A Chain Of A Huge Scientific Miracles Mentioned In Koran

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A chain of a huge scientific miracles mentioned in Koran Aug 26, 2005
Hello every one,

Thanks for this nice forum.

As a first contribution I thought it might be good to post this post here I thought some ppl might be interested.

Its about a chain of miracles mentioned in Koran, and its just a sample of what is in there.

Mainly, its going to discuss 3 major things:

• 1. The Universe
• 2. Our Solar System and the World
• 3. Living Things

In recent years, cosmologists and theoretical physicists began to call this mind-blowing order that spawns necessary conditions for human life "fine-tuning." Concentrating on this subject, they discovered or calculated countless examples of "fine-tuning" throughout the universe. It's appropriate here to quote some of these scientists' expressions of astonishment and wonder over the results of their research:

NASA astronomer Professor John O'Keefe: "We are, by astronomical standards, a pampered, cosseted, cherished group of creatures. If the Universe had not been made with the most exacting precision, we could never have come into existence. It is my view that these circumstances indicate the universe was created for man to live in."

British astrophysicist Professor George F. Ellis: "Amazing fine tuning occurs in the laws that make this [complexity] possible. Realization of the complexity of what is accomplished makes it very difficult not to use the word 'miraculous'..."

British astrophysicist Professor Paul Davies: "the laws [of physics] ... seem themselves to be the product of exceedingly ingenious design…. The universe must have a purpose."

British Mathematician Professor Roger Penrose: "I would say the universe has a purpose. It's not there just somehow by chance."

For a very detailed articles please go to: http://www.harunyahya.com/books/science ... chain1.php

God bless all of you.

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Aug 29, 2005
yes. Its very fascinating I am sure most of it are true since it was in the Holy Bible 800 years before Prophet Mohammad wrote them in the Koran as well.
You can find them in detail inside one of the threads that I created.

Yesterday I wrote a new novel. All by myself. I created new characters in my own mind. Some of these new characters have sharp ears...I call them Elves. I also created some other green characters, I named them Orcs.
These are new creations that I created.

What?.....J.R.R Tolkien created the same characters half a century ago in a novel call "Lord of the Rings"??
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Aug 29, 2005
Your sarcasm is disrespectful and not needed.
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Aug 29, 2005
abs wrote:yes. Its very fascinating I am sure most of it are true since it was in the Holy Bible 800 years before Prophet Mohammad wrote them in the Koran as well.
You can find them in detail inside one of the threads that I created.

Yesterday I wrote a new novel. All by myself. I created new characters in my own mind. Some of these new characters have sharp ears...I call them Elves. I also created some other green characters, I named them Orcs.
These are new creations that I created.

What?.....J.R.R Tolkien created the same characters half a century ago in a novel call "Lord of the Rings"??

I wrote a movie called "The Passion-Reloaded"-with the same martial arts coordinator as in the Matrix.
Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 30, 2005
i can roll my tongue
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stop being fcking rude Aug 30, 2005
abs wrote:yes. Its very fascinating I am sure most of it are true since it was in the Holy Bible 800 years before Prophet Mohammad wrote them in the Koran as well.
You can find them in detail inside one of the threads that I created.

how i pity you on being so self righteous and being holier than all and here you are constantly targeting Islam,.. I am a Christian ... can i just ask you .. what’s with all this hate ... you project holiness and you even carry the name of the only begotten son of God on your signature ... with all these holly projection why thus your post oooozzzz of sarcasm, rudeness and hate against non Christians / Islam in specific.. This post is totally un called for ... if you really respect and fear God and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ.. then why carry his name in vain when you draw the first strike on insulting another religion.. if you are as a religious Christian as you project you are ... then why do you carry so much hate in your heart?? ..
My questioning might insult(and I have no intension to) you but that’s what you've left us to think... you had projected an image but you are not living up for it you even promote churches in jebel ali .. on this post and on your other anti Islam post that you had posted in this forum is not to glorify Christianity ... but to satisfy your own hate .. and sorry to say but such actions doesn’t really fit the cloak that you wear ... might as well strip your cloak down and beg for the lords mercy

abs wrote:Yesterday I wrote a new novel. All by myself. I created new characters in my own mind. Some of these new characters have sharp ears...I call them Elves. I also created some other green characters, I named them Orcs.
These are new creations that I created.

