Feb 06, 2006
I do agree with you about masses should do more constructive acts than what they are doing..
But as you say, we have no leadership, but actually we do have, but not representative of US.
Personally i belive what masses are doing is just relife of their distress not only to the comics, but to the situation in our countries.
I do disagree with you though about get us out of the dark ages.
Man, we are in the light ages, we are in the modern ages, our countries are doing great these days, and i'm very optimistic.
I'm from Egypt, and in my country it became very dynamic now, people are really getting the whole picture, it is slow, or lets say not as fast as it should be, but there is a change and movement, and this is good.
In lebanon too, i see the country is moving forward, and also in all the arab world. I'm say not to see Iraq getting modernised, i can say it is the only country in the dark ages now.
But, what i can say, this was the purpose of the invasion.
That doesn't mean that Saddam ruling would have moved it forward, but it wouldn't be where it is today, i'm sad to see iraq getting divided. Hope my thoughts are not right.