Physical Signs That She's Into You

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May 24, 2009
smokedawg wrote:
Misery Called Life wrote:A personal attack......The hallmark of one who can't make an argument on the subject.

Your own words...

You've truly earned it! :lol:

Dude a suggestion? If you don't like a new concept of or if you think you know it all...fine! Good for you!
Don't go around dissing others who still learning.

Misery Called Life
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May 24, 2009
smokedawg wrote:Other than you mentioning psychology, the thread pretty much consists of others calling you an idiot. Which is what I second. Good luck Don Juan.

The only posters who gave this thread a shot were posters like Sharp, New Dubai and Portland. Your opinions were based on their retorts. Speaks volumes about you!

Hence I reiterate what I had labeled you earlier, Simpleton! :lol:
Misery Called Life
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May 24, 2009
whatever, say what you like. I'm done with you. Good luck Misery.
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May 24, 2009
smokedawg wrote:whatever, say what you like. I'm done with you. Good luck Misery.

Good riddance!
Misery Called Life
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May 24, 2009
Getting gack to the topic: Read her eyes.
Bora Bora
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May 25, 2009
and She has so many question's for me in her beautiful eye's.
Dubai Expat Helper
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May 28, 2009
If she keeps on touching her sandals on / then seriously she is on you in urself
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jun 16, 2009
if u were sitting together and she closed her eyes and relaxed her position and start to listen your words coming gently into her ears. it could be a good sign that she is feeling well being with you.
that time shut up and enjoy the silence of being close to each other without any more words. just hold her shoulders and keep as long as you can. better if you close your eyes as well, try to listen and feel the unseen un heard things. your inner feelings will let you feel how nice that union is.
be honest and never lie when it comes to male-female relationships.
it's a powerful stuff don't ever mess out with it just for fun, someday u will get punished if didn't use that power honestly with deep human to human connection.

if you were with a woman u do like then do not ever think about any other woman ... that woman with you in the present , she is your reality she is your present and might be your future. she is your world.

you could never achieve such these things, unless you got a deep insight and very good control over your mind and got a strong willingness.
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Jun 16, 2009
Bora Bora wrote:Getting gack to the topic: Read her eyes.

I did BB, but still can't figure it out.

There was even a time we locked eyes for must be a minute as if our eyes were talking, no words coming out of our mouth... I really wanted to tell her how i feel about her and it seems she was either waiting for it or was just wondering what i'm gonna say but i did not...she didn't say anything either..

..until i said something that made both of us burst in laughter, and went back to business finishing our lunch together.

I think it's still better off me not telling her anything at all.
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