Ticking Timebomb Of Signed Blank Cheques Lodged With Banks.

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Ticking timebomb of signed blank cheques lodged with banks. Aug 30, 2009
9 years ago moved to Dubai. Opened bank account, lodged blank cheque as security against credit card.

Resigned 4 years ago. As per company procedure the bank was informed I was leaving (bank has first claim on end of service payment). Company asked if any objections. No objection received. Account closed. Cards returned. Visa cancelled.End of service paid left Dubai.

Travelled regularly to Dubai on business with no problem. Have always been employed, ex employers have always known where I am. Been in the region 17 years, believe I have very good standing in community.

1 year ago returned to UAE. Opened account with new bank. Obtained credit cards etc.

Summoned to police station last week. Shown guarantee cheque lodged with bank 9 years ago. Dated July 2009, made out in favour of original bank for large sum of money. Cheque had bounced as account has been closed for nearly 4 years.


New employer has acted as guarantor for money so released but I am unable to travel.

Bank is unable to provide a single supporting document to show I owe money. No loan agreement. No bank statement showing money going in or out of account. No credit card statement. Absolutely nothing - this is because I have never borrowed any money and owe them nothing.

All my papers are in order. Cancelled visa, release from company etc.

The bank are insisting the money is paid, the bounced cheque is a criminal offence - doesn't matter that I didn't write it, the money is not owing and the account was closed nearly 4 years ago.

Don't know which way to turn.

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Aug 30, 2009
I wrote a post on this a couple of weeks ago, as exactly the same thing happened to a friend of mine. The thing he needed, which luckily he had, was the original clearance letter from the bank which says that all monies were paid in full and there was nothing left owing - he had a car loan, paid it off 6 months ago and forgot to get his clearance cheque back.

I think you'll have to get the bank to raise one of those. Once he'd taken this to the police, everything was dropped, as it was banking error.

The moral of the story is - get your original guarantee cheques back!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 30, 2009
The bank insist the money is owed but refuse to give me a single document to prove it. If there was a loan why don't they have an agreement to show me? I know there isn't one and therefore they will never be able to provide one to me.
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Aug 30, 2009
WOW! U&m I really have no idea what to say to that. Which bank? Name and shame the buggers.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 30, 2009
OMG, I really dunno what to say, wish I could help but sorry can't.

Just shooting in the dark here.

Do you actually know your old company even paid the bank from your settlement ?

Any paper work from back then showing you actually cleared everything.

Try to get the biggest wasta you can.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Aug 30, 2009
Maybe you have to file a case against the Bank for dishonestly trying to steal money from you. I presume you have old papers proving that you had zero outstanding balance. If you have I would suggest that you also go very public with this as the Banks do not like to be drawn into the spotlight. Try a call to 7-Days, Gulf News, Khaleej Times etc.
sage & onion
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Aug 30, 2009
Have asked old company to provide bank clearance letter which hopefully is still on file.

There has never been a loan hence there was nothing to pay off and is the reason why the bank is unable to provide a single piece of paper showing any money was ever loaned.

In nearly four years they have never contacted me or my old company about any outstanding money. Not a call or a letter and they knew exactly where I was all the time. They had my home address, work address. I didn't skip the country.
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Aug 30, 2009
Mama wrote:Have asked old company to provide bank clearance letter which hopefully is still on file.

There has never been a loan hence there was nothing to pay off and is the reason why the bank is unable to provide a single piece of paper showing any money was ever loaned.

In nearly four years they have never contacted me or my old company about any outstanding money. Not a call or a letter and they knew exactly where I was all the time. They had my home address, work address. I didn't skip the country.

Then the Bank is at fault and should be taken to task over it, name and shame them in the media.
sage & onion
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Aug 30, 2009
They can have me arrested again if I haven't paid so I am being very careful. My Lawyer says there is nothing unusual about this at all. I simply can't believe they can get away with this but when you have the threat of prison over your head you can imagine how frightening it is. I fully intend to fight it all the way using the media, complaining to The Central bank and The bank's Head Office which is not in Dubai.
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Aug 30, 2009
Could you please let us know which bank it is, so others don't end up with the same problem.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 31, 2009
I will name and shame but not on an open forum until I have OK from lawyer. However, this is not a practice limited to one bank.
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Aug 31, 2009
Mama wrote:I will name and shame but not on an open forum until I have OK from lawyer. However, this is not a practice limited to one bank.

Why would you not name and shame? or are you not telling us everything?
sage & onion
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Aug 31, 2009
Sage and Onion. I was going to respond to you but you know what? I decided you simply weren't worth the effort, I have genuinely serious matters to deal with and you are not one of them.
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Aug 31, 2009
Irrespective of the Bank in question: UAE Federal Law and Dubai Law stipulates that provision of false evidence in support of a claim is a crime in and of its self and the person or entity that submits false evidence will face the full force of the law.

You are correct in gathering as much paper evidence as possible as without it you have no chance, the lack of action over the past 5 years means nothing. When you have the paperwork to hand (and you may need to engage a law firm to get it from your previous employers, because even if they appear sympathetic you so not know what relationships they have built up with banks since your last stint in the UAE) then you need to file a case with the Police and submit all your evidence to the Public Prosecution.

DO NOT attempt to file a case without a local lawyer of influence as it will go straight into the cylindrical filing cabinet on the floor. If you want the names of a few lawyers that specialise in these types of cases - p.m. me

Do not get upset at the DUpats that spout "no smoke with out fire" rubbish - its a rote response to remove themselves from any sticky situation, a self defense mechanism if you like, but equally do not think that if you keep it quiet you are more likely to win - SHOUT and talk to any newspaper that will listen. Most are totally useless and will print nothing - but the story will do the rounds and add to the consensus pressure to get it resolved.

Keeping the banks name 'out of it' serves no one but the bank itself.
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Aug 31, 2009
Mama wrote:Sage and Onion. I was going to respond to you but you know what? I decided you simply weren't worth the effort, I have genuinely serious matters to deal with and you are not one of them.

It seems you are the only one that has ever had a problem (according to your line of thinking), why not name the institution and then maybe one or two of the contributors on this forum may be forewarned.
sage & onion
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