A BRITISHAmputee Private Plans Return To Fight

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A BRITISHAmputee Private plans return to fight Aug 11, 2009
A BRITISH soldier who had part of his leg blown off by a landmine is preparing to return to Afghanistan to settle “unfinished business” with the Taliban
He is an shining example of courage and determination.

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Aug 11, 2009
Would you provide links to the stories that you post.
Bora Bora
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Aug 12, 2009
I understand your intertest, Queen Bee. Somebody called spEedHump left our forum at that time. I do believe that it's him.

He decided to liberate Afghan women from Taliban with weapon in own hands, old tease. Good try. I will miss him.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... liban.html
Red Chief
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Aug 12, 2009
Bora Bora wrote:Would you provide links to the stories that you post.

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/u ... 788799.ece
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Aug 12, 2009
what I know is that them and the Americans are weak in battle fields in Afghanistan and Iraq, I heard this from a couple of our solders there, they said those British and American are weak in battle as a person, and the only think they do when encountering an ambush is call for an air support, if nothing available then they literally start crying under a tree and they always ask us to be the first and last convoy vehicles so the enemy wont attack them .

I guess this explains why they can't win the war ! there are no buildings to blow up, its just the old fashion face to face war, this shows how and why they can not handle it and no progress in 2 years.

some of them hurts themselves in purpose just to go back home and most refuses to go in missions deep in Taliban areas unless there commander threaten them that they'll be out of the force.

They are so paranoid and scared to the extent that they kill each other !! it happened a couple of times when they are on a mission and one goes to pee, the minute he comes back he is shot died by "friendly fire" thinking he is Taliban.

Sorry guys, they are just not fit to face Taliban, they are hard core with nothing to loose beside they believe so much in what they are doing unlike the British soldiers who are wondering why are we here.
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Aug 12, 2009
Kid, you talk such a load of rubbish - really.

I don't think our troops should be there at all!

But at least we get out there and do something, unlike you lot who don't lift a finger to help anyone.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 12, 2009
Kid, get real. If the UAE was ever to face an invasion by another country, what two countries do you think would be asked to come and defend the UAE? USA and the UK, while your "soldiers" ship out somewhere else to sit it out until its over. You notice I didn't say "help to defend" because the military here has never been in a situation to know how to defend itself in battle.
Bora Bora
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Aug 12, 2009
If anything our biggest problem is the constant cost cutting of the MoD, who constantly fall short in providing adequate equipment for our troops.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 12, 2009
uaekid wrote: Sorry guys, they are just not fit to face Taliban, they are hard core with nothing to loose beside they believe so much in what they are doing unlike the British soldiers who are wondering why are we here.

You are right, Kid. They stayed in their military camps in Afghanistan and protect themselves. Mr. Gordon Brown didn't even provide them with helicopters, so they are forced to use Russian's ones. On the other hand what 6000 troops with 20 helicopters can do against armed nation?

That's why they need such kind of a propaganda.

2BB Who will protect Iran if 2 warlike nations decide to ocupy one more country?
Red Chief
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Aug 12, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
uaekid wrote: 2BB Who will protect Iran if 2 warlike nations decide to ocupy one more country?

Good question Chief. I don't think anyone. Iran is on its own. They saw to that.
Bora Bora
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Aug 12, 2009
Aye,i cannot imagine why the UAE need to employ so many ex British or yank military to train there own forces. Why not employ the highly trained russian ex military for instance.

Funny old world aint it.

Kid you are a badly informed muppet
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Aug 12, 2009
Good question, Busa. Brits are very keen in teaching everybody around. Now almost every cook goes abroad and teaches English.

War is another point. There is a real enemy in Afghanistan, not imaginative. That's the question.
Red Chief
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Aug 12, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Good question, Busa. Brits are very keen in teaching everybody around. Now almost every cook goes abroad and teaches English.

War is another point. There is a real enemy in Afghanistan, not imaginative. That's the question.

