Black Magic

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Feb 17, 2009
ahamed wrote:apologies for diverting the thread;

need your opinions on premonition.

ASSUME, i have premonitions about things going to happen in future that i would experience, lets say meeting up a friend or being in a particular place, before it happens, how do i conclude about this happening.

I have tried researching about this subject in Islamic point of view as well as in scientific explainations and have even heard people saying it that the ability is lost or goes weak if you go around telling people about it.

Wierd it may sound.. but this is based on someone experiencing it in real life


Its weird, but I'm experiencing the same things. I had these dreams at night and when the real time moment I dreamt passes, I have the urge to say: Guys, don't we experienced this situation before?

Offcourse they all look like they saw a ghost passing by, but I know this situation happened before. In my dreams.

So one way or the other, I have premonitions yeah. Maybe its my six sense that has not developed properly yet.

Its kinda funny sometimes. Experienced it a dozen times now. Recently its gone numb by the way...

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Feb 17, 2009
Robby, Give me more instances that has happened to you.

Now, premonitions, foreseeing, prediction & things like speaking the words of another person before the other person himself/herself speaks it out, have any one of you experienced it in real life?

In particular i would like some explaination about REFLEX, that is if someone has or is experiencing it. This is something i have personally been suffering from.

For example if i am walking ahead of my friends and someone is about to push me from the back, i am able to feel that its going to happen and then move from the way or stop him or just turn back to see that its happening.

Recently, i saw a kid about to be hit by a speeding car while i was standing a couple of meters away and was watching the whole scene. By the grace of god nothing happened to the kid, but in the meanwhile i was able to watch the car coming all way, watch the kid crossing the road same time and closely watch the distance between the car and the kid and shout out loud before the whole scene got over. Something like Matrix, but much more faster...

to simplify the whole reflex thing, its like someone throwing an object at me and i am able to watch the thing coming on to my way and then i either stop it or ignore & get hit.

i have been trying to ignore this reflex stuff but happens inevitably

so what do you guys think.. should i keep ignoring it and stop myself from letting this happen or should i focus on it and promote it?
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Feb 18, 2009
Yes I do
Not because I have experienced it
I dont even want to
Just becasue my friend keeps yapping about it
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Mar 15, 2009
Robby, sounds like you're talking more about Deja vu.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 15, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Robby, sounds like you're talking more about Deja vu.

It leans more to that side indeed. Premonition happened maybe once or twice, I can remember very vaguely.

Deja Vu is more appropriate ;)
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Mar 15, 2009
ahamed wrote:Recently, i saw a kid about to be hit by a speeding car while i was standing a couple of meters away and was watching the whole scene. By the grace of god nothing happened to the kid, but in the meanwhile i was able to watch the car coming all way, watch the kid crossing the road same time and closely watch the distance between the car and the kid and shout out loud before the whole scene got over. Something like Matrix, but much more faster...
so what do you guys think.. should i keep ignoring it and stop myself from letting this happen or should i focus on it and promote it?

Something like that in Stephen King's The Dead Zone

Have you been in a coma, too?
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Mar 19, 2009
Yup, black magic exists. I've saw it with my own eyes and it's even worst then you ever think.
There are many things that we can't explain with scientific prove. Premonitions, de javu, reflex, etc are just some of them.

There are something happen to my friend. This incident happen in 16 February 2009 and he contact me with MSN. He keep asking me, tell me if today is not 16 February 2009. I was confused, i tell him, yes, today is 16 February 2009, what's wrong with it? He said that today must be 23 November 2008, not 16 February 2009. He doesn't feel like he does his routinity for almost 3 months, while the fact is he only sit at his room and don't go to work for almost 3 months. His family said that nothing wrong with him, just he don't go to work. But, he keep saying to me that he even wear the same pyjamas and same condition as he sleep in 22 November 2008. So, who is himself at 23 November 2008 until 15 February 2009?

