Why should this surprise anyone. After all, these are the same cowardly focks that shoot at our soldiers while they hide behind women and children

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/us_worl ... llage.html
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chevaliers-de-sion wrote:Afghan fighters dress in burqas to slip away from Marines in Afghan village.
Why should this surprise anyone. After all, these are the same cowardly focks that shoot at our soldiers while they hide behind women and children![]()
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/us_worl ... llage.html
Bora Bora wrote:chevaliers-de-sion wrote:Afghan fighters dress in burqas to slip away from Marines in Afghan village.
Why should this surprise anyone. After all, these are the same cowardly focks that shoot at our soldiers while they hide behind women and children![]()
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/us_worl ... llage.html
You mean the women and children that OUR troops raped and killed? You arsehole.
Chocoholic wrote:Well RB, better to use drones than avoid casualties. REally don't have much of a concept of the advances in technical warfare do you
Bora Bora wrote:chevaliers-de-sion wrote:Afghan fighters dress in burqas to slip away from Marines in Afghan village.
Why should this surprise anyone. After all, these are the same cowardly focks that shoot at our soldiers while they hide behind women and children![]()
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/us_worl ... llage.html
You mean the women and children that OUR troops raped and killed? You arsehole.
chevaliers-de-sion wrote:Bora Bora wrote:chevaliers-de-sion wrote:Afghan fighters dress in burqas to slip away from Marines in Afghan village.
Why should this surprise anyone. After all, these are the same cowardly focks that shoot at our soldiers while they hide behind women and children![]()
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/us_worl ... llage.html
You mean the women and children that OUR troops raped and killed? You arsehole.
You "Islamofag" collaborator there was no ref; to women and children that OUR troops raped and killed in the “nydailynews.com/news/us_world/2009/07”
Chocoholic wrote:Well RB, better to use drones than avoid casualties. REally don't have much of a concept of the advances in technical warfare do you
kanelli wrote:Most modern warfare is completely unethical. Nukes, cluster bombs, drones, unclear affiliations with a particular "army" - it is all crap! The best way was the old way... Get two armies in a field and they fight it out. No one flying over and dropping bombs, and no one hiding out with civilians and putting them in the middle of the danger...
kanelli wrote:Old warfare with two armies facing off on a battlefield is more ethical because 1) With such a huge loss of life of the male population people would thing twice about having a war unless it was necessary. 2) Only the army is fighting and innocent civilians don't have to live in a war zone every day. 3) There is no contamination of people or the environment, or long-term hazards in these kinds of wars (no chemical weapons, no nukes, no bio-weapons, no cluster bombs, no mines). 4) Countries' govts can't over-extend themselves or have their hands in too many pies if they can't physically get a large army on the ground to engage in various battles, so that could help make the world a more peaceful place.
kanelli wrote:Old warfare with two armies facing off on a battlefield is more ethical because 1) With such a huge loss of life of the male population people would thing twice about having a war unless it was necessary. 2) Only the army is fighting and innocent civilians don't have to live in a war zone every day. 3) There is no contamination of people or the environment, or long-term hazards in these kinds of wars (no chemical weapons, no nukes, no bio-weapons, no cluster bombs, no mines). 4) Countries' govts can't over-extend themselves or have their hands in too many pies if they can't physically get a large army on the ground to engage in various battles, so that could help make the world a more peaceful place.
kanelli wrote:I know this isn't realistic, it is just what I think is a better option to modern warfare where the idea of the game is to attack from a distance with something really deadly. They don't want to lose any of their soldiers but don't care how much "collateral damage" they cause.
Speedhump wrote:kanelli wrote:I know this isn't realistic, it is just what I think is a better option to modern warfare where the idea of the game is to attack from a distance with something really deadly. They don't want to lose any of their soldiers but don't care how much "collateral damage" they cause.
I think the Generals should just sit on the floor and play 'Magic: The Gathering' to see who wins, then go home.
Speedhump wrote:Too many rules for most warmongers! Let's go for Pokemon instead?