Bora Bora wrote:No question it was absolutely horrible what was done to this woman. There is one difference in how it would be handled in the US and an Islamic country: She has rights in the US. She has the right to name names, exposure everyone involved and sue the crap out of the police department.
All the money in the world isn't going to make it go away and will be an awful memory to the day she dies, but at least there is justice, if only in the form of those involved are found guilty and she is compensated. Unlike elsewhere, no one is going to say she either asked for it or deserved it and go back home and forget it.
got to agree with you there. that she does have rights and those ppl do get punished. but what is the punishment? a suspension? a tap on their hands? sorry but if that happened to me i would sue the state and i would make sure those involved went to the jail. hell you even get filmed and next thing u know the whole world is watching ur clothes being taken off.
what rights :S man a woman clothes are taken off in front of a GUY!. not one guy , not 2 but a bunch of them :S. you can kick your rights out of the window.
in islamic countries am sure this shit happens. but a womans clothes taken off in front of men :S. that i cant imagine. if u have proof of it. post videos not some stories in the sun

. oh yeh i know one where the police in egypt torture a teenage girl. but they certainly dont take her clothes off.
am not denying this shit doesnt happen in a islamic country. BUT USA!!! the country of opportunities. the country that basically "rapes" out countries right to exist should stop interferring in other countries business and sort itself out. once and for all.
instead of leading a propoganda against islam. they should start investing on teaching their own ppl. their own law agencies on how to treat ppl. bunch of harley davidson guys thrashing women around in a jail.
bloody JERKS