What?.....J.R.R Tolkien created the same characters half a century ago in a novel call "Lord of the Rings"??

and your sarcasm is very Christianly .... Sometimes I get confuse ... do you want us to think that your holly or smart??? .... cause i think your plain dumb and stupid ... and alil bit confused if you may add ...
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Aug 31, 2005
darn...I did it again didn't I?
Sorry :oops:

Fingers move faster then the mind...I need to change that.

But I just don't like people taking credit for other people's work.

And I have to agree, I am not Righteous.

I am a nice guy. But I am also very sarcastic.
Sorry..can't help it.
And whether or not I am holy is not for you to say.
Jesus was like that. He can be nice..but thread recklessly around His turf and He will let you have it.
Ofcos..I am not saying I am like Him..I am just trying to be like Him.
I just don't like people claiming things without proof.

Show me the proof and I will shut-up. But I seriously doubt you can.

Matrix martial art choreographer is "Yuan Wo-Ping."
He is Hongkie. Just because you copied the moves , it does not put your movie on the same level as "Matrix"
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Aug 31, 2005
abs wrote:But I just don't like people taking credit for other people's work.

I just don't like people claiming things without proof.

Show me the proof and I will shut-up. But I seriously doubt you can.

1) What people are you referring to?
2) Proof? The mere fact that its mentionned in the Holy Quran and the fact that the Holy Quran is God's True Words is proof enough for a mere human...
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Aug 31, 2005
I kinda miss tha good ol' days when people hated me because of my skin color, this international game is gonna take some getting use to :D
Pumpkin Escobar
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Sep 01, 2005
First of All ... I am sorry.. i think i was wrong about many things in here.

2nd, i think that our friedns here are only hunting for tiny ltl gaps to start talking about it.... and they miss the HUGE point which i was refering to. i think its my fault when i copyed and pasted the intro. without looking thru it. but no one gave a damn to the big jewel in there.

its like having a Dimond raped with a dirty raper, is it rational to put the dimond aside and start talking about the raper.

anyhow.... i am sorry for the good intentions that i had.

the one who is starving for wizdom will not care where its located... he would pick it up where ever it was!

I am closing this Subject.

Thanks all for droping by.
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Sep 02, 2005
the one who is starving for wizdom will not care where its located... he would pick it up where ever it was!

You must always question where this wisdom come from.
You question it far enough and you will find truth.
And after you find truth, you need to find the source whereby this truth comes from.
There are too many religions out there that simply takes the sweet without realizing where the sweet came from. The wrapper is the only thing that will give you a clue to its origin.
And like I said, after you find the truth, find where this truth comes from.
Simply claiming its fact without producing proof will only work in places where people have a low IQ. Now thats a fact.
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Sep 03, 2005
abs wrote:darn...I did it again didn't I?
Sorry :oops:

Fingers move faster then the mind...I need to change that.

your excuse is pityful !!

abs wrote:And I have to agree, I am not Righteous.

I am a nice guy. But I am also very sarcastic.
Sorry..can't help it.

damn right your not and your no way near righteousness like the rest of us ... and yes your as sarcastic as a princess !!!!!!!

abs wrote:And whether or not I am holy is not for you to say.
Jesus was like that. He can be nice..but thread recklessly around His turf and He will let you have it.
Ofcos..I am not saying I am like Him..I am just trying to be like Him.
I just don't like people claiming things without proof.

ofcos your not him and you will never be like him you Blasphemously sick person you use the name and the word of the only begotten son in vain for your own righteousness and now you assoisicate your name along side
the only begotten sonc, and saying that he's like you !!! NOOOO !!! cause the only begotten son didnt throw sticks and sarcasm like you you idiot !!! he won christians by showing love and miracles and by thr truth ... now you speak of the truth while your post is laced with hatred and blasphemy !!! dont you dare say that you are like Jesus Christ or vice versa stop using his name and his words to throw sticks at muslims pretending that you know he's words cause you brake them like sticks on the ground i suggest you stop posting these kind of post and take the word and the name of the only begotten son from your signature !!! you blasphemous sick S.O.B !!!!

abs wrote:Rubbish.
You must always question where this wisdom come from.
You question it far enough and you will find truth.
And after you find truth, you need to find the source whereby this truth comes from.
There are too many religions out there that simply takes the sweet without realizing where the sweet came from. The wrapper is the only thing that will give you a clue to its origin.
And like I said, after you find the truth, find where this truth comes from.
Simply claiming its fact without producing proof will only work in places where people have a low IQ. Now thats a fact.

