Speedhump wrote:isn't is so HOT here????

Most of my best friends I made at ages 5 and 11 during my school times. I still have them, maybe 6-8 or us get together when I am in the Uk, it's just like we were never apart, and we still get along really fine, no jealousies, no old rivalries, nothing. I made two other very close friends while working with them. We've been thru scrapes and I know they have my back when needed and vice versa. That's it. Don't need any more. Anyone else I just consider good acquaintances.
Exactly man. I know what you talking about
My good friend, we became friends in the 1st grade ! still lives here and we are still good friends. Plus every since networking sites like facebook came online I've beem able to get in touch with all my school buds and we still have a whale of a time on IM.
One even flew in from Canada last year, I went to pick him and we mus thave met atleast after 15 years and it started off from where we left off, was like he never left. And also having that kind of history with someone is something else.
Plus I also have big bunch of good friends here, some of them I've know for less than a year and yet it feels like we've always been friends.
I dunno I guess not everyone is lucky or blessed enough to have the ability to befriend good people. It just comes naturally to me. Very easy to seperate the chaff from the wheat.