Levy Rosenbaum Inc - The Jewish Rabbi Who Pays $10,000 For

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Levy Rosenbaum Inc - the Jewish Rabbi who pays $10,000 for Jul 26, 2009
This is Levy Rosenbaum - the Jewish Rabbi & his Jewish Termites who pays $10,000 for Kidneys from kidnapped Palestinians for his American based Human Organ Business

Link to Article : The Dirty Business Of Organ Trafficking


Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Jul 27, 2009
Finally a post that makes sense, BA.

I would nearly say: Line up the firing squad for these sick minds...
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Jul 28, 2009
The nature of the act that these fatherless individuals committed is abhorent enough without your BS addition of "kidnapped Palestinians"

This has been happening for many years and the process whereby an impoverished individual is paid a paltry sum for a kidney is well documented in south east asia and the subcontinent.

Why were you not decrying the practice and posting your venom filled kack when it was peasant Asians who were the suppliers of organs -

OH It did not afford you the opportunity to whine on about the Muslim Palestinians - what of the Christian Palestinians ? What if they sold a kidney to support their family for a year or so ? Is that morally acceptable to you ?

Your efforts to spin a story are inept and insulting. You should stick to spray painting graffitti in toilets and shouting at British soldiers or are you too chicken to take your opinions out of your bedroom.

Go back to your Amstrad 8086, pot of vaseline and box of tissues you sad excuse for a homo sapien.
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