pacificsurf619 wrote:Dude, watch the news
Nice avoidance tactic.

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
I really don't know why you find it so hard to understand that the violent reactions of certain people are damaging the image of Islam and Muslims even more than it is already, and they are not the reaction of the general population.
And once again I say to you, that the violent and threatening reaction is only reinforcing the way the Prophet was depicted - this really isn't brain surgery you know.
If you didn't have suicide bombers and people willfully blowing things up, he would never have been drawn that way in the first place.
Plus you still don't understand the concept of free press either,
Plus when people give you examples of things the arab press has printed.
kanelli wrote:Intimacy, it is Muslims who are killing more fellow Muslims in Iraq than the coalition forces.
kanelli wrote:Intimacy, it is Muslims who are killing more fellow Muslims in Iraq than the coalition forces.
Liban wrote:I pity those who watch the biased media reports of the West and beleive what they see.
Chocoholic wrote:Intimacy, sadly many of the deluded people do not care who they in the name of the religion, whether it's innocent people or their muslim brothers and sisters, these people do not discriminate, it's all the same to them.
Please don't rattle on about history it only clouds the issue, I'm talking about what's happening here and now.
Yes it's sad to say that the actions of a few have tarnished the image of good and true muslims. Take the UK for example, all the Islamic leaders have condemmed the violent actions and the 'rent a crowd' who're protesting. Abu Hamza has just been sentenced to 7 years in prison for his rants inciting hatred and encouraging violence and links to terror networks. The student seen dressed as a suicide bomber during the protests was arrested after calls from the same Islamic leaders, who said he was not a representation of Islam or muslims. He was found to be a 'crack' dealer on probation. Should these people not be the enemy of Islam, who bring the goodness into disrepute.
Until those Muslims who abide by the true meanings of their religion stand up and get rid of the renegades in their ranks and tell them their methods and ideoligies are wrong and flawed, then all this stuff will just keep happening.
And you're very naive if you don't think that many people now just associate Islam and mulims with terrorists and violence because of people like I've mentioned above.
But thankfully, there are people who're starting to speak out against idiots like Abu Hamza and Omar Bakri - the coward hiding in Lebanon!
arniegang wrote:Choc,
You are goin to like this one. It hasnt been on TV yet, but todays papers, one of them have sussed that the young guy who dressed as a "suicide bomber", was "on parole" (early release) from prison, he was convicted in 2003 of dealing in Cocaine.
A devoute Muslim?
I think not.
Representative of the masses of his faith?
I think not.
A true hypoctite?
I think so
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