A BRITISHAmputee Private Plans Return To Fight

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Aug 12, 2009
This thread is not about my humble person but mostly about Great Tommies well equipped with Russian helicopters.

As you can see they employed even handycapped. So you have a chance as well, Colonel Blimp number 2.

Red Chief
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Aug 12, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:
Metaphor79 wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:
uaekid wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Kid, you talk such a load of rubbish - really.

I don't think our troops should be there at all!

But at least we get out there and do something, unlike you lot who don't lift a finger to help anyone.

I'm just passing what UAE soldiers told me, that's all.
Our military is there helping in aids not for random killing and weak performance, sorry choc, this is the reality out there, sadly your "media" wont show you the truth. Wait for the war to end and you will get the real news.

I don't get it from the media sweet heart! I know several people working for a private security company in Kabul, who are there liasing with the armed forces.

From mercenaries?? Whatever your source is, you need to know what Kid said is the true picture. You know why?? Because your cause is not just in the first place. Your soldiers don’t believe in the war they’ve been forced into.

They're not mercenaries! Where di you get that from? They work for a private secuiryt company, not going around killing people. No what Kid said is not the true picture at all.

maybe not but doesn't make wonder how come 2 of the most powerful militaries in the world can't win the war ? I'm just saying that they don't believe in what they are doing, they got in to the force to protect their countries, not fight with a big question mark on their heads... big part of your government agree that this was the wrong approach to Taliban, after the 9/11, USA dragged the UK in to this war without having a single reason to go for it but hey this is the US asking our "help".

9/11 was a turning point world wide, nothing but an excuse to gain political power in the region, search the net and I believe you won't find a single evidence on the 9/11 case, just a bunch of guesses. and the case is closed !! no one is convicted, just a bunch of random collection of Islamic ppl in some island which got released recently.

I still think those 2 countries could've use the Islamic world to send a massage to the Afghanis or Taliban followed by Aids followed by major communities projects and factories that provides jobs for them could've done a more effect result instead of the guns that did not do a thing.

US wanted a show to it's ppl to shut them up plus there interest in the region, but they fu**** with the wrong crowd this time, this war will end up in humiliation to the US and the UK.

I just don't like to see ppl getting killed for no reason when other solutions are available.
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Aug 12, 2009
And do you think we like seeing our people killed everyday for no reason whatsoever?

As I have said before we shouldn't even be there. Plus I;m tired of the way my government blindly follows the US, it's ridiculous.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 12, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:And do you think we like seeing our people killed everyday for no reason whatsoever?

As I have said before we shouldn't even be there. Plus I;m tired of the way my government blindly follows the US, it's ridiculous.

I thought your country went to war to help the Afghan people!! Isn't that what you said earlier??

A greedy sophistacted thief in a shiny suit that invades some one's house to steal their resources deserves to be killed. It's as simple as that!
Dubai Expat Helper
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Aug 13, 2009
Sorry to interup the argument but back to the OP I think that soilder is just going back for spite and is looking for revenge for what happened to him. Thats whats " taking care of unfinished bussiness " means.

I would be very weary of that guy. Could be a ticking bomb waiting to go off.

As for the other discusion. Afghanistan is a hopeless country doesn't make a diffrence who is there or not. As long as its the hub of the drug trade in the region if not the world and run by druglords its hopeless.

Even the new American appointed goverment is just as d!ckless and corrupt. Karzai has been giving out pardons to convicted murders, rapists and durg runners to earn brownie points in the up comming elections.

http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/daw ... ickers-679

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 07663.html
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Aug 13, 2009
" taking care of unfinished bussiness " means. it is open season on insurgents a few Thermal nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles would be nice :lol:
crusader 1
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Aug 14, 2009
Metaphor79 wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:And do you think we like seeing our people killed everyday for no reason whatsoever?

As I have said before we shouldn't even be there. Plus I;m tired of the way my government blindly follows the US, it's ridiculous.

I thought your country went to war to help the Afghan people!! Isn't that what you said earlier??

A greedy sophistacted thief in a shiny suit that invades some one's house to steal their resources deserves to be killed. It's as simple as that!

No that's not what I said at all. Go back and read my post.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 17, 2009
uaekid wrote:what I know is that them and the Americans are weak in battle fields in Afghanistan and Iraq, I heard this from a couple of our solders there, they said those British and American are weak in battle as a person, and the only think they do when encountering an ambush is call for an air support, if nothing available then they literally start crying under a tree and they always ask us to be the first and last convoy vehicles so the enemy wont attack them .

I guess this explains why they can't win the war ! there are no buildings to blow up, its just the old fashion face to face war, this shows how and why they can not handle it and no progress in 2 years.

some of them hurts themselves in purpose just to go back home and most refuses to go in missions deep in Taliban areas unless there commander threaten them that they'll be out of the force.

