Basic Human Dignity ?

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Jul 22, 2009
Speedhump wrote: Many many women can be very irrational/emotional at that time (it's pure human chemistry, you know it too :)).....I was trying to make it into a small joke so she didn't try to hunt me down with a breadknife during this week....

I know that it's only their chemistry but anyway recently prefer to pack my food only into jutesacks than in plastic ones because I am afraid of your irrational behaviour, old thug. :P

Damn, they are rather tight as well. :evil:

Red Chief
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Jul 22, 2009
Speedhump wrote:
Good point, except that when a religion is also used as a legal code it's about more than the individual.

The Islamic faith is understood by its followers as a guide to life rather than simply a means to worship. Just as most other things, it is dependent on the individual but also affects others around him. In general, there are few things that I personally disagree with concerning Shariaa Law, but I find that there are many things that are done in its name by people who supposedly uphold this law that is completely against it. So it's not really a good representation of the religion or the Shariaa law that is derived from it.
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Jul 22, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
Speedhump wrote: Many many women can be very irrational/emotional at that time (it's pure human chemistry, you know it too :)).....I was trying to make it into a small joke so she didn't try to hunt me down with a breadknife during this week....

I know that it's only their chemistry but anyway recently prefer to pack my food only into jutesacks than in plastic ones because I am afraid of your irrational behaviour, old thug. :P

Damn, they are rather tight as well. :evil:

Here I am...creeping up behind you.....and.....over the head!!!

But I'm sure you'd rather use those jute bags as underwear, cut the corners off for legholes. :idea:

I have no doubt you'd get a huge buzz walking around in those painful, scratchy things under your trousers....old pervert :D :D 8) :lol:
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Jul 22, 2009
You assume too much in your rage. It means that your days are comming.

That's why I am worry about a few hundred visitors of supermarkets across the UAE who happened to have red noses. They will be innocent victims of your irrational behaviour.

Frankly speeking I've never read about such cases in Gulf News but it's not the end of the month. :lol:
Red Chief
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Jul 22, 2009
Guv'nor the only person I ever dream about 'going postal' on here is you. Of course you should be honoured. ;)

Red noses...I guess you are not the only heavy drinker in Dubai. Yes you have that right I suppose. :occasion5: :glasses2:
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Jul 22, 2009
Speedhump wrote:Red noses...I guess you are not the only heavy drinker in Dubai.

Speedy, you too? :)

Welcome to the club!
Red Chief
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Jul 22, 2009
Chief you really should disable your wil scare small children. :D :P


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Jul 22, 2009
Bora Bora
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Jul 22, 2009
I have just seen a shot from your web-camera. It's heart of darkness.
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Jul 23, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Speedy,
I have just seen a shot from your web-camera. It's heart of darkness.

Just a black hole.....
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Jul 23, 2009
Nice to see the douche bags of the forum trash another serious and interesting thread.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 23, 2009
oooh sounds like someone else has a hormonal imbalance this week.

sorry but when someone makes personal references I don't stay silent. and when did you ever either, windbag....
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Jul 23, 2009
Do one!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 23, 2009
Full of charm!
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Jul 23, 2009
There will always be s.e.x out of wedlock and unplanned pregnancies. Here are some options for a woman in the UAE who illegally falls pregnant:

1) Get married as soon as possible
2) Go abroad to have the baby
3) Go abroad to have a proper medical abortion
4) Get an illegal abortion in the UAE, possibly done by someone unskilled
5) Conceal the pregnancy and give birth and dispose of the baby
6) Confess and give birth and stay in prison with the baby

I personally don't like any law that would contribute to women feeling like they have to kill an unborn child, or put themselves (or the baby) at health risks from concealing the pregnancy or terminating the pregnancy in an unsafe way. What would God think is more important - the lives of the mother and child, or the mother's "moral" reputation?
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Jul 23, 2009
BlackburnRovers wrote:
kanelli wrote:This is why there are so many reported and unreported cases of dead and abandoned babies being found in the UAE. I guess the religious viewpoint in this country is that having s.e.x only in a marriage takes priority over human life. I wonder if God would really agree...

You are confusing the issues ....

Issue 1:

Whether people having relations outside wedlock are commiting a crime

Issue 2:

Whether a pregnant woman (who is unmarried) should be refused entry to a hospital and handed over to police

One can think Issue 1 is a crime and still care for human life (by not agreeing with Issue 2)

brovers. sharjah follows shariah law. and shariah law forbids xxx before marriage. and if caught the person gets punished. yes in europe and other non-islamic countries it is allowed and you will find single women who are raising their kids. but ask 2 parents how hard it is to raise a kid. and since it is hard for 2 parents, imagine how hard it will be for single parents? yes kanelli will say she knows a single mum who is doing well on her own but is she really?