now if you have enough IQ in that micro brain of yours ... you will have enough sense to stop producing these hate laced post you sick blasphemous .Mo FCk please do us all a favour and fcking die !!! or leave town cause if i get pissed off ill have people trace your ip and complain about you trying to criticize islam, Prophet Mohd. and their belief abs your one of those people who make this world a dangerous place to live... your one of those people who make uniting nations hard because of your narrow minded micro brain ... people like you are the reasons why there are hundreds of people die every week on the southeren part of philippines !!! your incapability to understand and respect others ... you wanted to be respected but you neglect to repect others ....

and im sure when Jesus Christ returns ... to judge us ....... your ass would be the first on the grill !!!!! so stop being an ass and show some love and respect !!!
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Sep 03, 2005

You know what at the end of the day it really doesn't matter who wrote what and when and who did what first.

Links can always be made between Religion and Scientific beliefs and I'm pretty sure there are others links in the Holy books from other religions too.

As with all things, there's always an original which gets updated over time like having the Bible, old then new testament, then the Koran etc etc.

Sorry to take it to basics but it;s really not worth fighting over.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 03, 2005
yea. Get a life. You are online.
The advantages of being online is that you can say what you want.
Its up to you to filter out what you don't want to hear.
So chill. What you say about me don't affect me.

And you don't know the scripture. Read it word by word again, dude.
You will realise Jesus was not exactly a lovely,lovely goody goody kind of man.
No dude...far from it. He has compassion, no doubt. He has love.
But He is also here to turn father against son, daughter against mother and brothers against brothers.

His righteous anger is well known. Even His beloved disciples gets it time to time.

I am merely stating the truth. You can't make omlettes without breaking some eggs.

And your threats are hopelessly pathetic.
Go ahead, trace my IP. You have up the end of this week before I call your bluff.
Do remember..I wasn't always a Christian. And being a DJ like yourself is much easier to locate then an IP address.
You are blessed that I am a Christian.
So long, DJ dude.

The Words of God is not that shallow. Read deep.
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Sep 03, 2005
Abs I find you racist and intolerant toward Islam... The religion of the people in the country that allows you to stay as their guest. Shame on you. I hope God allows you to see the light one day and make you act as a true Person of the Book should.

The Koran mentions Christians favorably (even the Jews were mentionned favorably until they sinned one too many times)... You make a mockery of God's words when you lace you insults against Islam with sarcasm and denigration...

Please stop.
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Sep 03, 2005
Liban wrote:Abs I find you racist and intolerant toward Islam... The religion of the people in the country that allows you to stay as their guest. Shame on you. I hope God allows you to see the light one day and make you act as a true Person of the Book should.

The Koran mentions Christians favorably (even the Jews were mentionned favorably until they sinned one too many times)... They are kind loving people who have good in their heart. The Christians of the Levant helped the Prophet Mohammed PBUH when he was injured during a stone attack... The Christians of Ethiopia helped the first Muslims escape the treachory of the then idolatric Meccans.... You make a mockery of God's words on Christian kindness and goodness when you lace you insults against Islam with sarcasm and denigration...

Please stop.
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Sep 04, 2005
abs wrote:yea. Get a life. You are online.
The advantages of being online is that you can say what you want.
Its up to you to filter out what you don't want to hear.
So chill. What you say about me don't affect me.

And you don't know the scripture. Read it word by word again, dude.
You will realise Jesus was not exactly a lovely,lovely goody goody kind of man.
No dude...far from it. He has compassion, no doubt. He has love.
But He is also here to turn father against son, daughter against mother and brothers against brothers.

His righteous anger is well known. Even His beloved disciples gets it time to time.

I am merely stating the truth. You can't make omlettes without breaking some eggs.

And your threats are hopelessly pathetic.
Go ahead, trace my IP. You have up the end of this week before I call your bluff.
Do remember..I wasn't always a Christian. And being a DJ like yourself is much easier to locate then an IP address.
You are blessed that I am a Christian.
So long, DJ dude.

The Words of God is not that shallow. Read deep.

your hate post agains islam should stop and it should stop now !!!
hahahahaha im blessed that your a christian ???? dude before claiming that you are a christian then be a christian ... and respect other religion .... only respect dude !!!

