Chocoholic wrote:Sadly Intimace I think you could be right. I think in many relationships now there's a bit of a power war going on and a bit of a fight over who wears the trousers. And lines of responsibility are blurred alot more with women going for careers but now many men are happy to be stay at home dads.
I think women are able to play guys a little better though, we know that you like to be right and sometimes we have to let you win because you like to feel like the guy.
Relationships are always tricky and there has to be balance, it's a partnership, they're never easy and they take bloody hard work, particularly these days, you can't give up at the first hurdle you come across.
Choco.. i will tell u whats the problem...
the problem mostley in men.. not women.. and when i say that i mean MEN ..
When a man Respects him self.. and show the respect to the ppl around him.. his wife or GF.. friends and relatives.. he would force politly his respect over the ppl.
A man is the person who Says Sorry when he is wrong...
who knows when to say YES and NO.. not just to show that "i am the man here"...
A man who is not making his wife suffering all the day.. being harassed by a@@holes while he is setting watching TV at home. and at the end of the day waiting for her to get back home to ask for money!!!
A man is the one who is there for his family all the time..
A man who knows when its the right time to show control.. not acting like a silly officer in the field putting his nose in everything..
A man who knows how to make his partner feel feminine with his manhood...
A man who knows that manhood is not with muscles and shouting.. or with how much money u have...
if a man would be as such.. and IF he is lady is a genuine person... she would definitly would be what ever he desires for him...
Thanks Choco for highlighting this issue