2ndly when kids are growing up they are always under peer pressure. a kid who doesnt know who his dad is, one day watches all his friends being picked up by their dads. dont u think he will one day ask his mum where is his dad? this does have a HUGE effect on kids.

its all about role models and kids look up to their mum and dad as their role models. if there aint no dad then who is the man in the house :D.

sorry i had to say that :P but honestly speaking islam forbids xxx before marriage because it knows the cosequences of single parents raising their kids. Why do you think across Europe, women just dump their kids at the hospital and run off?

it is a crime and because it is a crime hospitals wont allow them in. maybe they will get fined?

so you are hospital owner, you provide jobs for many ppl in your hospital. one day this irani woman comes to your hospital. you allow her in. next day the authorities are asking u to close your hospital down and you ask 100 ppl working in your hospital to go back to their homes and look else where. so basically you are paying for that womans crime. is that fair?

I agree with this law and its the law of the state. if ppl believe their cant agree to it, they will get punished. I agree with you that hospitals not allowing them entry is a bit extreme. but would she be in this position if she was using her body as a object to be used and abused??

is a female body only for popping babies?
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Jul 24, 2009
rudeboy wrote:brovers. sharjah follows shariah law. and shariah law forbids xxx before marriage. and if caught the person gets punished. yes in europe and other non-islamic countries it is allowed and you will find single women who are raising their kids. but ask 2 parents how hard it is to raise a kid. and since it is hard for 2 parents, imagine how hard it will be for single parents? yes kanelli will say she knows a single mum who is doing well on her own but is she really?

2ndly when kids are growing up they are always under peer pressure. a kid who doesnt know who his dad is, one day watches all his friends being picked up by their dads. dont u think he will one day ask his mum where is his dad? this does have a HUGE effect on kids.

its all about role models and kids look up to their mum and dad as their role models. if there aint no dad then who is the man in the house :D.

sorry i had to say that :P but honestly speaking islam forbids xxx before marriage because it knows the cosequences of single parents raising their kids. Why do you think across Europe, women just dump their kids at the hospital and run off?

it is a crime and because it is a crime hospitals wont allow them in. maybe they will get fined?

so you are hospital owner, you provide jobs for many ppl in your hospital. one day this irani woman comes to your hospital. you allow her in. next day the authorities are asking u to close your hospital down and you ask 100 ppl working in your hospital to go back to their homes and look else where. so basically you are paying for that womans crime. is that fair?

I agree with this law and its the law of the state. if ppl believe their cant agree to it, they will get punished. I agree with you that hospitals not allowing them entry is a bit extreme. but would she be in this position if she was using her body as a object to be used and abused??

is a female body only for popping babies?

Well RB we are united in ur concern for child welfare. But is spending time in a (assumption) prison conducive to the child's well-being?

Single Parenting? I don't think the crux of the problem lies in single parenting. I opine that society needs to be more rigorous in creating terms for single parenting. Make it mandatory for single parents to undergo councelling, clear an examination etc in order to acertain that ther'ye capable of the task. It's way too easy to become a parent these days single or couple. And a lack of awareness on the issue of raising kids, the laxity of it all is the crux of the problem.

Times have changed, and there are very many institutions capable of child welfare right frm the toddler stage. Not that it's a substitute for parenting, but there is a science to in which can be immensly beneficial to a child's upbringing.

As far as couples raising kids goes, there is no certainty that they are up to the job. Explain then how can an airhstess be a good mother? How can a investment professional or a lawyer who puts in 100 hour weeks find time for their kids? Are parents today only a source of financing or are they more than that?

And to sign off:- is the female body only for popping babies? I'd like to hear your take on it!

( Not a bad reply from someone who might be rather tipsyyyyyy :lol: )
Misery Called Life
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Jul 24, 2009
rudeboy wrote:but ask 2 parents how hard it is to raise a kid. and since it is hard for 2 parents, imagine how hard it will be for single parents? yes kanelli will say she knows a single mum who is doing well on her own but is she really?

It's better for you to stop giving some advice how people should bring their children up. Why don't you mind about own business, bloody hypocrate.

I doubt that in jail kid will have better upbringing regardless of it has one or two parents.
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Jul 24, 2009
So rudeboy, the law is about stopping single parent families? What about couples who are married, have children, then divorce? Should the parent who is guardian over the children go to jail with the children because he/she isn't deemed capable of raising children out of wedlock and it is bad for society?

You ask the question - "Is the female body only for popping babies?" Well, is the male body only for impregnating female bodies? I'm not sure what point you were trying to make.
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Jul 24, 2009
If you break it down to the bare essentials, then...yes, the female body is for popping babies, and the males are for impregnation...thats how the species is supposed to survive. Evolution at work.
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Jul 24, 2009
rudeboy wrote:but would she be in this position if she was [not] using her body as a object to be used and abused??

