Red Chief wrote:I've just seen my first English movie for last 3 years. Surprisingly it is very nice and light and reminds me Truffaut. Anywait it's quite different from Holywood.
The title is "Happy-go-lucky".
London in the movie (near Yid Army) doesn't look very impressive but with constant sunshine.

I guess you mean Tottenham

Some of North London is a grubby hole, certainly. It is lower rent suburbs, you have them also in Russian cities I am sure.
I am curios how could they find so many shiny days in a year.
Shooting schedules are very tightly planned when shooting in the UK to maximise use of light and weather, otherwise disaster, long delays and huge over budget production. Streets may be cleared, shooting may start as soon as the sun rises, etc.

ENRAHA! What does it mean?

I had no idea but googled and found the following:
Home > Library > Religion & Spirituality >
Encyclopedia of Judaism
ayin ra'ah or én ha-ra; popularly ayin ha-ra). Widespread belief that certain individuals have the ability to cause harm by directing their gaze at others. According to this ancient, deep-rooted preconception, anyone gifted with the evil eye may inflict bad luck, sickness, or even death, and the potential victim must therefore devise ways to safeguard his person or property against a harmful glance. Superstitions of this kind originated in an idolatrous fear of provoking the gods or of tempting jealous mortals and "familiars" to cast an evil spell on the unwary (see Demons and Demonology; Witchcraft and Sorcery).
It seems that the actor Eddie Marsan who plays the driving instructor is Jewish (and a London boy, born in Bethnal Green) so there is a link, as he says that he was involved in improvising this idea himself. ... 769&page=2