide is known to be harmful and people who smoke sheesha as little as once a day put themselves at risk. According to the study 15 minutes of smoking sheesha is equivalent to smoking one cigarette. The researchers defined a ‘smoker’ as anyone who smoked 15-30 grams of jurak each day.

A study conducted on adult males suggests that sheesha smoking may be responsible for abnormal changes in their chromosomes. Another study concluded that regular sheesha smokers carry a risk of deforming their teeth. And although not proven, it is suspected that sheesha smoking may lead to cancer."
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Feb 14, 2006
and a sheesha lasts all of 45 mins...thats 3 ciggies a day...i'd take that option over 10 a day mate!!...but but but...you know what...both are harmful and both are bad habits...at the end of the day theres nothing to justify it but the fact that its a personal choice or perogative...so defending this habit would be stupidity for me... :D
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Feb 14, 2006
What you fail to realize is that with a sheesha you do not inhale at all.... This eliminates 99% of the study's findings...
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Feb 14, 2006
constantine wrote:and a sheesha lasts all of 45 mins...thats 3 ciggies a day...i'd take that option over 10 a day mate!!...but but but...you know what...both are harmful and both are bad habits...at the end of the day theres nothing to justify it but the fact that its a personal choice or perogative...so defending this habit would be stupidity for me... :D

yeah u r right, it both hurts our future well being, but u know what we still smoke it though ha ha so here cheers to good health!
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Feb 14, 2006
I spoke to security in my building.

They will authorize me holding a pool side event under the following guidlines:

1) No alcohol
2) No loud music

The pool and jacuzzi will both be open for us to use. There are also lawn furniture for us to sit on. We just need a BBQ.

I would also ask that we keep it open to the building security so if they wish to have some food and drink they can since they authorized this for us :)

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Feb 15, 2006
for me anything is fine.......untill u decide it and jus let me know!!
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Feb 15, 2006
First I'd like to thank everyone for replying and keeping it Civil.

Majority rules, so it'll be the weekend of March 3rd and a Shisha venue as that seems to work best for most people.

I just need to get a place organized for us, I'll PM/Post venue and time soon.

Look forward to meeting up with you all.
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Feb 16, 2006
Heyy.. thank God.. we finally agree on something here :D . just kidding guys.

- Liban... thats a kind gesture of you mate ;)

- Fyaz, keep it up mate, thats the spirit :D
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Feb 16, 2006

for the self proclaimed laziest man you are doing a bang-up job of getting something together. I will offer my help for anything you need. I may even be able to drive someone to the event.

Weekend of the 3rd works out perfectly for me. PM if there is anything I can do to help.

Liban: very kind of you, and security, to offer up your building!
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