They are so paranoid and scared to the extent that they kill each other !! it happened a couple of times when they are on a mission and one goes to pee, the minute he comes back he is shot died by "friendly fire" thinking he is Taliban.

Sorry guys, they are just not fit to face Taliban, they are hard core with nothing to loose beside they believe so much in what they are doing unlike the British soldiers who are wondering why are we here.

U F***ing cnut u have no respect for any of the people who put their as*es on the lune so that sand niggers, towelheads and camel jockeys like urself can stay safe. Why don''t u go and grow a sack and fight the taliban urself? U little cnut try and respect people who are there to defend ur pathetic towelhead countries. I lost three of my closest buddies while serving in afghanistan with the marines and they were brave men who did their jobs with the utmost professionalism and dedication so don't u dare disrespcet any of our brave men and women. And before u disrespect the greatest nation on the plantet look at the middle east u guys claim to hate israel but what do u do for palestine when have u ever mobilized ur military to fight for them. Ur spineless little cnuts admit and fcuk urself
oh and we won in iraq they have a stable government and with the blessing of the lord and saviour jesus christ we shall prevail in afghanistan simply becasue we are the greatest country on the planet. Suck on that
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Aug 17, 2009
Metaphor79 wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:And do you think we like seeing our people killed everyday for no reason whatsoever?

As I have said before we shouldn't even be there. Plus I;m tired of the way my government blindly follows the US, it's ridiculous.

I thought your country went to war to help the Afghan people!! Isn't that what you said earlier??

A greedy sophistacted thief in a shiny suit that invades some one's house to steal their resources deserves to be killed. It's as simple as that!

iraq u could argue that but what fcuk does afghanistan have? sand niggers?
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Aug 17, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:Sorry to interup the argument but back to the OP I think that soilder is just going back for spite and is looking for revenge for what happened to him. Thats whats " taking care of unfinished bussiness " means.

I would be very weary of that guy. Could be a ticking bomb waiting to go off.

As for the other discusion. Afghanistan is a hopeless country doesn't make a diffrence who is there or not. As long as its the hub of the drug trade in the region if not the world and run by druglords its hopeless.

Even the new American appointed goverment is just as d!ckless and corrupt. Karzai has been giving out pardons to convicted murders, rapists and durg runners to earn brownie points in the up comming elections.

oh yeah were dickless so thats why were in afghanistan coz we saw something wrong and we did something about it right? What about u camel jockeys have been talking about israel for million years why dont u do something about that huh? Coz the reality is that were not dickless u are.
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Aug 17, 2009
devilsadv wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:Sorry to interup the argument but back to the OP I think that soilder is just going back for spite and is looking for revenge for what happened to him. Thats whats " taking care of unfinished bussiness " means.

I would be very weary of that guy. Could be a ticking bomb waiting to go off.

As for the other discusion. Afghanistan is a hopeless country doesn't make a diffrence who is there or not. As long as its the hub of the drug trade in the region if not the world and run by druglords its hopeless.

Even the new American appointed goverment is just as d!ckless and corrupt. Karzai has been giving out pardons to convicted murders, rapists and durg runners to earn brownie points in the up comming elections.

oh yeah were dickless so thats why were in afghanistan coz we saw something wrong and we did something about it right? What about u camel jockeys have been talking about israel for million years why dont u do something about that huh? Coz the reality is that were not dickless u are.

well coming to think of it, you did nothing about it, nothing you established yet and us not doing something about Israel well we can't do something about it bcz YOU will see something wrong with it and will do something about it LOL

beside desertdudeshj is not a camel jokey only UAEKID is :)
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Aug 17, 2009
LOL you guys in the forces really are brainwashed.

Mr. devilsadv what noble and brave men you talk about. You think you there to do somekind of international justice or something. Your there to steal the oil homes. You guys can't and never will get over the fact that the mideast has your b@lls in a vice by having and control the oil which makes your country tick. So you guys are there to steal it.

The US took full advantage of 9/11 and created a mob mentality and the public at large never admited but they were looking for revenge and under the guise of fighting terror they want to take over the oil.

They couldn't go in directly so took Afghanistan as a stepping stone to Iraq and then Iran and Syria. But had there asses whooped in both places, and chickened out fron going into Iran frearing they might actually have nuclear weapons and know that nation hasn't been weakend and brought down to its knees by over a decade of sanctions.

You guys truly haven't learned your lesson even after a disaster like Vietnam when all your military might couldn't control a poor trained and equipped militia living in the jungles !

