BOYCOTT Danish Products On This List

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Jan 30, 2006
HP wrote:
but let me get this clear ... DENMARK and NEtherlands are two DIFF countries righ??

Danish AND Dutch ARE TWO DIFF nationality RIGHT??

Denmark is Scandinavian country ,in Scandinavian we have sweden ,Norway and Denmark. Denmark is next to Germany . Danish people are known as Danes. London is 80 minutes by air. population is 5.5 million .....i assume

1= Pakistani ...40,000
2= Arabic = 25,000
3= Turkish = 50 ot 60,000
4= Indian = 1000
5= Afghani = 15000

The url of news paper is
you can see some text in arabic .....

Sitution is quite tense in Denmark and on their TV they are showing again and again that the people are burning the flag of Denmark .

News :

1= As the list of countries boycotting Arla grows, the dairy is forced to halt operations in Saudi Arabia

2= The EU warns Saudi Arabia not to give its official support to a boycott of Danish goods
(However, supporting Denmark too closely threatens involving the entire union in the Arabic boycott. Moreover, despite the Commission's support for Denmark in principle, many commissioners have expressed their disdain for the newspaper's cartoons, some of which featured Mohammed as a terrorist.)

This is HP , Dubaiforums news , Copenhagen ,Denmark

nice touch !!! heheehe

so hows the islamic community holding on there in Denmark ???

Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 30, 2006
nice touch !!! heheehe

so hows the islamic community holding on there in Denmark ??

Frankly speaking ...islamic commuity is suffering since the anti immigrant govt took the power. One of the candidate of mayor posted on her web site" muslims shuld be sent to russian jails for 2 kr per day" and one of another person told the radio " the one way to stop terrorism in europe is to kill all muslims in europe". lol

muslims and immigrants are finding it hard to find job,because of descrimination. Especially girls have head scarf have always problem in searching for job.

well i work at company with professional people and they dont discuss ...... :oops:
Dubai Forums Knight
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Jan 30, 2006
Do any of us boycott Saudi products due to the human rights abuses, repression of that country?

Do we boycott all Muslim products because of the atrocities carried out by Al Qaeda in the name of Islam?

No. So I'm damn well not going to boycott innocent Danish companies whether I agree with the cartoons or not.

As it is, I do agree with freedom of speech. I think the Muslim world has every right to express its grievance in its newspapers, but Danish newspapers have every right to publish what they want within their own sovereign laws.

I have no sympathy for Saudi Arabia anyway. It is a disgusting, repressive, evil, corrupt regime. Frankly anything they boycott is something I am happy to wholly support.
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Jan 31, 2006
Do any of us boycott Saudi products due to the human rights abuses, repression of that country?

human right abuses happen all over the world in different form, even you ask from a CEO ,he would tell " the amount of pressure he or she is having from the boards of directors or from other concerning ppl".
We are not discussing here human right abuses but publishing of cartoon in news paper. Only those people can show the disrespect toward the religion of others who dont have respect for their own religion. If i respect my own parents ,i wouldnt abuse yours :0)........

Do we boycott all Muslim products because of the atrocities carried out by Al Qaeda in the name of Islam?

all muslims countries condem the people who carried out the attack of 911 and even muslims countries provide airspace and ground space to US. Unlike muslims ,Prime minister of DK refused to condem the action of news paper .

As it is, I do agree with freedom of speech. I think the Muslim world has every right to express its grievance in its newspapers, but Danish newspapers have every right to publish what they want within their own sovereign laws.

If they talk about freedom of speech ,lets publish the naked picture of Danish queen ........ :wink:

I have no sympathy for Saudi Arabia anyway. It is a disgusting, repressive, evil, corrupt regime. Frankly anything they boycott is something I am happy to wholly support.

sweetheart ,

Keep your emotions away from discussion forum :0) , i understand that u had some bad time in Saudi Arab but it doesnt mean that you act like a child :0).
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Jan 31, 2006
i understand that u had some bad time in Saudi Arab

erm - no, I've never been there. For obvious reasons.

An independent Danish newspaper has the right to publish what it wants about anyone or anything, within Danish law. We may or may not find it abhorrent, but it is their right. Just as it is Saudi's sovereign "right" to stone people to death, prevent half its population from driving, and allow men with sticks to go around beating people in the streets.

