BOYCOTT Danish Products On This List

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Jan 31, 2006
Freedom of speech doesnt mean to divide the entire world between muslims and non-muslims,thats what the news paper did. They created the same situation as it was on 9-11 . News paper shuld understand what is its responsibility toward society.

This is the first time arab countries earned respect before me ,love u Saudi Arab :P

what to reply to choco and secret ,they are jst insisting for nothing :).

Choco has more respect for "Robbie Williams" than Jesus .

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Jan 31, 2006
Freedom of speech doesnt mean to divide the entire world between muslims and non-muslims,thats what the news paper did. They created the same situation as it was on 9-11 .

If you are suggesting that printing a rather tasteless cartoon is in some way analogous to murdering several thousand people - including muslims - in one fell swoop, then I really pity you, and your (lack of) intelligence.
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Jan 31, 2006
D-Unti (dodo) is danish national ,can anyone of you beat her up ,but remember she has expertise in martial arts. :P

Dodo Bi(t)ch where are u , lost somewhere in Dubai? I miss u :0) . When are you coming back to Denmark. DK and especially your shop is deserted without u ..........Dont tell me that you have initiated " Bycott DK's product" in Middle east :wink:
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Jan 31, 2006
secretdubai wrote:Freedom of speech doesnt mean to divide the entire world between muslims and non-muslims,thats what the news paper did. They created the same situation as it was on 9-11 .

If you are suggesting that printing a rather tasteless cartoon is in some way analogous to murdering several thousand people - including muslims - in one fell swoop, then I really pity you, and your (lack of) intelligence.

Being Muslim we believe that killing one innocent person is like killing humanity :0) . We always condem killing regardless if it is the blood of muslim or non muslim :0). So there is no debate on it , so why are u trying to relate it with 9-11 ? Am i clear off? I told u earlier that we even provided air and ground space to USA to hunt down so called terror ,or whatsoever.

Having said that

Now i say

News papers must realize their responsibility toward society and they shouldt divide the world in two group " Muslims and western".

If you are more dumb then lets take an example (guide for dummies):

some people ,personality has respect in different societies , cultures , religions so and so. May be i dont have respect for British Queen but i wouldnt say anything about her because i know our british fellow will consider it disrespect ........
In same way , we wouldnt write anything bad about jesus , we know lot lot of people in this world are sensitive about him.
Indian worship their gods and i dont have right to make fun of them .

Bycott is fair

I know that arla is innocent but how do you build pressure on another country ? Countries dont have conscience, country is not individual , so in order to make them that they were on mistake , we have to do some tricks:0) . USA impose sanction against countries .......for example they imposed sanction against Libya and then libya had to accept the terms of US.....Whats was the fault of all people ? were everyone responsible ? NO .......but thats the way sweety:0)

In order to teach the lesson to DK , there was one way and it was to bycott their products and now see

1= Their news paper offered appology (after 3 months) ,why it happened because they are suffering from loss.

2= The anti immigrants lady silent , she is not even making a little statement. She know people will curse that because of her we are having loss.

3= Prime Minister 's speech was translated in arabic ,why he realized that ?because of bycott :0).

4= Danish industry sent letter to concerning news paper ........

next time they will think 101 times before doing anything like that :0)
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Jan 31, 2006
HP - interesting to note that your command of the English Lang has undergone a remarkable improvement over the last week.

:wink: :wink: :wink:
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Jan 31, 2006
HP wrote:
secretdubai wrote:Freedom of speech doesnt mean to divide the entire world between muslims and non-muslims,thats what the news paper did. They created the same situation as it was on 9-11 .

If you are suggesting that printing a rather tasteless cartoon is in some way analogous to murdering several thousand people - including muslims - in one fell swoop, then I really pity you, and your (lack of) intelligence.

Being Muslim we believe that killing one innocent person is like killing humanity :0) . We always condem killing regardless if it is the blood of muslim or non muslim :0). So there is no debate on it , so why are u trying to relate it with 9-11 ? Am i clear off? I told u earlier that we even provided air and ground space to USA to hunt down so called terror ,or whatsoever.

Having said that

Now i say

News papers must realize their responsibility toward society and they shouldt divide the world in two group " Muslims and western".

If you are more dumb then lets take an example (guide for dummies):

some people ,personality has respect in different societies , cultures , religions so and so. May be i dont have respect for British Queen but i wouldnt say anything about her because i know our british fellow will consider it disrespect ........
In same way , we wouldnt write anything bad about jesus , we know lot lot of people in this world are sensitive about him.
Indian worship their gods and i dont have right to make fun of them .

