18 And No Qualifications

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18 and no qualifications Aug 24, 2009
Hi there,

My daughters boyfriend is moving out to Dubai with us next year. He's 18 and doesnt have any recognised qualifications as such. He's not sure what to do but fancies working behind a bar or in restaurant. I just wanted to ask anyone in the know how easy it might be to get work like that and what kind of pay he might receive even if its a rough idea. He is British and doesnt mind too much what he will get in earnings as he has no accomodation or tax to pay.

Hope you can advise!



Dubai Forums Member
Posts: 32

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Sep 27, 2009
If he is interested, he can join my team. We are a leading company with 30 years excellent track record in the field of network marketing.
He can earn as much as 500 - 5K AED / month, depending on his commitment.
Message me to set an appointment in order to explain the business further.
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