Yeah that made sense

Maybe the UAE should employ police from Moscow to enforce road safety

Being ex forces i think that i may have a bit more insite than you credit me with
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Aug 12, 2009
busa wrote:
Red Chief wrote:Good question, Busa. Brits are very keen in teaching everybody around. Now almost every cook goes abroad and teaches English.

War is another point. There is a real enemy in Afghanistan, not imaginative. That's the question.

Yeah that made sense

Maybe the UAE should employ police from Moscow to enforce road safety

Being ex forces i think that i may have a bit more insite than you credit me with

I don't know who you were in the past and how long ago but now you sound like an employment clerk. 8)
Tell me at once which vacancies you need to fill. I'll try to help you with my countrymen. :wink:
Red Chief
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Aug 12, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
busa wrote:
Red Chief wrote:Good question, Busa. Brits are very keen in teaching everybody around. Now almost every cook goes abroad and teaches English.

War is another point. There is a real enemy in Afghanistan, not imaginative. That's the question.

Yeah that made sense

Maybe the UAE should employ police from Moscow to enforce road safety

Being ex forces i think that i may have a bit more insite than you credit me with

I don't know who you were you in the past and how long ago but now you sound like an employment clerk. 8)
Tell me at once which vacancies you need to fill. I'll try to help you with my countrymen. :wink:

Nah ivan no thanks i would need un corruptible people who could string together coherent sentences.
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Aug 12, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Kid, you talk such a load of rubbish - really.

I don't think our troops should be there at all!

But at least we get out there and do something, unlike you lot who don't lift a finger to help anyone.

Helping who???
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Aug 12, 2009
to Americans, as cannon fodder. GI are very sensitive to casualties.
Red Chief
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Aug 12, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Kid, you talk such a load of rubbish - really.

I don't think our troops should be there at all!

But at least we get out there and do something, unlike you lot who don't lift a finger to help anyone.

I'm just passing what UAE soldiers told me, that's all.
Our military is there helping in aids not for random killing and weak performance, sorry choc, this is the reality out there, sadly your "media" wont show you the truth. Wait for the war to end and you will get the real news.
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Aug 12, 2009
Red Chief wrote:I understand your intertest, Queen Bee. Somebody called spEedHump left our forum at that time. I do believe that it's him.

He decided to liberate Afghan women from Taliban with weapon in own hands, old tease. Good try. I will miss him.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... liban.html

He may have gone to Afghanistan alrit. But he'll hit the Taliban in a different way. He'll snare their women from them. What is it he say's "I've got deep eyes and sensitive hands?' , Well those deep eyes will work their magic and you know where the action will shift to :wink: :lol: So don't worry Chief, he'll be back from yonder, with a tale for thee to to ponder :D
Misery Called Life
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Aug 12, 2009
uaekid wrote:what I know is that them and the Americans are weak in battle fields in Afghanistan and Iraq, I heard this from a couple of our solders there, they said those British and American are weak in battle as a person, and the only think they do when encountering an ambush is call for an air support, if nothing available then they literally start crying under a tree and they always ask us to be the first and last convoy vehicles so the enemy wont attack them .

I guess this explains why they can't win the war ! there are no buildings to blow up, its just the old fashion face to face war, this shows how and why they can not handle it and no progress in 2 years.

some of them hurts themselves in purpose just to go back home and most refuses to go in missions deep in Taliban areas unless there commander threaten them that they'll be out of the force.

They are so paranoid and scared to the extent that they kill each other !! it happened a couple of times when they are on a mission and one goes to pee, the minute he comes back he is shot died by "friendly fire" thinking he is Taliban.

Sorry guys, they are just not fit to face Taliban, they are hard core with nothing to loose beside they believe so much in what they are doing unlike the British soldiers who are wondering why are we here.