Bycott is fair

I know that arla is innocent but how do you build pressure on another country ? Countries dont have conscience, country is not individual , so in order to make them that they were on mistake , we have to do some tricks:0) . USA impose sanction against countries .......for example they imposed sanction against Libya and then libya had to accept the terms of US.....Whats was the fault of all people ? were everyone responsible ? NO .......but thats the way sweety:0)

In order to teach the lesson to DK , there was one way and it was to bycott their products and now see

1= Their news paper offered appology (after 3 months) ,why it happened because they are suffering from loss.

2= The anti immigrants lady silent , she is not even making a little statement. She know people will curse that because of her we are having loss.

3= Prime Minister 's speech was translated in arabic ,why he realized that ?because of bycott :0).

4= Danish industry sent letter to concerning news paper ........

next time they will think 101 times before doing anything like that :0)

well said...
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Jan 31, 2006
HP.... Well man, you spoke well :)
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The boycott is working Jan 31, 2006
The boycott is working, but I still don't feel it's gone far enough.... it shouldn't stop, at least not yet. Danes are involved in a lot more than just dairy products....

I strongly believe this is going to be a very long term boycott, the level of racism in Denmark against Muslim is very high at all levels in the Dane society.

And I've never heard a more pathetic appology in my life, I wouldn't even call it an appology. The newspaper only added further insult with its half hearted appology.

The newspaper should have clearly stated that their "sole" intention was to insult Muslim and further add to the racial divide between Danes and Muslim in Denmark.

I should also add that "79% of the Danish population believe that no apology for the cartoons in Jyllands-Posten is due."

Nordic firm hit by Arab boycott

The Danish-Swedish dairy giant Arla Foods says its sales in the Middle East have plummeted to zero as a result of a row over cartoons published in Denmark.
The firms said it had to lay off 100 people because of the fall in demand.

The row began when a Danish newspaper published a series of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, some of them depicting him as a terrorist.

Anger against Denmark is continuing to grow across the Middle East, despite an apology offered by the newspaper.

Arla Foods, one of Europe's biggest dairy companies, is being hardest hit by a boycott of Danish products across the region.

The company has annual sales of $480m there.

"Our sales in the Middle East have come to a complete stop - in all countries in the region," company spokeswoman Astrid Gade Niels told the BBC.

No government apology

At the weekend, Arla placed adverts in Middle-Eastern newspapers to try to dissociate itself from the caricatures.

The cartoons sparked outrage in the Muslim world, where depictions of the Prophet Muhammad or Allah are banned.

On Monday the newspaper that published the caricatures, Jyllands-Posten, said: "These cartoons were not in violation of Danish law but have irrefutably offended many Muslims, and for that we apologise."

The Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, welcomed the apology - but again defended the freedom of the press.

"The Danish government cannot apologise on behalf of a Danish newspaper... Independent media are not edited by the government," he said.

Besides boycotts, the backlash has also included diplomatic sanctions and Islamic militant threats.

The Danish foreign ministry advised against non-essential travel to Saudi Arabia and urged Danes to be cautious in other Muslim countries.
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Feb 01, 2006
May the wrath of God bear upon those bastards for their blasphemy...

God is Great and He will give us justice.

Muslims will not keep silent. Our dignity has been taken away from us time and time again, we have gone from being the envy of the planet years ago to being marionettes today.... No more!

May this boycvott last, may they feel our anger.... They will RESPECT US.
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Is boycotting food enough...? I think not! Feb 01, 2006
Of all the boycotts I've read about, it's only butter, cheese and other dairy products that are affected...!!

Is this boycott of food enough?

The insults against the Prophet would in no way affect him or his message. The Prophet was protect by God until he spread his message the world over.

The Danish paper didn't attack the Prophet, it attacked Muslims dignity as a whole and it is a must to take futher action to protect the dignity of Muslims in future.

It's curious how when our dignity is offended our first reaction is to think about our stomachs??!! If boycotting butter is all that becomes of this insult, then further ridicule of us (not the Prophet) in cartoons is in order. The people that stopped eating butter when their dignity was offended..!

What is needed is stronger action that affects Denmarks policies toward Muslims. A duel respect of each others belief and faith. Neither should trample of the others dignity.

To be honest, I cannot see Denmarks Government taking any serious action on their part... It's time Muslims looked beyond their "stomacks" for other Danish products to Boycott..... (I've made it eaiser for you all by posting a list of Danish Products)
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Feb 01, 2006
yshimy wrote:"A Danish company said two of its workers were assaulted in Mecca."

This is on the article of the seven days.

