Some Put The Deaths At Over Three Million
As Armenians fled to Russia they were slaughtered by the Bolsheviks

Turkey was occupied by Judeo Zionists from Kharzaria
The Zionists Killed The Intellectuals
The Christians Were Sent To Death Camps

The 'Young Turks' Were The Leaders Of The Revolution
Emmanuele Carasso Was Their Leader
The Armenian Genocide And The Bolshevik Revolution
Here are the two worst genocides in history, and no one wants to discuss them. The Bolsheviks murdered 50 million between 1917-1939, and the Armenian toll was 1.5 to 3.7 million dead.
The easy question is, why are the Zionists so opposed to having this in the history books?
Jews Are Outraged
A delegation of Turkish Jews, headed by Silvyo Ovadyadelegation, lobbied against a resolution under consideration in the U.S. Congress, that would recognize the massacres of Armenians as genocide.
Turkey Is Controlled By Zionists
Ovadya said the resolution would harm relations between the United States and its closest Muslim ally, Turkey. They called it the The Revolution,but it was another Bolshevik swindle. The Armenians were the intelligentsia of Turkey. They were the doctors, lawyers, the wealthy leaders, etc.. The Zionists wanted them gone, and at the same time stole their properties.
The so-called Young Turk movement, that was blamed for the bulk of anti-Armenian atrocities, was dominated by Jews. To the extent that there were massacres of Armenians, they were essentially a massacre of Christians by Zionist Jews. At the head of the genocide was a Jew named Mehmed Talat.
Talaat's Finance Minister was another Jew, Djavid Bey who arranged the finances of revolution in Turkey with Jewish banks abroad.
The Founder Of The 'Young Turks'
A lawyer, and a Jewish Italian B'nai B'rith official, named Emmanuel Carasso
By 1905, the Russian Czar had contained 10 million Zionist Jews to the Pale of the Settlement (Khazaria). During the Armenian Genocide, they went from this in Russia, to wealthy merchants in Turkey.
The Armenian Revolution Was Just Another Zionist Scam
The real reason that no one wants this discussed is because, the Armenian Genocide was the most brutal slaughter in history. In the period from 1917-1939, the Bolsheviks killed a large majority of Russian white Christians, but they did it over many years, and used the cover of famine and world wars, to hide their crimes. Russia was their country, and they controlled the press. But in Armenia, they attacked like werewolves, and the massacres were horrifying, and some documentation leaked out.
What Is The ADL Position?
The ADL pressuring the US Congress not to pass the Armenian Genocide bill