London Teen: How I Was Recruited For Jihad

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London Teen: How I Was Recruited for Jihad Aug 24, 2009
The Islamists approached him in the mosque, and before he knew it a 15-year-old Londoner was watching jihadist videos and being encouraged to train in Pakistan, the boy tells the Times of London in the “first inside account” of the recruitment process. “A lot of people think that terrorists are recruited in special recruiting grounds, but the truth is that it actually goes on in mosques a lot of the time,” says the teen, who is now in a special rehabilitation program.

“You’ll go to pray and there’ll be small groups of people just away from the main group in the mosque having their own discussion, talking about jihad,” he said. They talked to the teen about Iraq and “how all the people are dying,” and invited him to meetings in an abandoned house. “They showed us a jihadist video with the martyrdom flags behind the guy speaking, and the message I got was that I should prepare myself for martyrdom.” ... jihad.html

Why would the British government prevent a teenager from engaging in a peaceful interior struggle?

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Aug 24, 2009
Muslimbangladeshi reincarnated ! just on the other side of the fence this time LOOOL

Scotty must have messed up somehwere while beaming him down this time !
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Aug 28, 2009
Jacques Cousteau inhaled a LOT of pure oxygen over the years, and decompressed waaaay too many times. Using him for tag lines is a great idea (for comedy). :D
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Aug 28, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:Muslimbangladeshi reincarnated ! just on the other side of the fence this time LOOOL

Scotty must have messed up somehwere while beaming him down this time !

I agree with you that it is disheartening that the British government would impinge on the religious freedoms of British Muslims. The British government is alienating many peaceful Muslims. It seems strange to me that Muslim teenagers learning about jihad from clerics at their local mosques would be enough to send British politicians into panic mode. I mean, British Muslims have done so much for Britain, such as remodeling London's subway system, renovating those petrol guzzling double decker buses and contributing to new safety guidelines for what air passengers can take on board with them.

Anyways, I've come across another article of British Muslims teaching the peaceful elements of Islam onto their children. I think it is such a touching story to learn the truly peaceful teachings of the Muslim religion and how envious the Western world must be for not having the same wonderful Muslim population that Britain does. Truly, British Muslims are the poster children on the wonders of multiculturalism:

A FANATICAL pal of evil cleric Abu Hamza had told British children as young as ten they must “kill and be killed” for Islam.

Muslim extremist Omar Bakri speaking in London’s East End said suicide bombers were assured a place in paradise.

Bakri described such bombings as “self-sacrifice operations”.

An example would be to crash a plane on to 10 Downing Street or the White House, he told a cheering audience of Muslims, including around ten young children.

In one outburst he raged: “You must fight for the way of Allah, for the sake of Allah, to kill first and to be killed.”

Bakri, 44, who has been nicknamed the Tottenham Ayatollah, preached his sick gospel of terrorism at a hall in Bethnal Green.

The full rant was captured by BBC reporter Paul Kenyon ? who said: “There’s no doubt he was talking about what it takes to be a suicide bomber.”

The Syrian-born cleric read out a list where terrorist atrocities had been carried out New York’s Twin Towers, the bombing of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the Bali blast, and the bomb attack on the destroyer USS Cole in Yemen.

And he praised the September 11 bombers as the “Glorious 19 hijackers”.

Bakri who runs a group dedicated to creating an Islamic state in Britain is a pal of Hamza, who is facing deportation for preaching hate.

Last night outraged Tory MP Patrick Mercer declared: “Omar Bakri should be locked up. He’s encouraging others to commit crimes in this country and other countries.

“It’s absolutely astounding that these things are being said inside Great Britain today. He’s clearly breaking the law. I’m sure he could probably be accused of treason.

“The fact there are ten-year-olds in the audience, who are vulnerable and highly persuasive, is very worrying”.

Journalist Kenyon, 37, added: “The sense of it was that you must prepare yourselves for glorious deaths as martyrs and that they had a duty to become martyrs if called upon.

“He’s clearly giving them advice on what to do and to have their affairs tidied up before they go. It made my skin crawl.” ... 153417.ece

It's interesting to note that interior strugglers are guaranteed a spot in paradise. I wonder, does this belief of paradise for interior strugglers come somewhere from the Koran?
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Aug 28, 2009
freefromrats wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:Muslimbangladeshi reincarnated ! just on the other side of the fence this time LOOOL

Scotty must have messed up somehwere while beaming him down this time !

I agree with you that it is disheartening that the British government would impinge on the religious freedoms of British Muslims. The British government is alienating many peaceful Muslims. It seems strange to me that Muslim teenagers learning about jihad from clerics at their local mosques would be enough to send British politicians into panic mode. I mean, British Muslims have done so much for Britain, such as remodeling London's subway system, renovating those petrol guzzling double decker buses and contributing to new safety guidelines for what air passengers can take on board with them.

Buhahahahaha !!!!!!!! WTF.

This just goes to show what a dork, troll and idot you are.

Go such search for muslimbangladeshi on this forum and you find out that he was just another idiotic troll like you.
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