uaekid wrote:thanks speedhumps...
Again if someone (gamercowboy) would just gives me an example of UAE decepiting anyone in a matter that effected the society in any way!
Ok, here's a relatively easy one that just about everyone has heard about by now: that guy who allegedly got tortured by a member of the Abu Dhabi royal family. Besides, you ask a sort of loaded question because if they're deceiving people, then how are we to know what's true and what's not? Because the information that we receive is filtered, it's hard to know what the real story is until it just happens to pop up from a more trusted source.
Case in point: a few years ago, kids were often used as jockeys in camel races despite a ruling that no children under 16 be permitted. Yet none of the local media broke this story. We had to rely on outside pressure before this practice was looked into seriously.
Anyone who has lived in the UAE for some time should recognize this pattern. There are problems all around us but it's not until international pressure steps up that we actually bother to do anything about it.
uaekid wrote:Or is it you just want UAE to be like your country period? I personally likes it nice and quite

I would like to think that the UAE is also my country. I haven't been to my *actual* home country in years because I grew up here. Alas, many people, maybe even you, will point out that this is *NOT* my country and I suppose that's fine. Personally, I criticize the UAE not because I hate it, but because I want it to be better. Unfortunately, I have grown jaded these past few years as I see barely any progress outside of the shiny towers and roads.
uaekid wrote:And again (gamercowboy) who is dening your access to the free press, I mean lets be realistic here, you have the internet, anything more?
I can access the blocked sites just fine since I know how but I'm in the minority. What do you suggest for the rest of the populace who thinks the little blue E is the Internet?
uaekid wrote:what I wana say is that the bad news you are looking for and for no reason is just important to you bcz of your curiosity, nothing more !
That's an extremely simplistic way of looking at it. It's also a little bit offensive to all those who continue to suffer in the UAE. But I suppose you can blame that on my curiosity as well =/