You mean if she was not using, yes?

This is unfair and you're jumping to a conclusion t suit your own views, not untypically (just as you suggested that Kanelli knows nothing about her one parent friend, just to support your own argument with a 'straw man').

Do you KNOW that the woman was not in love with the man that impregnated her? People give in to their feelings or even to the pressure of a partner to have s*x.

Where is the 'abuse' in this please? It's the assumption in Islam that women's bodies are the cause of sinful actions in men that I find so pathetic. Not the uncontrolled actions of men often behaving like dogs. The thought that women are always to blame, cover them up!
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Jul 24, 2009 are absolutely right muslim societies, its the men that lay down the rules...for men AND women! Women are not supposed to have any say in it.
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Jul 24, 2009
Speedhump wrote:
rudeboy wrote:but would she be in this position if she was [not] using her body as a object to be used and abused??

You mean if she was not using, yes?

This is unfair and you're jumping to a conclusion t suit your own views, not untypically (just as you suggested that Kanelli knows nothing about her one parent friend, just to support your own argument with a 'straw man').

Do you KNOW that the woman was not in love with the man that impregnated her? People give in to their feelings or even to the pressure of a partner to have s*x.

Where is the 'abuse' in this please? It's the assumption in Islam that women's bodies are the cause of sinful actions in men that I find so pathetic. Not the uncontrolled actions of men often behaving like dogs. The thought that women are always to blame, cover them up!

fu** this guys, I mean comm'aan , can you be fare for ones about the this country for god sack.

the woman broke the law period, no excuse and don’t turn it into one of you raciest discussion bringing Islam and accusing it for every thing.

what she did is wrong to our laws and understandings, if she or you in this matter want to bit** around or have basters as you call them then take a couple of months off and do it in your own society.

why are excusing those who live in chaos. if ppl can't get their lives straight why should UAE care for them and fix their dam problems, I'm sorry but look how your societies turned into bcz of this attitude.

and I'm really glade these things keep happing around here and being in the news so it would be a lesion to all of you that this country wont turn into what you want. but I guess you can't get a hint.

speedhumps.. too much of this forum missed your brain up.
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Jul 24, 2009
I know the law here and that was not what I objected to, you have missed the point entirely. I objected to the poster saying the woman was abusing her body, and also that he would not believe that a single parent family can do well despite being told of an example personally known to kanelli. It's his bigotry I object to, not the law. The law is the law, live with it or leave, and you should know bloody well by now that's how I feel; if you don't then you obviously don't read my posts at all.

I'm not in favour of one parent families by the way, I think they can lead to psychological harm and financial problems far too often, but not always. Two parents are generally needed to give the proper balance of love and financial support, also mental gender images for children. A portion of black society in the USA seem to have grown a culture of men wandering round impregnating women and moving on, it almost seems a status symbol. Sickening.
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Jul 24, 2009
The funny thing is, I never posted anything about any single mother I know. :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 24, 2009
kanelli wrote:The funny thing is, I never posted anything about any single mother I know. :lol:

:D We support you girl, don't worry :D
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Jul 24, 2009
Speedhump wrote:I know the law here and that was not what I objected to, you have missed the point entirely. I objected to the poster saying the woman was abusing her body, and also that he would not believe that a single parent family can do well despite being told of an example personally known to kanelli. It's his bigotry I object to, not the law. The law is the law, live with it or leave, and you should know bloody well by now that's how I feel; if you don't then you obviously don't read my posts at all.

I'm not in favour of one parent families by the way, I think they can lead to psychological harm and financial problems far too often, but not always. Two parents are generally needed to give the proper balance of love and financial support, also mental gender images for children. A portion of black society in the USA seem to have grown a culture of men wandering round impregnating women and moving on, it almost seems a status symbol. Sickening.

Ahhh, finally some wise men talk again.

I see I don't have to say much today. Speedhump already did that part for me, eloquently.

Back to the fun part ;)
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Jul 24, 2009
Yeah, I have my lucid moments :shock:

Now, back to trashing !! :D :D
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Jul 24, 2009
RobbyG wrote:
kanelli wrote:The funny thing is, I never posted anything about any single mother I know. :lol:

:D We support you girl, don't worry :D

Who will support you, beggar? The retirement pension of your mother is enough to feed only you with bread water and internet. :wink:
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Jul 24, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
RobbyG wrote:
kanelli wrote:The funny thing is, I never posted anything about any single mother I know. :lol:

:D We support you girl, don't worry :D

Who will support you, beggar? The retirement pension of your mother is enough to feed only you with bread water and internet. :wink:

Hey Commissar, you're a fitsy one eh? :lol:
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