Help Looking For Morning Only Nursery/Separation Class-2yrs

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Help looking for Morning Only Nursery/Separation Class-2yrs Aug 04, 2009

I am an English mum looking for recommendations for a very friendly nursery (would like the nursery to be westernised - as language barriers for help to toilet etc could be difficult elsewhere) to send my little 2 year old boy. He is generally used to being around me and I want somewhere with a good settling in procedure that is very friendly.

I take my son to many various play areas (i.e. malls etc) and also My Gym and Boogie Baby Classes. I also do lots of things at home on a daily basis i.e Swimming, painting, cooking, colouring playing etc so therefore the nursery needs to have constant stimulation as he has a very curious mind!

We go on play-dates with little friends we have made but I'm contemplating sending him to Nursery for a couple of mornings from September?

If not a Nursery does anyone know of place / classes that have a little separation etc....

Please help


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