I find the reaction to this cartoon completely overblown, and childish. Yes - people are offended. But they need to see it for what it is: one ignorant, rather silly cartoon in a foreign newspaper that they don't even read. It pales into insignificance against the real atrocities that are carried out all over the world every day.

I suggest you acquaint yourself with what many schoolchildren in Saudi are taught about Jewish people. It is far more damaging, untruthful and hurtful than a few silly cartoons. It is the indoctrincation of hatred.

You don't see Christians boycotting American products because the US allowed the Da Vinci code to be published. Some sense of perspective is needed.
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Jan 31, 2006
HP wrote:muslims and immigrants are finding it hard to find job,because of descrimination. Especially girls have head scarf have always problem in searching for job.

By the way - I find this really sad and worrying. But my fear is that the reaction to these cartoons is only going to make things harder for muslims in Denmark and elsewhere.

Discrimination and racial hatred are always disgusting. But peaceful, constructive dialogue is the way to tackle them, with appropriate legislation (equal opportunity laws) where necessary.
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Jan 31, 2006
Hey Secret, Well said! That was exactly the point I was trying to make, the whole thing is just silly. And like I said if people are so worried about this kind of thing, then they shouldn't be surprised when others boycott them for the things they do - the whole thing is ridiculous. Our society is way too sensitive.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 31, 2006
MP & EJ,

Apologies as I seem to be having a blonde day and have confused myself. But I still stand by my opinion over the Denmark illustrations, that's it's all just blown completely out of proportion in the grand scheme of things.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 31, 2006
Oh EJ, So much for your 'Peaceful Protests'!

7 Days today, front page:

'Iraqi militant group the Army of Mujahedeen called on it's members to attack any reachable Danish and Norweigian targets, as Copenhagen started to take measures to protect its citizens in muslim countries.'

"Boycotting cheese and milk products is a frail stance which reflects a weak (Islamic) nation that does not defend its prophet or principles" the group said.

Danish and Norweigan nationals have been attacked and the Danish flag is being burned.

I'd hardly call that peaceful! You see it's all very well saying peaceful protest is good, but then you get the nutters on board and it all kicks off! Shameful!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 31, 2006
basically lets just say that ... we all have our own diff reasons ... as to boycott danish product or what but before we loose civility in this forum which i sense any time now ... its better to just leave it to that and lock this thread ... pls mr moderator ..
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Jan 31, 2006
From Concerning News paper

Honourable Citizens of The Muslim World
Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten is a strong proponent of democracy and freedom of religion. The newspaper respects the right of any human being to practise his or her religion. Serious misunderstandings in respect of some drawings of the Prophet Mohammed have led to much anger and, lately, also boycott of Danish goods in Muslim countries.

Please allow me to correct these misunderstandings.
On 30 September last year, Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten published 12 different cartoonists' idea of what the Prophet Mohammed might have looked like. The initiative was taken as part of an ongoing public debate on freedom of expression, a freedom much cherished in Denmark.

In our opinion, the 12 drawings were sober. They were not intended to be offensive, nor were they at variance with Danish law, but they have indisputably offended many Muslims for which we apologize.

Since then a number of offensive drawings have circulated in The Middle East which have never been published in Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten and which we would never have published, had they been offered to us. We would have refused to publish them on the grounds that they violated our ethical code.

Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten attaches importance to upholding the highest ethical standards based upon the respect of our fundamental values. It is so much more deplorable, therefore, that these drawings were presented as if they had anything to do with Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten.

Maybe because of culturally based misunderstandings, the initiative to publish the 12 drawings has been interpreted as a campaign against Muslims in Denmark and the rest of the world.

I must categorically dismiss such an interpretation. Because of the very fact that we are strong proponents of the freedom of religion and because we respect the right of any human being to practise his or her religion, offending anybody on the grounds of their religious beliefs is unthinkable to us.

That this happened was, consequently, unintentional.

As a result of the debate that has been going on about the drawings, we have met with representatives of Danish Muslims, and these meetings were held in a positive and constructive spirit. We have also sought in other ways to initiate a fruitful dialogue with Danish Muslims.

It is the wish of Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten that various ethnic groups should live in peace and harmony with each other and that the debates and disagreements which will always exist in a dynamic society should do so in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

For that reason, Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten has published many articles describing the positive aspects of integration, for example in a special supplement entitled The Contributors. It portrayed a number of Muslims who have had success in Denmark. The supplement was rewarded by the EU Commission.

Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten takes exception to symbolic acts suited to demonise specific nationalities, religions and ethnic groups.

Sincerely yours

Carsten Juste

In arabic
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Jan 31, 2006
We may or may not find it abhorrent, but it is their right. Just as it is Saudi's sovereign "right" to stone people to death, prevent half its population from driving, and allow men with sticks to go around beating people in the streets.

Thats also within Saudi law ,why do u cry then :0) .... what u wrote in your text is

" An independent Danish newspaper has the right to publish what it wants about anyone or anything, within Danish law. ".

I find the reaction to this cartoon completely overblown, and childish.

What if someone link the Jesus with Terror or make disrespectful picture of Jesus? I think reaction would be really severe in southern europe and USA. I am talking about real christian people , not the christian people who attend the church only two times in their entire life ;0).

Yes - people are offended. But they need to see it for what it is: one ignorant, rather silly cartoon in a foreign newspaper that they don't even read.

U dont go to Saudi arab then why do u cry about their laws :0).
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Jan 31, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Hey Secret, Well said! That was exactly the point I was trying to make, the whole thing is just silly. And like I said if people are so worried about this kind of thing, then they shouldn't be surprised when others boycott them for the things they do - the whole thing is ridiculous. Our society is way too sensitive.

Choco sweetheart ,

so i spare you this time :boxing: your british mate arinegang was pissed off when i said pious cow to the british queen . what was the reason? because he has respect for his head of state no matter what.

When you dont have respect for your own Prophet then how can we expect you to demonstrate the respect for the religion of others :0).
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Jan 31, 2006
HP, it's a totally different story.

It's a sad fact that today, in light of the events and actions of certain fanatical factions in recent years - I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but it's an observation - that many of Joe Public when they hear the word Muslim think terrorist. So you really have to go back and look at events that have given this image and people have to look within their own groups to see why this is happening.

Sad, but true.

When you have these looneys appearing on tv condoning terrorist acts of killing innocents and violence in the name of Allah and the Prophet and quoting the Koran, what do you honestly expect.

Anyone with have a brain knows that these people ar misguided and that's not what Islam is about, but the outward image it gives is appalling and yet nothing, nothing appears to be done by their own people to stop them.

So maybe look closer to home to place the blame.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 31, 2006
Think all you want of the proud Islamic world.

The western world is in general trigger happy with all the wars they start and their colonial legacy....

The west is decadent for the most part.

The Queen of England is a pompous cow. Prince Charles is a banana with ears.

I can't wait to Photoshop some pornographic images of the Danish Queen and post them on the net.


Freedom of Speech......

Face it, we attack Bush all the time and the US, but people fail to realize that Europe is governed by greater SOBs than the American Chimp President. The only difference is that many of Europe's policies are internal as opposed to external American policies and thus we do not see them outside of Europe so we they are nice. But they ain't....
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Jan 31, 2006

You're absolutely right. But what I'm saying is do you think the Prophet would have been depicted in such a way if the current things were not happening? I think not!

And once again, until the leaders start to outcast and condem the actions of certain people and groups bringing shame to Islam and it's followers, many others will view it through fearful eyes.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 31, 2006
oh my goodness, The radio did say yesterday was the coldest day in the UAE but has hell really frozen over or did Choco and Liban agree on something.


btw most leaders with an IQ of 10 or higher do condemn the actions of the moronic.
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Jan 31, 2006
SecretDubai and Choco,

You both don't get the point, it is not about a person who drew the cartoons, it is about the nation that supported him and didn't want to appologize.

When the terrorist attacks takes place no muslim nation support it and defend them, so thats the difference.

SecretDubai is talking about terrorist attacks and boycotting muslim products, what this BS about???? who did back up these ideologies so you boycott??? Go ahead, be my guest boycott Al Qaeda products man!!!!

Donot boycott as you wish, it is a free world. But don't tell us that Danish ppl are being attacked, didn't see, hear or read about a single incident. to be honest i do salute the muslim society there for being very rational and don't just go mad and do crazy things when these cartoons were published. That doesn't mean we will not see this happening in the future, there is always ppl who are not rational and might do these attacks.

About this iraqi moujahedeen army or whatever that called to attack Danish people........ Which country does this army belongs too?????? Iraq??? no it is not, it is just resistance but not a formal army.. DAH

Please get the point ppl, it is about country supporting total valgur opinion or totally disrespectful idea and they support and deffend it.