Quick analsys, If they are in Mecca, it means they are Muslims, and then will not be attacked, as they will yell "La illah illa allah)
If the are not Muslims, then they will not be in Mecca and this news will be a FABRICATION.



I'm amazed at your narrow mindedness! So you say that a muslim would never attack another muslim? Yeah right OK, it's happened time and time again and don't automatically assume things will be a fabrication. I think you look at the world through rose tinted glasses. And my point about the Iraqi guys, who ever they are is that they're inciting violence against the Danes - that was my only point! After several people were saying that it would all be peaceful! It doesn't matter where they are, they're advocating and promoting the attacks on them - which is not on!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 01, 2006
Liban wrote:May the wrath of God bear upon those bastards for their blasphemy...

God is Great and He will give us justice.

Muslims will not keep silent. Our dignity has been taken away from us time and time again, we have gone from being the envy of the planet years ago to being marionettes today.... No more!

May this boycvott last, may they feel our anger.... They will RESPECT US.

Liban, Respect has to be earnt, not forced upon people or demanded!

Anyway this topic is really boring now.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 01, 2006
According to news wires this morning the Danish offices of the newspaper were evacuated last night due to a bomb threat - great so now another fantastic image for you to think about! This does nothing to undo the image that many muslims when faced with something they don't like, are violent and aggressive!

Once again - well done!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 01, 2006
The west is decant and corrupt. If its the sabre that they understand, then in their belly the sabre will go.
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Feb 01, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:According to news wires this morning the Danish offices of the newspaper were evacuated last night due to a bomb threat - great so now another fantastic image for you to think about! This does nothing to undo the image that many muslims when faced with something they don't like, are violent and aggressive!

Once again - well done!

They deserve a fate much worse than a simple bomb threat....
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Feb 01, 2006

Exactly my point! People would have a lot more respect for you if you were calm about the topic, but when you spout things like that and encourage violence, you then turn around in total surprise when people turn against you!

You'll never understand! Go ahead and blame the future generations for the past, there's nothing we can do about it, but you're obviously too ignorant to understand this concept.

Grow up and start acting like a human being who shares this place with lots of others, instead of being arrogant and thinking you're above everyone else, because you're not! You're just petty and give yourself and others a bad name!

The way you harp on about people will get theirs - blah blah blah, there's only one place for you! And it isn't up!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 01, 2006
Once again a Westerner who doesn't understand our culture has spoken.... All hail the mightly Westerner...
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Feb 01, 2006
Well honestly, what do you expect, when all you preach is hatred, yes blow up those who cross you, is it any wonder?

I have no care for people who if they don't get their own way, throw their toys out the pram and think violence is an answer!

Islam and true Muslims are peacing loving, tolerant people - nothing like you! Who twists and turns everything little thing and ends up crying when someone talks against you, you're a disgrace to the Muslim friends I have who certainly wouldn't side with you!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 01, 2006
I care little for your words and what you call me.... You obviously do not understand our anger... Very few in the West understand...

I shake my head and pity those that do not understand....
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Feb 01, 2006
Look at the headline of news paper

Honourable Fellow Citizens of the Muslim World

Hahahahah , i remember ,this news paper always used to call terror to muslims .............but boycott did lot of tricks and now the media and government have changed the tone of their voice and first time realize " world exist beyound Denmark".



can u avoid posting your views when you dont know about religion and culture sensitivity? In order to discuss why E= mc(sqr) ,u must have background in math and physics. In the same way ,in order to discuss religion ,you must be qualified enough to write a response. So dont make fool of yourself by argument for the sake of argument policy:)
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Feb 01, 2006
HP, I agree with you fully on this matter....

HP dude, whats happened to you.... You speak good English and are quite rational....

When are you coming to Dubai?
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Feb 01, 2006
will try to make it short

HP, Liban,

You are right, freedom of speach Choco can talk rubbish, and we decide not to listen to her rubbish talk, yes rubbish.


You still can't get it!!!! you still talking about unkown army and a bomb threat that might be right or wrong or fabricated or even real done by an individual who is angry. you can't understand our meaning of Country supported assult vs. individual actions?????

You call me nerrow minded and liban and hp and me as violant muslims???????

you really got no idea what you are saying, please if anyone got her point, please help us to understand her twisted logic.

And YES in such event "cartoon thing" why the Fcuk they would attack muslims, muslims in DK are suffering as much as we are, or even more and worse. Do some thinking gurl, you amaze me by ****** won't be as valgur as you and start attacking you as you did to ME, HP, and Liban "the violant muslims as you call us"

and with or without cartoon thing, if non-muslims are found in Mecca they should be caught and judged, they are not allowed to be there BY LAW.

ohhhhh, i'm done.