... is that a threat ???? hahahahaha dude you totally have no clue !!!! you want something done ? i can really make your life very un pleasant!!! you dis respect islam to great meassures and you are in a islamic country !!!! tone down on the religious insults ....

when you say i should be blessed that your a christian ?????? please elaborate ??? cause i really want to know if thats a threat and should i be scared ???? or you'll pray over me to death ???

oh please dont even think of going that roots think about your job and family .... just stop attacking islam period !!!! and go out and get a life .... too much of that fries your brain !!! looser
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Sep 04, 2005
Whao now..thats a threat.
I guess I should stop now since you have actually threaten to hurt my family if I continue.

I don't mess with gangsters simply because they are brainless enough to carry out their threats.

I guess I should say "I" am lucky since I am not even in Dubai anymore.

Well...God bless you...gangster.

I am not "people of the book". That term is not recognise among the children of God. Its a term some fella created to bring down the standard of God's Words to physical books.
Inside a beautiful white washed tomb, lies something long dead and rotting.
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Sep 04, 2005
abs wrote:
I am not "people of the book". That term is not recognise among the children of God. Its a term some fella created to bring down the standard of God's Words to physical books.

SOME FELLA???? Rot in Hell for mocking the words of God. You are sad. You are pathetic. You are small. And you are insignificant. May your soul burn in damnation forever you sinner.
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Sep 04, 2005
its seems that some ppl r getting emotional here and trying to defend them self by any how...

its better a person would say: "I disagree" than saying "Rubbish!" ..right?.

the proverb says my friend: the starving man will not look into his soup to check whether its clean or not.

or : the starving man will not wait for his loaf to get ready... he will eat it raw.

when u lost something .. and suddenly find it .. u will not care where it was when u find it... thats if u truely want it.

and believe ... am still trying to find out .. what r u trying to say...

abs wrote:
the one who is starving for wizdom will not care where its located... he would pick it up where ever it was!

You must always question where this wisdom come from.
You question it far enough and you will find truth.
And after you find truth, you need to find the source whereby this truth comes from.
There are too many religions out there that simply takes the sweet without realizing where the sweet came from. The wrapper is the only thing that will give you a clue to its origin.
And like I said, after you find the truth, find where this truth comes from.
Simply claiming its fact without producing proof will only work in places where people have a low IQ. Now thats a fact.
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Sep 04, 2005
Dear mAJOR pAIN,

Your rationality and politeness leaves me speachless.

i am not saying that because you are by some how agreeing with me ... but u have logicalness which makes you open minded and at least trying to understand new things openly. :)

mAJOR pAIN wrote:
abs wrote:darn...I did it again didn't I?
Sorry :oops:

Fingers move faster then the mind...I need to change that.

your excuse is pityful !!

abs wrote:And I have to agree, I am not Righteous.

I am a nice guy. But I am also very sarcastic.
Sorry..can't help it.

damn right your not and your no way near righteousness like the rest of us ... and yes your as sarcastic as a princess !!!!!!!

abs wrote:And whether or not I am holy is not for you to say.
Jesus was like that. He can be nice..but thread recklessly around His turf and He will let you have it.
Ofcos..I am not saying I am like Him..I am just trying to be like Him.
I just don't like people claiming things without proof.

ofcos your not him and you will never be like him you Blasphemously sick person you use the name and the word of the only begotten son in vain for your own righteousness and now you assoisicate your name along side
the only begotten sonc, and saying that he's like you !!! NOOOO !!! cause the only begotten son didnt throw sticks and sarcasm like you you idiot !!! he won christians by showing love and miracles and by thr truth ... now you speak of the truth while your post is laced with hatred and blasphemy !!! dont you dare say that you are like Jesus Christ or vice versa stop using his name and his words to throw sticks at muslims pretending that you know he's words cause you brake them like sticks on the ground i suggest you stop posting these kind of post and take the word and the name of the only begotten son from your signature !!! you blasphemous sick S.O.B !!!!

abs wrote:Rubbish.
You must always question where this wisdom come from.
You question it far enough and you will find truth.
And after you find truth, you need to find the source whereby this truth comes from.
There are too many religions out there that simply takes the sweet without realizing where the sweet came from. The wrapper is the only thing that will give you a clue to its origin.
And like I said, after you find the truth, find where this truth comes from.
Simply claiming its fact without producing proof will only work in places where people have a low IQ. Now thats a fact.

