Hey MCL,
Well, I opted for Unemployed, as that is the real situation.
Having said that, I was a bit worried recently about a new career perspective in Dubai as the odds seem so low in that region of the World in a relatively small (aerospace) engineering niche market. However, I really want to live and work there for at least a year or five.
It may sound weird, but since I quited my engineering job I have never felt more contradicting emotions in my body than ever before. To be honest, I feel very pleased with the amount of time I have been able to put in myself to educate myself in finance and the global economic crisis since early 2008. I definitely haven't stopped learning. Just made a bit less money than I was capable of. Fortunately money isn't all there is in life.
I don't think this crisis is gonna get me off my feet. With my positive mind and tireless ability to learn I only see opportunities from here on and forward in the future. I know what my abilities are and I know what I'm willing to do for it.
If only my future employer would be convinced that they need me...then everything should be getting even better from here on.
Optimism and reality knowledge is key for me. I'm ready...real ready