Lately what they done by this article posted 2 posts before, As i said before, they just trying to make it better because the felt the power of the Muslim nation. YES they felt the heat, they felt their country gonna loose alot. it is not because they respect our religion or respect our feelings. So TO THE HELL WITH THEM, i'll keep my boycott and keep calling for it.

Last, Secret Dubai
Don't like Saudi rulings?, well it is their way, why are you offended, the people live their accept it, so why the hell you bother?? and by the way, it is working greatly, check the statistics of Crime rate and rape. check the states and Saudi statistics.

Why didn't you speak out your voice for Netherland allowying drugs, or the rest of the world for allowing prostitution?????????? or USA for leathel injection or electric chair???? why it is you only bother about the laws of a country you didn't even step your feet in, or you will never do???? or is it just for the sake of attacking islamic nation or islamic rules. and yes stonning a man is islamic rule for the couple who would f**k each other while they are both married to different people.

Have some sanity. and this point about human rights. HAHAHAHHAHA you make me laugh man and thank god he didn't give you your reasoning ability. GUANTANAMOOOOOOOOOO hehe, human rights!!!!!!

Danish and Norweigan nationals have been attacked and the Danish flag is being burned.

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Jan 31, 2006
yshimy wrote:SecretDubai and Choco,

You both don't get the point, it is not about a person who drew the cartoons, it is about the nation that supported him and didn't want to appologize.

When the terrorist attacks takes place no muslim nation support it and defend them, so thats the difference.

SecretDubai is talking about terrorist attacks and boycotting muslim products, what this BS about???? who did back up these ideologies so you boycott??? Go ahead, be my guest boycott Al Qaeda products man!!!!

Donot boycott as you wish, it is a free world. But don't tell us that Danish ppl are being attacked, didn't see, hear or read about a single incident. to be honest i do salute the muslim society there for being very rational and don't just go mad and do crazy things when these cartoons were published. That doesn't mean we will not see this happening in the future, there is always ppl who are not rational and might do these attacks.

About this iraqi moujahedeen army or whatever that called to attack Danish people........ Which country does this army belongs too?????? Iraq??? no it is not, it is just resistance but not a formal army.. DAH

Please get the point ppl, it is about country supporting total valgur opinion or totally disrespectful idea and they support and deffend it.

Lately what they done by this article posted 2 posts before, As i said before, they just trying to make it better because the felt the power of the Muslim nation. YES they felt the heat, they felt their country gonna loose alot. it is not because they respect our religion or respect our feelings. So TO THE HELL WITH THEM, i'll keep my boycott and keep calling for it.

Last, Secret Dubai
Don't like Saudi rulings?, well it is their way, why are you offended, the people live their accept it, so why the hell you bother?? and by the way, it is working greatly, check the statistics of Crime rate and rape. check the states and Saudi statistics.

Why didn't you speak out your voice for Netherland allowying drugs, or the rest of the world for allowing prostitution?????????? or USA for leathel injection or electric chair???? why it is you only bother about the laws of a country you didn't even step your feet in, or you will never do???? or is it just for the sake of attacking islamic nation or islamic rules. and yes stonning a man is islamic rule for the couple who would f**k each other while they are both married to different people.

Have some sanity. and this point about human rights. HAHAHAHHAHA you make me laugh man and thank god he didn't give you your reasoning ability. GUANTANAMOOOOOOOOOO hehe, human rights!!!!!!

Danish and Norweigan nationals have been attacked and the Danish flag is being burned.


I IS on the front page of 7 Days newspaper today -

And who cares where this army or not is based, they're still inciting people to attack Danish and Norweigan nationals and the industries. So don't tell me it's not relevant, or that they're acting rationally and with restraint.

Anyway the whole thing is BS and completely blown out of proportion in comparison to many of the things happening in the world today. You think a starving child gives a rats arse about a cartoon? Please do me a favour and put it in perspective.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 31, 2006
The cartoons were in very bad taste and freedom of speech or not, the editor of the paper made a huge mistake in allowing those to be published. Once again ignorance and lack of respect for other cultures is deemed accepted under the guise of "free speech". Despite this, the Islamic world should know by now not to make a mountain out of a mole hill when it comes to these kinds of paper-selling techniques, because in the West freedom of speech is often used for shock value and commercial purposes.

