They say that dubai is a basket of nationalities. Question is amongst all the nationalities in dubai, who is... stink? stinky? stinkiest? in terms of over all hiegyne... All nationalities applies...

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
portland wrote:Hey now lets have fun:
They say that dubai is a basket of nationalities. Question is amongst all the nationalities in dubai, who is... stink? stinky? stinkiest? in terms of over all hiegyne... All nationalities applies...
sage & onion wrote:portland wrote:Hey now lets have fun:
They say that dubai is a basket of nationalities. Question is amongst all the nationalities in dubai, who is... stink? stinky? stinkiest? in terms of over all hiegyne... All nationalities applies...
You started the thread, why don't you then give your opinion and take the resulting flak?
funkygibbon wrote:every body knows the curry munchers are the worst...
pinoy1 wrote:I fail at sarcasm
Leda wrote:anyone who takes shower, uses antiperspirant, washes his clothes regularly is not gonna stink. the problem is... rutine u r used to, isn't it? The 21st sentury seems to be out there...
Ill avoid sarcasm today...
Bora Bora wrote:I have to say that there has been a general overall improvement on personal hygiene compared to 6-10 years ago. There was a time when I couldn't step on an elevator because the body odor was overwhelming and would hit you in the face when the doors opened, or had to get off at a different floor from gagging when someone got on who was emitting a terrible offensive odor. Gag reflex kicks in easily when around offensive odors - soft stomach.
Right. There is a couple of misfortunate fellas with hormones malfunction (or watever it's called and spelled like), but real percentage is muuuaaaaaach smaller than that of just stinky ones.sage & onion wrote:
Not always true unfortunately.
Bora Bora wrote:I have to say that there has been a general overall improvement on personal hygiene compared to 6-10 years ago.
Leda wrote:Bora Bora wrote:I have to say that there has been a general overall improvement on personal hygiene compared to 6-10 years ago.
Maybe U've just... got kind of used to it
DDS wrote:Question again, don't some people know how much they stink or they are just inconsiderate to others?
I'm not talking about the construction worker type here, i can understand it due to their circumstances but what about those who got a comfortable lifestyle, reports to office well groomed but man oh man, stinks alot!
Don't they know underarm deodorants are so cheap or he just really likes his smell or he doesn't care.
I really don't know how to say it to this fellow that it will not come out offensive but i was hoping he gets the hints from us but until now he seem to doesn't get it or there's something wrong with his olfactory senses.
(ok he's indian, i know some of you want me to spit it out)
portland wrote:Hey now lets have fun:
They say that dubai is a basket of nationalities. Question is amongst all the nationalities in dubai, who is... stink? stinky? stinkiest? in terms of over all hiegyne... All nationalities applies...
sniper420 wrote:portland wrote:Hey now lets have fun:
They say that dubai is a basket of nationalities. Question is amongst all the nationalities in dubai, who is... stink? stinky? stinkiest? in terms of over all hiegyne... All nationalities applies...
Ur mom's @ss