Oh I just saw all this post now

I hope that I am not late much (few years lol)
I am learning Arabic now with my Japanese friend here:
http://learnarabiconline.ksu.edu.sa/Account/Login.aspxThey have a nice chatroom but it is always empty and we feel like VIP members in it as if it were only for us. We come every morning at 9 Dubai time to that site. Actually we finished that course but we didn't memorise all the vocabulary so we come back for revision and do exercises again.
Then we are learning grammar at:
https://www.madinaharabic.com/Arabic_La ... e/Lessons/ and now we are learning lesson nr. 36.
Sometimes we go here and there to pick some free tests online, or to do some activities like games in Arabic and so on, just to make it more fun.
If you don't know the letters and want to learn them easiest possible way then I have Bosnian website for you here:
http://www.sufara.ba/lekcije/lekcija-1/lekcija= LESSON so you can use it alone, and there is audio voice for each harf and you can learn to read even without explanations.
I taught my Japanese friend to read Arabic by using this website in only 10 days. Now she is writing and reading as a pro LOL (mashaallah).
Sorry guys I can't teach Bosnian anymore as I am busy by learning Arabic. This time I want to finish it completely and start to speak to people without feeling shy, and want to start reading books in Arabic (but not news...I get sick from Arabic news).
Main reason that I want to learn Arabic is that I wish to complete learning myself and speak, read and communicate in Arabic and then I want to find out new easy way to teach it to others.
For me Arabic is like escape game, or detective game and such.
You can play it and discover patterns which help to solve enigmas and let you out into real Arabic world. It is logical and easier then I thought before.
I think that two years are enough to learn Arabic completely, even if doing on your own, but constantly on regular basic (me and my friend are online 5 days for 2 hours daily). May Allah help us all.
عيدكم مبارك. تقبّل الله منا و منكم. سلّمكم الله من كلّ مكروه