And who created your so feared enemy the Taliban and the mujahideen who equipped and trained them ? Who left them in a lurch like the kurds of Iraq when the Russians withdrew

I agree with UAEKID I've heard many stories of your forces "bravery" and "profesionalism" out on the field.

So Mr Adv get of over your high horse and open your eyes to reality.

P.S : Yes your two redneck buddies died in vain fighting for a hopless and unjust cause.

DD out

And now go Fu*k your self

* chocs no lectures here about language please. Unless you consider all of Mr Adv's racial slurs and cusses to be normal and acceptable. Thankyou
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Aug 18, 2009
And the day Iran invades (any morning of their choice), who will you chicken lipped snivelling worms turn to .... the French ? :lol: The Swiss guard ? :lol:

Wake up, all your "supreme, medal wearing" commanders were trained at Sandhurst for a reason, and the reason is to understand the chain of command. Whilst your "Arab forces" are WAY back in the safety of the kitchens peeling potatos and bravely comparing grazes from the previous evenings football match, real soldiers are putting their lives in danger 24/7 to up hold an INTERNATIONALLY recognised initiative, one that the UAE, Saudi, Kuwaiti and Omani governments support.

Do I think it should be UK, US, Swedish and Dutch forces in Afghanistan, hell NO, let the dunecoons sort it out for themselves, but would they ? Same answer NO, why ? Cant be arsed, Yani.

Until the UAE collectively grows a single set of balls this discussion is pointless, you see a coward can sit and type all he wants, but I guarantee you unless someone is holding down a victim and the numbers are 50:1 an Emirati will never get aggressive - inbred with a streak of yellow 2 foot wide.

I am not ashamed to say I support the western troops in Afghanistan in their god forsaken task, and so should you rati's, for the day will come when you have to call on their good graces and I don't fancy your chances with an attitude like that.

Dubai Cares, say the signs ......
Not a jot scribbled a wag underneath.

DD - fcuk off back to Sharjah where you belong - Kafir
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Aug 18, 2009
viking-warrior wrote:...an Emirati will never get aggressive - inbred with a streak of yellow 2 foot wide.

Or unless you ask him to pack his own bags at Spinneys, then all hell breaks loose! LOL
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 18, 2009
oh and we won in iraq they have a stable government and with the blessing of the lord and saviour jesus christ we shall prevail in afghanistan simply becasue we are the greatest country on the planet. Suck on that[/quote]

http://www.breitbart.tv/ohio-militia-po ... -buy-guns/
crusader 1
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Aug 18, 2009
crusader 1 wrote:oh and we won in iraq they have a stable government and with the blessing of the lord and saviour jesus christ we shall prevail in afghanistan simply becasue we are the greatest country on the planet. Suck on that

http://www.breitbart.tv/ohio-militia-po ... -buy-guns/[/quote]

Why are you such a shallow retard?
You don't invoke God's name and then cuss in the same sentence...Hypocrite!
You've successfully made a mockery of ur beliefs....Suck on that!
Misery Called Life
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Aug 18, 2009
Suck rooster raghead!
crusader 1
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Aug 18, 2009
Yankee Doodle went to town riding on a chicken.
he went into a restuarant and saw Alfred Hicken.

Yankee Doodle went to Iraq with his favorite blankey.
Every time he had to sneeze he used it as a hankey.

Yankee Doodle went to Afghanistan looking for bin ladin.
But he could not afford to buy a bin liner.

Mrs. Doodle went to Pakistan riding on a gator.
She did not feed the gator so she died later.

Yankee Doodle Doodle do :D
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Aug 18, 2009
crusader 1 wrote:oh and we won in iraq they have a stable government and with the blessing of the lord and saviour jesus christ we shall prevail in afghanistan simply becasue we are the greatest country on the planet. Suck on that

Yes yes ofcourse and the next pope will be an afghani.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Aug 19, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:
crusader 1 wrote:oh and we won in iraq they have a stable government and with the blessing of the lord and saviour jesus christ we shall prevail in afghanistan simply becasue we are the greatest country on the planet. Suck on that

Yes yes ofcourse and the next pope will be an afghani.

Very true but first will remove the devils spurn then we will resurrect Pope Urban II so those who removed the pagans will get an Indulgence for removal of the Heathens 8)
crusader 1
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Aug 20, 2009
crusader 1 wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:
crusader 1 wrote:oh and we won in iraq they have a stable government and with the blessing of the lord and saviour jesus christ we shall prevail in afghanistan simply becasue we are the greatest country on the planet. Suck on that

Yes yes ofcourse and the next pope will be an afghani.

Very true but first will remove the devils spurn then we will resurrect Pope Urban II so those who removed the pagans will get an Indulgence for removal of the Heathens 8)

Why ofcourse, you really didn't need to say it. I thought it was understood.
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