Terrorist Attacks

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Terrorist Attacks Feb 10, 2006
I was speaking to someone this morning who told me of a terrorist attack in Dubai early last year. I cant find any record of this. Can anyone tell me if and when there has been any terrorist attacks in Dubai?

Dubai Forums Enthusiast
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Feb 10, 2006
Bush must have sneezed keeping his face towards the AE hahahaa

sorry buddy, no never heard of that one!
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Feb 10, 2006
thanks, just more uninformed people who think DUbai is still part of the 3rd world.
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Feb 10, 2006
BTW USA, UK, France, Spain, Australia are not part of the third world and alot of terrorist attacks takes place there. Also alot of descrimination which is far more than that in the "thrid world".

BTW also, being a Thrid world country doesn't make you bad, it is just like being born in a poor family. And for your notes, Poor doesn't mean uncivilised, violant, stupid or dirty, it just mean you don't have enough money to achive what you want, and this changes with time.

Remember Europe in the middel ages.

Cheers buddy

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Feb 10, 2006
dont be so sensitive. It was not meant as an insult.
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Feb 10, 2006
Good, Thanks for clarification.

:occasion5: cheers

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Feb 10, 2006
ya it wasnt an insult...but i saw in another threat how somone got infuriated when somone compared dubai to the third world also so i think it was aimed at more of a comlimenterary thing. I totally get the way people look down on third world aswell though that is not good, my friend really insulted me before as i was thinking of moving to the philippines or meeting a girl there and he was like you cant do that they are all poor there and have no money and my response was exactly like eclipse guy there...like so what that just theyre unfortunate circumstance they are still humans like us, and in any case it was some dutch guy aparantly who assed up the economy anyway, ughh sont get me started another iluminati conspiracy if you ask me, hitler just moved to america :lol:
Dubai Forums Enthusiast
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Feb 10, 2006
"eclipse guy" bahahaha ...

btw now the PC way of saying it is "developing world"
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Feb 11, 2006
Well certainly if anything did happen in Dubai, you'd never hear about it in the press. With the place relying so much on tourism and expats, the effects would be detrimental.

There was, however, a drive by shooting at the Hard Rock Cafe about 3 years ago, it was never reported but many people know about it.

Many threats have been made against Dubai and the UAE, you can find these on the SITE website.

There's a very well known rumour that the governments of the UAE buy off those who would cause problems here, although they'd never admit to it.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 11, 2006
Well, yeah "Developing countries" sounds better ;)

I disagree with you, if something happen in Dubai, we all will know about it. News spread here very quickly, even car accidents you hear off. what about a shooting or terrorist act.

Dubai is still very samll "al least compared to where icame from" and the news here go wild as people here talk alot about what is happening, and there is always someone saw what happened and he will talk about it.


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Feb 12, 2006
yshimy wrote:Well, yeah "Developing countries" sounds better ;)

I disagree with you, if something happen in Dubai, we all will know about it. News spread here very quickly, even car accidents you hear off. what about a shooting or terrorist act.

Dubai is still very samll "al least compared to where icame from" and the news here go wild as people here talk alot about what is happening, and there is always someone saw what happened and he will talk about it.


Yshimy, I said it would never be 'reported' of course we'd all end up hearing about it, but the press and media would hide it away in the middle pages or not print anything at all. I know some people in the security forces here and apparently people get picked up quite frequently at the borders for various things, which I won't disclose, so at least these guys are going their job.

When the shooting happened at the Hard Rock, non of the press printed anhthing on it - they weren't allowed to.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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