i think taliban got to do more to reach the same level of barbarism done by israel and US.

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
desertdudeshj wrote:Well atleast Israel and the US are fighting against what they precieve to be the enemy not f&^king each other over.
desertdudeshj wrote:Well atleast Israel and the US are fighting against what they precieve to be the enemy not f&^king each other over. Do you see an Isreali killing an Israeli ? And even worse the Tabliban do it under the guise of religon which from their actions and statements they clearly don't know jack sh!t about.
Just wild bunch of power hungry zealots barbarians. Why the Fcuk are they still called the Taliban ( students ) they should change there name to the Jahils ( ignorants, uneducated ) or the Zalimoon ( opressors ) Surely not deserving of the title Taliban, see no student like behaviour about them. I can't bet the majority can't even sign their own name.
You guessed the Taliban really piss me off
desertdudeshj wrote:Well atleast Israel and the US are fighting against what they precieve to be the enemy not f&^king each other over. Do you see an Isreali killing an Israeli ? And even worse the Tabliban do it under the guise of religon which from their actions and statements they clearly don't know jack sh!t about.
Just wild bunch of power hungry zealots barbarians. Why the Fcuk are they still called the Taliban ( students ) they should change there name to the Jahils ( ignorants, uneducated ) or the Zalimoon ( opressors ) Surely not deserving of the title Taliban, see no student like behaviour about them. I can't bet the majority can't even sign their own name.
You guessed the Taliban really piss me off
mesheditor wrote:define the word Barbarian, we need a solid definition to it so we can classify who are the real barbarians.
PointGiven wrote:desertdudeshj wrote:Well atleast Israel and the US are fighting against what they precieve to be the enemy not f&^king each other over. Do you see an Isreali killing an Israeli ? And even worse the Tabliban do it under the guise of religon which from their actions and statements they clearly don't know jack sh!t about.
Just wild bunch of power hungry zealots barbarians. Why the Fcuk are they still called the Taliban ( students ) they should change there name to the Jahils ( ignorants, uneducated ) or the Zalimoon ( opressors ) Surely not deserving of the title Taliban, see no student like behaviour about them. I can't bet the majority can't even sign their own name.
You guessed the Taliban really piss me off
Israelis the day they won't be engaged in warfare with foreign populations, they will most certainly start killing each other(That's why they always making enemies)
acrostichos wrote:PointGiven wrote:desertdudeshj wrote:Well atleast Israel and the US are fighting against what they precieve to be the enemy not f&^king each other over. Do you see an Isreali killing an Israeli ? And even worse the Tabliban do it under the guise of religon which from their actions and statements they clearly don't know jack sh!t about.
Just wild bunch of power hungry zealots barbarians. Why the Fcuk are they still called the Taliban ( students ) they should change there name to the Jahils ( ignorants, uneducated ) or the Zalimoon ( opressors ) Surely not deserving of the title Taliban, see no student like behaviour about them. I can't bet the majority can't even sign their own name.
You guessed the Taliban really piss me off
Israelis the day they won't be engaged in warfare with foreign populations, they will most certainly start killing each other(That's why they always making enemies)
As an Israeli i tell u, u don't know what u are talking about.
Just compare how many palestinians were killed by us (and how many of us were killed by them) , to how many Tamuls were killed in Sri Lanca.
Just compare and see.
Bora Bora wrote:Israeli's seem to think that the lose of one Israeli's life is more important than the lose of 2,000 Palestinian lives - especially women and children.
Bora Bora wrote:acrostichos wrote:PointGiven wrote:desertdudeshj wrote:Well atleast Israel and the US are fighting against what they precieve to be the enemy not f&^king each other over. Do you see an Isreali killing an Israeli ? And even worse the Tabliban do it under the guise of religon which from their actions and statements they clearly don't know jack sh!t about.
Just wild bunch of power hungry zealots barbarians. Why the Fcuk are they still called the Taliban ( students ) they should change there name to the Jahils ( ignorants, uneducated ) or the Zalimoon ( opressors ) Surely not deserving of the title Taliban, see no student like behaviour about them. I can't bet the majority can't even sign their own name.
You guessed the Taliban really piss me off
Israelis the day they won't be engaged in warfare with foreign populations, they will most certainly start killing each other(That's why they always making enemies)
As an Israeli i tell u, u don't know what u are talking about.
Just compare how many palestinians were killed by us (and how many of us were killed by them) , to how many Tamuls were killed in Sri Lanca.
Just compare and see.
Oh, if you are looking for sympathy, you are on the wrong forum. Israeli's seem to think that the lose of one Israeli's life is more important than the lose of 2,000 Palestinian lives - especially women and children.
acrostichos wrote:Bora Bora wrote:acrostichos wrote:PointGiven wrote:desertdudeshj wrote:Well atleast Israel and the US are fighting against what they precieve to be the enemy not f&^king each other over. Do you see an Isreali killing an Israeli ? And even worse the Tabliban do it under the guise of religon which from their actions and statements they clearly don't know jack sh!t about.
Just wild bunch of power hungry zealots barbarians. Why the Fcuk are they still called the Taliban ( students ) they should change there name to the Jahils ( ignorants, uneducated ) or the Zalimoon ( opressors ) Surely not deserving of the title Taliban, see no student like behaviour about them. I can't bet the majority can't even sign their own name.
You guessed the Taliban really piss me off
Israelis the day they won't be engaged in warfare with foreign populations, they will most certainly start killing each other(That's why they always making enemies)
As an Israeli i tell u, u don't know what u are talking about.
Just compare how many palestinians were killed by us (and how many of us were killed by them) , to how many Tamuls were killed in Sri Lanca.
Just compare and see.
Oh, if you are looking for sympathy, you are on the wrong forum. Israeli's seem to think that the lose of one Israeli's life is more important than the lose of 2,000 Palestinian lives - especially women and children.
No. I'm not looking for sympathy, i'm looking for the truth.
First know the truth , and then decide yourself if u like us or not. Its your choice.
It is right that the death of an Israeli hurts me more than the death of an Arab, but isn't it human to care your own people first?
And we appreciate palestinian life much more than the Hamas.
The Hamas calls upon its people to give away their lives for nothing.
We do all we can to kill only armed people and to avoid killing others,
we miss because the hamas makes us miss with its human shields.