now if you have enough IQ in that micro brain of yours ... you will have enough sense to stop producing these hate laced post you sick blasphemous .Mo FCk please do us all a favour and fcking die !!! or leave town cause if i get pissed off ill have people trace your ip and complain about you trying to criticize islam, Prophet Mohd. and their belief abs your one of those people who make this world a dangerous place to live... your one of those people who make uniting nations hard because of your narrow minded micro brain ... people like you are the reasons why there are hundreds of people die every week on the southeren part of philippines !!! your incapability to understand and respect others ... you wanted to be respected but you neglect to repect others ....

and im sure when Jesus Christ returns ... to judge us ....... your a#s would be the first on the grill !!!!! so stop being an a#s and show some love and respect !!!
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Sep 04, 2005
Its to basci ... but too right :)

Chocoholic wrote:Guys,

You know what at the end of the day it really doesn't matter who wrote what and when and who did what first.

Links can always be made between Religion and Scientific beliefs and I'm pretty sure there are others links in the Holy books from other religions too.

As with all things, there's always an original which gets updated over time like having the Bible, old then new testament, then the Koran etc etc.

Sorry to take it to basics but it;s really not worth fighting over.
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Sep 05, 2005
Stick around abs, I feel you should say what you want:D
Pumpkin Escobar
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Sep 05, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:Stick around abs, I feel you should say what you want:D

You just like to sit back and laugh dontcha?
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Sep 05, 2005
ive seen this movie ... about a guy who preaches the word .... and goes door to door saying that everybody should embrace his religion (sect.) hes beliefs !!! for hes beliefs are true and he is the way ... it came to the point where people gets annoyed with him cause when he trys to preachy and when people doesnt pay attention or question his words ... he gets angry and starts questioning the religion of the host where he plans to convert ... and in directly out of his anger he tend to disrespect and insult the religion ... so he gets kicked out ... and one day he went out and a truck run over him ... he died ....

he wakes up hes in hell and he started saying why ??? of all the things i did for youand your religion ....... i guess my belief is wrong ....

then satan came he said no Jesus Christ is real and He is the son of the God but you .... you where doing what you did not to glorify him ... but to glorify your self ... so that you can say to others that YOU HAD Saved him ... you wanted people to convert so much you disrespect them ... you give them grief and you brought pain to others using the word of the lord ....
thats why your here !!!! hahahahahahahahaha BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

moral !!! :

Heres his Violation

Violation of
2nd commanment :
You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.
he had put the lords words in vain by using the lords words and using it to criticise others and inflicting grief and pain...

FAiling to love thy neighbor like the way Christ loved all of us and regardless how bad we where he sacrificed him self to save us !!!
if you cant understand and wont understand your neighbour and still use words to discriminate their belief then i guess you dont love thy neigbour


we Christians can make people into christians by using love ...we can set an example of love and for others to follow going against them wont make them see the truth ... but instead it justifies theyre right ... and getting agry that they dont understant would only make you more of a sinner than you think they are ......

this what ive learned so from now on i wouldnt diss or disrespect people without reason ...

i reapeat only without a reason

ofcourse except sniper
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Sep 06, 2005
Liban wrote:
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:Stick around abs, I feel you should say what you want:D

You just like to sit back and laugh dontcha?

I breed anarchy and chaos, it has a cleansing effect :twisted:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Sep 06, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:
I breed anarchy and chaos, it has a cleansing effect :twisted:

Make sure you bring that diarhea to bear on HP, sniper420 and his b/f jackpot77...
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Jan 31, 2006
If we have so much of confidence in the wisdom and intelligence of people who lived 1000 & 2000 years before ,we should have changed so much and we should not have been discussing such things in a medium like this . When it comes to science ,belivers interpret books of religion and when it comes religious dogams they neve allow anyone to interpret the letters in this book .

And even for the existence of these religion based Gods ,today they and their propagators have to depend on sience .

Even God will not forgive this kind of stupidity .

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Jan 31, 2006
The World wasnt cursed by any huge wars, any disasters but by the aftermath of the fall of rome leading to all religions.

What i really dont understand is people say God is testing us of whether we chose the devil's path or his. Yet there is more evil in the world. Is God that weak?. Why MUST us be afraid of him , instead of telling us about the severe pain (which is described in the most horrific manner) cant he show us love and motivate us to be good, not to be motivated by fear then thts not God.
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