It's nothing to do with the taliban, if you remember correctly America had the Taliban on the run in Afghanistan. But then Iraq happened, attention and resources got diverted and unfortunately it gave the Taliban a chance to regroup.
Misery Called Life
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Aug 12, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:
uaekid wrote:what I know is that them and the Americans are weak in battle fields in Afghanistan and Iraq, I heard this from a couple of our solders there, they said those British and American are weak in battle as a person, and the only think they do when encountering an ambush is call for an air support, if nothing available then they literally start crying under a tree and they always ask us to be the first and last convoy vehicles so the enemy wont attack them .

I guess this explains why they can't win the war ! there are no buildings to blow up, its just the old fashion face to face war, this shows how and why they can not handle it and no progress in 2 years.

some of them hurts themselves in purpose just to go back home and most refuses to go in missions deep in Taliban areas unless there commander threaten them that they'll be out of the force.

They are so paranoid and scared to the extent that they kill each other !! it happened a couple of times when they are on a mission and one goes to pee, the minute he comes back he is shot died by "friendly fire" thinking he is Taliban.

Sorry guys, they are just not fit to face Taliban, they are hard core with nothing to loose beside they believe so much in what they are doing unlike the British soldiers who are wondering why are we here.

It's nothing to do with the taliban, if you remember correctly America had the Taliban on the run in Afghanistan. But then Iraq happened, attention and resources got diverted and unfortunately it gave the Taliban a chance to regroup.

dont think they had the taliban on the run. if they did why do suicide bombings and fighting still happen in Afghanistan? fact is USA went into Afghanistan by throwing bombings on taliban from the air. taliban knew they cant win the battle so lets just go away for now, let them place their feet on Afghanistan and thats when we attack. and thats what they have been doing.

USA, UK etc havent learnt from Afghanistans History, thinking they will throw a few bombs here and there and they have won the war. Afghanistan is a mess, its a gone case. You cant develop that country which is run by warlords. Taliban or no taliban it is a bloody mess. is USA going to develop that country? dont think so. they are there for oil,gas and natural minerals.
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Aug 12, 2009
rudeboy wrote:
Misery Called Life wrote:
uaekid wrote:what I know is that them and the Americans are weak in battle fields in Afghanistan and Iraq, I heard this from a couple of our solders there, they said those British and American are weak in battle as a person, and the only think they do when encountering an ambush is call for an air support, if nothing available then they literally start crying under a tree and they always ask us to be the first and last convoy vehicles so the enemy wont attack them .

I guess this explains why they can't win the war ! there are no buildings to blow up, its just the old fashion face to face war, this shows how and why they can not handle it and no progress in 2 years.

some of them hurts themselves in purpose just to go back home and most refuses to go in missions deep in Taliban areas unless there commander threaten them that they'll be out of the force.

They are so paranoid and scared to the extent that they kill each other !! it happened a couple of times when they are on a mission and one goes to pee, the minute he comes back he is shot died by "friendly fire" thinking he is Taliban.

Sorry guys, they are just not fit to face Taliban, they are hard core with nothing to loose beside they believe so much in what they are doing unlike the British soldiers who are wondering why are we here.

It's nothing to do with the taliban, if you remember correctly America had the Taliban on the run in Afghanistan. But then Iraq happened, attention and resources got diverted and unfortunately it gave the Taliban a chance to regroup.

dont think they had the taliban on the run. if they did why do suicide bombings and fighting still happen in Afghanistan? fact is USA went into Afghanistan by throwing bombings on taliban from the air. taliban knew they cant win the battle so lets just go away for now, let them place their feet on Afghanistan and thats when we attack. and thats what they have been doing.

USA, UK etc havent learnt from Afghanistans History, thinking they will throw a few bombs here and there and they have won the war. Afghanistan is a mess, its a gone case. You cant develop that country which is run by warlords. Taliban or no taliban it is a bloody mess. is USA going to develop that country? dont think so. they are there for oil,gas and natural minerals.