Boycott if you like, but those Danish companies had nothing to do with the newspaper publishing those pictures. Freedom of speech will always be defended because it is better to suffer through the misuse of freedom of speech than be censored on important topics. This is why the Danish people support the right to free speech in this case, even if they found the cartoons to be distasteful. Punish them if you like, but if you really understand their perspective you might think twice.

And for some of you mentioning Ahmadinejad and his comments about the holocaust - he is being just as sensational as the Danish newspaper was trying to be. However, Ahmadinejad is going one step further by hosting a conference on whether the holocaust really happened or not. The idea that the holocaust is a myth and was used as a basis for establishing the state of Israel is such a load of crap. I'm guessing it will be a short conference because there is overwhelming evidence that the holocaust was real and millions of innocent Jews were murdered! There should be more fuss over Ahmadinejad than some cartoons in a Danish newspaper. Just because many Arabs dislike Israelis doesn't mean brainless people like Ahmadinejad should be supported with his stupid claims.

(The Ahmadinejad topic should be put in a new thread if it becomes the focus now. I was just saying it is related to this topic in that Ahmadinejad was using "free speech" just as irresponsibly as the Danish newspaper was.)
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Jan 31, 2006
Like someone said already, if we boycott products from every country that pisses us off every now and then then we're gonna starve to death.

However, I don't agree with what the Jyllands Posten Newspaper did. Many people argue that it was merely practicing its democratic right of free speech, however, there is a very thin line between free speech and encitement of hatred, and what the paper did was latter. The term freedom of speech is not an absolute as it cannot be used to injure or degrade others physically or psychologically because you have thus infringed on their right to live in peace. You are free to practice your freedom of speech as long as you're not using it to stir up trouble or to antagonise a certain group of people for no particular reason as that could only lead to civil unrest and tensions between different communities.

Muslims in Europe have been living in an environment of fear since 9/11 because of the actions of a few misguided individuals. Consequently, many racist individuals within Europe saw this as the perfect opportunity to pursue their own hidden agenda of purifying Europe, and have since vociferously attacked governments for their leniency with these barbarians and demanded strict anti-immigration control measures within europe. Therefore, papers like the Jyllands Posten in Denmark, and the good ol' Sun and Daily Mail in England are just pouring more gas into an already burning house and are doing more damage with their inflammatory remarks which are aimed at sparking an already simmering situation. That is NOT freedom of speech nor should it be allowed anywhere!
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Jan 31, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:And who cares where this army or not is based, they're still inciting people to attack Danish and Norweigan nationals and the industries. So don't tell me it's not relevant, or that they're acting rationally and with restraint.

Anyway the whole thing is BS and completely blown out of proportion in comparison to many of the things happening in the world today. You think a starving child gives a rats arse about a cartoon? Please do me a favour and put it in perspective.

Ummm I don't think you got Yshimy's point, he was saying the army is a faction not supported by a country/nation, just a bunch of idiotic radicals. I believe the point he was making is the country they are from do not support that group of idiots, which differs in what happened with the cartoons. If you take something/someone that people hold very dear to them and inappropriately portray it of course people are going to be offended by it.

If you saw a depiction of live cat being skinned in a cartoon would you not be the first to say “what kind of sik fk would thing this is funny” “what kind of fk’d up government would support this”?
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Jan 31, 2006
What if someone link the Jesus with Terror or make disrespectful picture of Jesus? I think reaction would be really severe in southern europe and USA. I am talking about real christian people , not the christian people who attend the church only two times in their entire life ;0).

This happens frequently, and with Mary as well as Jesus. And Christian groups are often vocal in their protests. But it doesn't extend to product boycotts of the countries involved. About the only boycott Christian groups seem to make is of films and TV channels, from time to time.

Boycott if you like, but those Danish companies had nothing to do with the newspaper publishing those pictures.

Amen. Just as the average Muslim has nothing to do with terrorism.

EDIT: Here is a more mature response to the situation:

"We need to counter it by our good deeds, action and work," he advised. Shaikh Khalfan wants measures to be taken to remove misconceptions about Islam in the West. "We must use print media, satellite television channels or hold conferences in places like Denmark to educate people about our religion and beliefs," he believes.

He advised people in the Muslim world not to be reactionary. "Don't get emotional," he suggested and added that people should hold a dialogue with those responsible for such acts and educate them about Islam.

