muyesser wrote:Sharp wrote:muyesser wrote:Trust and love will buy everything for us I believe..
someone also said it somewhere previously that if you have the support of the man, you have everything; well said..

Very True!.. It start's with Man n it end's with Man!... Just!!
Do you think that would mean a relationship only if one party takes it all on..

Ohh!.. i was Just adding few line's of comedy, you can read my pervious reply i have said, male n female 're both so importent for the strong realtionship, male couldn't make it alone, n same goes for female, both of them need to support eachother n run this realtion for long n ever with trust, care support n offcourse love!.....
You wont get nothing untill you don't trust you're female, understand's her what she really need's from you, how her eye's wants you to be with her, how to keep her save from her fear's how to take her worrie's n give her smile, in rutren you need the same ... not becouse that's a give n take, Just it's like hand's to gather n make noise!.....
So both 're so importent for the realtion of love, no single party couldn't get succed if he/she take's all the right's!.....