So should the international community pull out of Afghanistan so the rule of the taliban can go un checked ?
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Aug 12, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:He may have gone to Afghanistan alrit. But he'll hit the Taliban in a different way. He'll snare their women from them. What is it he say's "I've got deep eyes and sensitive hands?' , Well those deep eyes will work their magic and you know where the action will shift to :wink: :lol: So don't worry Chief, he'll be back from yonder, with a tale for thee to to ponder :D

You are right, student. It's their secret weapon and the last hope. He will lure Afghan women with the conversation about manucure and pedicure for 1001 days like Scheherazade did in the past and so will try to stop child-bearing there at least for a while. 8)
Red Chief
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Aug 12, 2009
uaekid wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Kid, you talk such a load of rubbish - really.

I don't think our troops should be there at all!

But at least we get out there and do something, unlike you lot who don't lift a finger to help anyone.

I'm just passing what UAE soldiers told me, that's all.
Our military is there helping in aids not for random killing and weak performance, sorry choc, this is the reality out there, sadly your "media" wont show you the truth. Wait for the war to end and you will get the real news.

I don't get it from the media sweet heart! I know several people working for a private security company in Kabul, who are there liasing with the armed forces.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 12, 2009
busa wrote:
rudeboy wrote:
Misery Called Life wrote:
uaekid wrote:what I know is that them and the Americans are weak in battle fields in Afghanistan and Iraq, I heard this from a couple of our solders there, they said those British and American are weak in battle as a person, and the only think they do when encountering an ambush is call for an air support, if nothing available then they literally start crying under a tree and they always ask us to be the first and last convoy vehicles so the enemy wont attack them .

I guess this explains why they can't win the war ! there are no buildings to blow up, its just the old fashion face to face war, this shows how and why they can not handle it and no progress in 2 years.

some of them hurts themselves in purpose just to go back home and most refuses to go in missions deep in Taliban areas unless there commander threaten them that they'll be out of the force.

They are so paranoid and scared to the extent that they kill each other !! it happened a couple of times when they are on a mission and one goes to pee, the minute he comes back he is shot died by "friendly fire" thinking he is Taliban.

Sorry guys, they are just not fit to face Taliban, they are hard core with nothing to loose beside they believe so much in what they are doing unlike the British soldiers who are wondering why are we here.

It's nothing to do with the taliban, if you remember correctly America had the Taliban on the run in Afghanistan. But then Iraq happened, attention and resources got diverted and unfortunately it gave the Taliban a chance to regroup.

dont think they had the taliban on the run. if they did why do suicide bombings and fighting still happen in Afghanistan? fact is USA went into Afghanistan by throwing bombings on taliban from the air. taliban knew they cant win the battle so lets just go away for now, let them place their feet on Afghanistan and thats when we attack. and thats what they have been doing.

USA, UK etc havent learnt from Afghanistans History, thinking they will throw a few bombs here and there and they have won the war. Afghanistan is a mess, its a gone case. You cant develop that country which is run by warlords. Taliban or no taliban it is a bloody mess. is USA going to develop that country? dont think so. they are there for oil,gas and natural minerals.

So should the international community pull out of Afghanistan so the rule of the taliban can go un checked ?

africa is in a mess with ppl worse then the taliban. Why isnt the "international" community there? I guess no oil no gas no minerals there han ;)
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Aug 12, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:
uaekid wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Kid, you talk such a load of rubbish - really.

I don't think our troops should be there at all!

But at least we get out there and do something, unlike you lot who don't lift a finger to help anyone.

I'm just passing what UAE soldiers told me, that's all.
Our military is there helping in aids not for random killing and weak performance, sorry choc, this is the reality out there, sadly your "media" wont show you the truth. Wait for the war to end and you will get the real news.

I don't get it from the media sweet heart! I know several people working for a private security company in Kabul, who are there liasing with the armed forces.

From mercenaries?? Whatever your source is, you need to know what Kid said is the true picture. You know why?? Because your cause is not just in the first place. Your soldiers don’t believe in the war they’ve been forced into.
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Aug 12, 2009
rudeboy wrote:
busa wrote:
rudeboy wrote:
Misery Called Life wrote:
uaekid wrote:what I know is that them and the Americans are weak in battle fields in Afghanistan and Iraq, I heard this from a couple of our solders there, they said those British and American are weak in battle as a person, and the only think they do when encountering an ambush is call for an air support, if nothing available then they literally start crying under a tree and they always ask us to be the first and last convoy vehicles so the enemy wont attack them .

