Jul 22, 2009
I don't think anyone can or should have to prove beyond reasonable doubt the existence of God or lack there-of. Those who believe in God will turn to their holy scripture as a means of explaining the various creations and happenings of the world, while those who do not will usually turn to science, or some sort of spiritual source for those who follow another path. It all boils down to what you believe to be true in relation to how you perceive the world, there are no hard facts that can prove either stance - at least, not yet.
The world is a messed up place, not because God (I believe in God so the rest of my post will be a reflection on my beliefs not facts) wanted it to be so, but because of how we as imperfect humans have caused it to be. Our imperfection has both good and bad consequences on ourselves and how we make the world to be. While it strives us to improve and better ourselves it also causes us to be 'weak' (for lack of a better word) and make choices that someone who has achieved perfection would know better than to make.
So why hasn't God stopped all the craziness that's been going around and make the world free of sickness, war, poverty, famine and make it a better, problem-free existence?
Well (and again, this is only my opinion) I don't really think we need to God to do anything to stop these things from occurring. By witnessing these things I have been able to have a better appreciation for my life and the things I have personally been through. Which, in turn, has caused me to want to help those who are less fortunate than I am. We don't go to war because 'God tells us to', we go to war because certain individuals choose to do so of their own free will. God doesn't want people to be homeless or dieing of malnourishment, people are the ones responsible for this.
If we were perfect, and the world around us perfect as well, how could we expect to be able to cherish those special moments, be grateful for what is given to us, have a desire to succeed or better ourselves/world, or even know right from wrong. If the world was perfect no one die, no one would starve, no one would be homeless, no one would suffer, feel anguish, make mistakes - there would be no need for laws or certain jobs/businesses ... it would be a fairy tale life.
I don't blame religion or God for what is going on - I blame the people who have abused their rights and privileges of the position that they hold, whether it be political, educational, religious, spiritual, parental and so on.
I know this doesn't really explain why I believe in God but, I just wanted to comment on previous posts asking why or how we can believe in God if the above mentioned things are allowed to happen.
In the end what matters most is how we lived our lives, the type of person we were, and what we did with the opportunities and obstacles we have faced.
- bushra21
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