I wonder what happened to the banned one????? is that you man, i can hardly see the same person, Better english, more rational... well, i think we should ban choco too, she might turn into more rational person.

cheers mates

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Feb 01, 2006

like what my father said ... You cannot reason the "RIGHT" to someone who

is never "WRONG" at the end of the day ... the vast Majority Knows Who

REALLY is STUPID and MORONIC ... " so just let them believe what they

wanna believe ....

anyway FIRST THINGS FIRST IM CHRISTIAN !! and I know there is a Good number of REAL Christians around the World who will Support the Muslim Cause this Time ... cause really times like this where there are MORONIC INDIVIDUALS Who likes TO STIR and CREATE PROBLEMS we THE Children of GOD's Words .We Belong to the Sacred 3 Books of Faith and Life. WE are Brothers and Sisters in Faith so do speak we might have some DIFF.. but in TIMES Like this we should stand UNITED ...
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Feb 01, 2006
Some of you guys speak with such hatred.

It is a good job you are not representative of your fellow countrymen or faith.

The decent ones of us out there, treat and think of you with utter contempt.

You say we dont understand your culture. This is incorrect. We do understand, what we dont understand is the "few" of you that have such extremist narrow minded viewpoints and speak so, with such a passion of hatred for all those that dare have an alternative viewpoint or opinion.

It is no wonder, there are so few other Muslims on here that post their views. They are probably in fear.

Interesting to see its always the same people that are so very vocal on sensitive issues in here.

The minority speaking on behalf of the majority??

I think not!!
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Feb 01, 2006
Ask any Muslim who the agressor is and the answer will be pretty uniform... Do not think to speak in the name of Muslims or Islam as a whole if you are not from the area or not Muslim.


If you understand the concept of "hypocrocy", then you will realise this statement equally applies to yourself.
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Feb 01, 2006

like what my father said ... You cannot reason the "RIGHT" to someone who

is never "WRONG" at the end of the day ... the vast Majority Knows Who

REALLY is STUPID and MORONIC ... " so just let them believe what they

wanna believe ....

anyway FIRST THINGS FIRST IM CHRISTIAN !! and I know there is a Good number of REAL Christians around the World who will Support the Muslim Cause this Time ... cause really times like this where there are MORONIC INDIVIDUALS Who likes TO STIR and CREATE PROBLEMS we THE Children of GOD's Words .We Belong to the Sacred 3 Books of Faith and Life. WE are Brothers and Sisters in Faith so do speak we might have some DIFF.. but in TIMES Like this we should stand UNITED ...
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Feb 01, 2006
Exactly. My experience with Muslims so far are that they are kind and gentle people who value the same things in life that most people do. They are confident in their own relationship with their god and realise that hate is toxic. To be honest, the only really hostile Muslims I've ever had contact with have been the few posting here. At first I found it unnerving, but now I realise that I can get perspective by meeting more Muslims - it comforts me to know that they aren't sharing the same radical views as some people here.

So many people from different cultures go to a great effort to learn about and appreciate other cultures, and it is a disservice to tell them they know nothing just because they come from another country, disagree with something you say, or haven't converted to your religion.
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Feb 01, 2006
Liban wrote:Ask any Muslim who the agressor is and the answer will be pretty uniform... Do not think to speak in the name of Muslims or Islam as a whole if you are not from the area or not Muslim.

Nice one Liban.

They may say that, i agree, but not with the passion and hatred that the likes of the few submit on here.

However in my humble opinion i disagree with your generalistaion.
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Feb 01, 2006
kanelli wrote:Exactly. My experience with Muslims so far are that they are kind and gentle people who value the same things in life that most people do. They are confident in their own relationship with their god and realise that hate is toxic. To be honest, the only really hostile Muslims I've ever had contact with have been the few posting here. At first I found it unnerving, but now I realise that I can get perspective by meeting more Muslims - it comforts me to know that they aren't sharing the same radical views as some people here.

So many people from different cultures go to a great effort to learn about and appreciate other cultures, and it is a disservice to tell them they know nothing just because they come from another country, disagree with something you say, or haven't converted to your religion.

Totally agree with you Kanelli. I have the same experiences myself with muslims of all nationalities.
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Feb 01, 2006
Oh Liban you are a sad little troll aren't you?

We educated "westerners", and plenty of educated muslims, don't "despise" you. We pity you, and your childish threats against innocent people.

And for god's sake - you come from Lebanon. Have a look at your country's rating in corruption indices compared to Denmark or most of Europe.

I suggest you go and read the opinions of muslims who actually practice their religion - mercy, peace and tolerance - and grow the fcuk up. might be a good start for you
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