I guess this explains why they can't win the war ! there are no buildings to blow up, its just the old fashion face to face war, this shows how and why they can not handle it and no progress in 2 years.

some of them hurts themselves in purpose just to go back home and most refuses to go in missions deep in Taliban areas unless there commander threaten them that they'll be out of the force.

They are so paranoid and scared to the extent that they kill each other !! it happened a couple of times when they are on a mission and one goes to pee, the minute he comes back he is shot died by "friendly fire" thinking he is Taliban.

Sorry guys, they are just not fit to face Taliban, they are hard core with nothing to loose beside they believe so much in what they are doing unlike the British soldiers who are wondering why are we here.

It's nothing to do with the taliban, if you remember correctly America had the Taliban on the run in Afghanistan. But then Iraq happened, attention and resources got diverted and unfortunately it gave the Taliban a chance to regroup.

dont think they had the taliban on the run. if they did why do suicide bombings and fighting still happen in Afghanistan? fact is USA went into Afghanistan by throwing bombings on taliban from the air. taliban knew they cant win the battle so lets just go away for now, let them place their feet on Afghanistan and thats when we attack. and thats what they have been doing.

USA, UK etc havent learnt from Afghanistans History, thinking they will throw a few bombs here and there and they have won the war. Afghanistan is a mess, its a gone case. You cant develop that country which is run by warlords. Taliban or no taliban it is a bloody mess. is USA going to develop that country? dont think so. they are there for oil,gas and natural minerals.

So should the international community pull out of Afghanistan so the rule of the taliban can go un checked ?

africa is in a mess with ppl worse then the taliban. Why isnt the "international" community there? I guess no oil no gas no minerals there han ;)

No oil,gas, or minerals in Africa :shock: ,your a bit stupid aint ya and i could be wrong but i aint heard of an African state where music,dancing,schooling, etc etc is considerd a crime, so i repeat,you are a bit stupid
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Aug 12, 2009
busa wrote:No oil,gas, or minerals in Africa :shock: ,your a bit stupid aint ya and i could be wrong but i aint heard of an African state where music,dancing,schooling, etc etc is considerd a crime, so i repeat,you are a bit stupid

They also cut girls hands if the girls have manicure on their nails and more and more and more Western propaganda.

I think your military qualification can help liberate Afghan women from Taliban better than UAV. :wink:
Red Chief
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Aug 12, 2009
Metaphor79 wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:
uaekid wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Kid, you talk such a load of rubbish - really.

I don't think our troops should be there at all!

But at least we get out there and do something, unlike you lot who don't lift a finger to help anyone.

I'm just passing what UAE soldiers told me, that's all.
Our military is there helping in aids not for random killing and weak performance, sorry choc, this is the reality out there, sadly your "media" wont show you the truth. Wait for the war to end and you will get the real news.

I don't get it from the media sweet heart! I know several people working for a private security company in Kabul, who are there liasing with the armed forces.

From mercenaries?? Whatever your source is, you need to know what Kid said is the true picture. You know why?? Because your cause is not just in the first place. Your soldiers don’t believe in the war they’ve been forced into.

They're not mercenaries! Where di you get that from? They work for a private secuiryt company, not going around killing people. No what Kid said is not the true picture at all.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 12, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
busa wrote:No oil,gas, or minerals in Africa :shock: ,your a bit stupid aint ya and i could be wrong but i aint heard of an African state where music,dancing,schooling, etc etc is considerd a crime, so i repeat,you are a bit stupid

They also cut girls hands if the girls have manicure on their nails and more and more and more Western propaganda.

I think your military qualification can help liberate Afghan women from Taliban better than UAV. :wink:

Ivan you are a product from the planets greatest failed social experiment so stfu
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