"Education, communication and dialogue are the means to remove misunderstandings not boycott," said Shaikh Khalfan, urging Muslims to say kind words to mankind.
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Jan 31, 2006
Fayez man,
Thanks for clarifing, thats exactly what i wanted to say but seems Choco is not getting it.

Really wise to talk in her language, i liked the comparison you did about the Cat Cartoon.

"out of topic" There is a Mazda Rx8 for sale on exotic motors for 120k ;)

Kanelli, yes man, enough with Ahmadnajad, yes both senarios are abusing the "freedom of speach"

  • Reply
Jan 31, 2006
secretdubai wrote:
EDIT: Here is a more mature response to the situation:

"We need to counter it by our good deeds, action and work," he advised. Shaikh Khalfan wants measures to be taken to remove misconceptions about Islam in the West. "We must use print media, satellite television channels or hold conferences in places like Denmark to educate people about our religion and beliefs," he believes.

He advised people in the Muslim world not to be reactionary. "Don't get emotional," he suggested and added that people should hold a dialogue with those responsible for such acts and educate them about Islam.

"Education, communication and dialogue are the means to remove misunderstandings not boycott," said Shaikh Khalfan, urging Muslims to say kind words to mankind.

This sounds like the ONLY true solution for creating better understanding and reducing offence and conflict.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 31, 2006
Chocoholic wrote: You think a starving child gives a rats arse about a cartoon? Please do me a favour and put it in perspective.

nah, he wouldn't give a damn about Cartoon, nor about holocaust, nor about homless dogs nor cats, nor about fur industry, nor about pollution, nor about WMD, nor about religion (depends), nor about rules or regulations, nor about society or values, nor about anything but to get his food even if it required him stealing it.

Should we allow stealing?!!!!don't try to strip the events from everthing and try to work on the micro level than the macro level.
And you are asking me to put it in perspective, and what does this poor starving boy got to do with that!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angryfire: :banghead:

"Note: The above comment is protected by the Muslim/Arab freedom of speach rules."

  • Reply
Jan 31, 2006
Agreed education is the only weapon against ignorance. (actually I mentioned that a few posts back as well)

As for the RX8, I ended up buying an SUV I have my family coming to visit and my girlfriend’s plus a few of my friends so as much as it killed me to do it, I bought something “practical” the RX8 will have to wait until we can afford 3 cars.
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Jan 31, 2006
"A Danish company said two of its workers were assaulted in Mecca."

This is on the article of the seven days.

Quick analsys, If they are in Mecca, it means they are Muslims, and then will not be attacked, as they will yell "La illah illa allah)
If the are not Muslims, then they will not be in Mecca and this news will be a FABRICATION.


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Jan 31, 2006
fayz wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:And who cares where this army or not is based, they're still inciting people to attack Danish and Norweigan nationals and the industries. So don't tell me it's not relevant, or that they're acting rationally and with restraint.

Anyway the whole thing is BS and completely blown out of proportion in comparison to many of the things happening in the world today. You think a starving child gives a rats arse about a cartoon? Please do me a favour and put it in perspective.

Ummm I don't think you got Yshimy's point, he was saying the army is a faction not supported by a country/nation, just a bunch of idiotic radicals. I believe the point he was making is the country they are from do not support that group of idiots, which differs in what happened with the cartoons. If you take something/someone that people hold very dear to them and inappropriately portray it of course people are going to be offended by it.

If you saw a depiction of live cat being skinned in a cartoon would you not be the first to say “what kind of sik fk would thing this is funny” “what kind of fk’d up government would support this”?

yeah true !! not only that Islamic gov. NEVER support, but they even

condem most ofthe actions of these rebellious morons ... if denmark

wouldnt act on the newspaper, legally i mean in some sort of fine or

something legal, then it only showsthat the gov. is somewhat supporting

this stupid piece of journalism ... like i said the newspaper's apology is not

enough the GOV should make a legal case against the PAPER and The

GOv. would have to make a LAW that provides protection to religion

against any form of attacks ... only by this way i think we can say that its

JUST fair ....
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 31, 2006
There have been non-Muslim workers in Mecca - whatever telco company put the mobile network in Mecca used non-Muslim workers. It was kept extremely discreet (the Saudi authorites gave the nod but would obviously not officially, publically acknowledge it) but there was no choice, since the skill levels required were so high-level and specific and there was no suitable muslim employee available, presumably.

So I bet this has happened in other instances too.
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