Ladies What Do You Look For In A Man?

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May 01, 2009
dodot wrote:I'm not a woman, but i think what woman wants from a man is :
1. Money = no woman want poor life.
2. Security = woman wants man that can protect her.
3. Attractive = woman loves man who is attractive.
But i think the most important thing is money. Love don't make people alive, but money make people alive. Woman want their life to be guaranteed, so money is the most important thing.

what was that?!!cant believe this come from a woman lives in 2009!!!
money will buy house but not home.!!poor baby if u think this way !! :roll:

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May 01, 2009
Trust and love will buy everything for us I believe.. 8)
someone also said it somewhere previously that if you have the support of the man, you have everything; well said.. 8)
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May 02, 2009
aishamalik wrote:money


Oh so In love with these green n red paper's!!.......
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May 02, 2009
muyesser wrote:Trust and love will buy everything for us I believe.. 8)
someone also said it somewhere previously that if you have the support of the man, you have everything; well said.. 8)

Very True!.. It start's with Man n it end's with Man!... Just!!
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May 02, 2009
Sharp wrote:
muyesser wrote:Trust and love will buy everything for us I believe.. 8)
someone also said it somewhere previously that if you have the support of the man, you have everything; well said.. 8)

Very True!.. It start's with Man n it end's with Man!... Just!!

Do you think that would mean a relationship only if one party takes it all on.. :?:
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May 02, 2009
muyesser wrote:
Sharp wrote:
muyesser wrote:Trust and love will buy everything for us I believe.. 8)
someone also said it somewhere previously that if you have the support of the man, you have everything; well said.. 8)

Very True!.. It start's with Man n it end's with Man!... Just!!

Do you think that would mean a relationship only if one party takes it all on.. :?:

Ohh!.. i was Just adding few line's of comedy, you can read my pervious reply i have said, male n female 're both so importent for the strong realtionship, male couldn't make it alone, n same goes for female, both of them need to support eachother n run this realtion for long n ever with trust, care support n offcourse love!.....

You wont get nothing untill you don't trust you're female, understand's her what she really need's from you, how her eye's wants you to be with her, how to keep her save from her fear's how to take her worrie's n give her smile, in rutren you need the same ... not becouse that's a give n take, Just it's like hand's to gather n make noise!.....

So both 're so importent for the realtion of love, no single party couldn't get succed if he/she take's all the right's!.....
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May 02, 2009
muyesser wrote:Trust and love will buy everything for us I believe.. 8)
someone also said it somewhere previously that if you have the support of the man, you have everything; well said.. 8)

if you support the man, you'll have everything.

men, at least me, will automatically fulfill everything without being asked when they feel supported & loved like "the man". don't take it the wrong way, it's not one way effort only. make your man "the man", at the same time he will lay stars for you.
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May 07, 2009
Look for a man who can give you the four animals you should own:

A Jaguar - parked in the garage
A Mink - to wear on your back
A Stallion - to have in your bed
A Donkey - to pay for it
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May 07, 2009
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May 07, 2009
Speedhump wrote::D

I now see what you look for in your Camel, dirty Ranger ;)

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May 07, 2009
hell, that makes THREE remarks now... read my new thread, smuttster!!!
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May 07, 2009
and in the romance forum too, that's just TOO much :D
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May 07, 2009
Speedhump wrote:and in the romance forum too, that's just TOO much :D

Humpin' pumpin' US Rangerboy... shootin' the pistol in his empty desert whore....

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May 07, 2009
Speedhump wrote:and in the romance forum too, that's just TOO much :D

Rob, don't be judgmental. To each his own.
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May 07, 2009
and she never has a headache...
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May 07, 2009
RobbyG wrote:
Speedhump wrote:and in the romance forum too, that's just TOO much :D

Humpin' pumpin' US Rangerboy... shootin' the pistol in his empty desert whore....


maaaaate cut DOWN on the caffeine..... :o
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May 07, 2009
Speedhump wrote:
RobbyG wrote:
Speedhump wrote:and in the romance forum too, that's just TOO much :D

Humpin' pumpin' US Rangerboy... shootin' the pistol in his empty desert whore....


maaaaate cut DOWN on the caffeine..... :o

I'll bet its a major hole you're in today. Might want to practice her muscles abit so she can squeeze you a bit on occassion 8)
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May 07, 2009
RobbyG wrote:
Speedhump wrote:
RobbyG wrote:
Speedhump wrote:and in the romance forum too, that's just TOO much :D

Humpin' pumpin' US Rangerboy... shootin' the pistol in his empty desert whore....


maaaaate cut DOWN on the caffeine..... :o

I'll bet its a major hole you're in today. Might want to practice her muscles abit so she can squeeze you a bit on occassion 8)

Major/minor, probably not much difference there....

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May 07, 2009
In UAE it is very tricky as most of the population is on the move every few years. Some guys and gals have been lucky to find a true partner and for rest it is just one night stand!!!
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May 07, 2009
worldguy wrote:In UAE it is very tricky as most of the population is on the move every few years. Some guys and gals have been lucky to find a true partner and for rest it is just one night stand!!!

Just take example of Speedhump.

Pick-up a camel on the streetscorner and you'll be fine for some years. You do have to buy a little stool to stand on. But that's not a problem in the Middle East, right? :lol:
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May 07, 2009
You seem to enjoying yourself with all the imagination. Sadly I am still old fashioned and would stick to humans. You Dutch are famous for nothing. :)
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May 07, 2009
worldguy wrote:You seem to enjoying yourself with all the imagination. Sadly I am still old fashioned and would stick to humans. You Dutch are famous for nothing. :)

S.A.R.C.A.S.M. isn't you're game obviously.

I wonder what the Dutch have got to do with this. Never heard of Palm Jumeirah, Palm Jebel Ali and Palm Deira before have you? :lol:

The foundation of these is one of the reasons for you to get on the knees f@cker :lol: ;)
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May 07, 2009
whatever mate. As I said, you need to see the world as you did not get what I meant and not spoon feeding you pal.
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May 07, 2009
back to your corners guy! 1 point deducted each :P

The Dutch have contributed MASSIVELY to the offshore developments here, their dredging muscle is used worldwide and the UK has used Dutch dredgers for many years to shore up their coastlines and contribute to harbour developments etc etc..

And leave my lady love out of this, she doesn't deserve your comments.....either of you. It'll be pistols at twenty paces if you carry on I'm warning....
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May 07, 2009
lol .... all good banter, though Robbie G does take things personally as well and gets all defensive. Lighten up mate.
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May 07, 2009
worldguy wrote:lol .... all good banter, though Robbie G does take things personally as well and gets all defensive. Lighten up mate.

I see you are obviously new around here. Otherwise you knew I am always playing with serious stuff.

Just look at the abundance of smileys around.

C'mon worldguy, I'm not a fool. I know better ;)
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May 08, 2009
worldguy wrote:lol .... all good banter, though Robbie G does take things personally as well and gets all defensive. Lighten up mate.

What??!!! You don't have an idea of what good banter is. And talk about taking things personally and getting defensive! You are the most thickheaded person on this forum since Bangleboy left.

Maybe Rob's sense of humor is too over your head to get it, as well as others who have a true sense of humor.
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May 20, 2009
Money thats it.
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May 20, 2009
hahahaaa only money and intellligence
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May 20, 2009
SiP SiP!.... Puff Puff!.... a beautifull, Sweet, So Much preety, Ohh too Much gourges Only Need's Money n look's I gues!.... LoL!!....
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