It's pretty scary to hear his story.
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Mar 23, 2009
well its called black magick simply because the practitioners then are mostly black people...
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Apr 03, 2009
...and I thought it was the vikings on Reindeer piss that were tripping...
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Apr 13, 2009
magick is neither black or white, its an enchanment a secret of the earth, that has been passed down through generations and generations, It is a ritual of the spirit...thus what makes these two different is the concept of intentions...simply black if you want to use it for harming people or for bad intensions, white if your intensions is for good and with the natural order.
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May 01, 2009
Oh!!.. that's Just rubesh!!... I don't belive it at all...
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May 02, 2009
"magic", black or white is about energy used one way or another. and it exists all right

i need to get that book out from somewhere, whereever i threw it last time :P
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May 02, 2009
If ever you got the Book!.. try on Me, it wont do nothing....
I have been search all these thing's even in dark night's their is nothing Just storie's........
Please don't take me wrong .. BUT.. practically their is no such thing in this world now, the most dengerous thing in this world is only humen, who can do anything with you......
evil left the world, since age's!!..................
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May 10, 2009
I don't believe in god, spirits, ghosts whatever so why will i believe in magic either. black magic or simply magic is just an illusion
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Black magic, Jinns, Devils and Saatan, Jinn possesions etc.. Jun 20, 2009
Well, Gone through the views of people about their belives.

The Truth is All of these Things exsit according to the Holy Bible and Quran.

If any one suffering from these type of sickness plase let me know i can help him/her in curing
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Sep 01, 2009
I think you've been watching too many Harry Potter movies :wink:

Magix exist in everyone's everyday lives. In it's simplest forms you can call it the laws of nature, law of attraction and so on.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 04, 2009
OSG wrote:A typical magical ritual is given below.

A "Typical Ceremony":

The most desirable way to celebrate it is in the nude ("skyclad"), and outdoors where the ceremony is closest to nature, attended by the 13 members of the coven plus the invited guests.

- An imaginary circle, is drawn around the coven with a ritualistic dagger ("athame").

- Candles are lit, and incense is burned in the altar.

- Witches intone: "Queen of heaven, Queen of hell, Hornet hunter of the night, Lend your power unto the spell, Work my will by magic rite".

- The High Priestess, gives to the High Priest the Fivefold Kiss

- Satan asks each member: What damage have you done until today?... and each one answers.

- The "initiates", renounce to their Christian believes, stepping on a cross or spiting on a Bible, and make a contract with Satan, to serve and adore him; they are baptized by Satan, and permanently "marked" with the pentagram on the arm or private parts

- Then the "spells" are made: To burn a home, or injure someone... or healing by the laying on of hands. Love spells can be cast upon reluctant suitors. Spirits are called. Animals are sacrificed...

... Most respectable witches deny sacrifice of animals, but there have been reports of children sacrifices, with cannibalism, eating their flesh and blood to mimic the Eucharist.

- The High Priestess forms the invoking "pentagram of fire" on each member touching the throat, left hip, right breast, left breast, right hip, and throat again... making prayers like this: "Deep calls on height, the Goddess on the God. In her name do I invoke thee, Mighty Father of us all, Lugh, Pan, Belin, Herne, Cernunnos, come in to answer my call!, Descend, I pray thee, in thy servant".

- The ceremony may end with a feast, eating and drinking around the fire and incense, with hot music, and a orgy: ....most of them under the influence of hallucinogenic herbal drugs...

If there is heaven, there should be hell. If there is positive energy there has to be negative energy.

A white magicains largely uses his own powers which he has aquired by a lot of penence most likely sitting on corpses which constantly reminds him of his limited life.

The powers which are stored in the spinal cord are relased after intense penence, wherein the magician gets the view of his soul which is a part of the almighty, after which he is free to use this acquired power due to penence to construct or to destruct.

The white magician uses natural ingrediants for his rituals which include consumables such as rice,wheat, sugar unlike a black magician who uses blood, nails, hair.

In case a white magicians decides to incflict harm he uses his own soul and power of his penance to curse in which case the victim has effects like his heart sinks, if the curse is less severe it causes the victim to loose status.

A black magician on the other hand uses jinns, disbelieves and inflicts torture on his victims, i doubt a black magician would have any kind of constructive power.

is this magic or just really bad p<3n?
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