Daily Traffic Madness - Let's Ducument Our Road Rages

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Daily traffic madness - Let's ducument our road rages May 01, 2009
I know we have a lot of topics about traffic and crazy drivers, but they happen all the time so why not have an ongoing thread about them. I reckon I could make a post a day about the maniacs I see on the way to work. Maybe we can keep this thread alive for a while.


Last week. It was the normal semi-congested traffic going out of Dubai towards Abu Dhabi and we were around Jebal Ali. Cars are about 10 metres apart and all going at between 120-130 so not much room to flash and push your way through.

Cue Mr 330i driver who thinks that everyone else is driving slower than 139 just to **** his off and not because that's what the traffic conditions allow for. So he's weaving in and out of cars and I can see him coming up on me.

I'm in the lane next to the fast lane, doing 125 odd. He's weaving in and out and finally tries to pass me by ducking across two lanes and passing me on the fast lane. He tries, and because of the fast speeds and sharp turning he starts fishtailing in the fast lane RIGHT next to my car. I can see him in my side mirror and hear him as he starts swinging back and forth as he tries to keep control. If he had swung out a foot more he would have tapped my rear and I would have driven straight into the barrier and then been hit again by him and half a dozen cars behind him. What a maniac. I don't want to blow things out of proportion but he literally nearly killed me.

So he regains control and pulls past me and rolls down his window to apologise (hands up etc). I blasted him. ********* almost killed me and possibly several others but it's ok because he's 'sorry' and was in a hurry. ******.


One more, just for a feel of UAE traffic for the uninitiated. The other day I saw a Cayanne being followed by a Range Rover being followed by an Audi SUV being followed by a Merc SUV. All in the fast lane, all doing 200+, all within three metres of each other, all tricked out to ****, all (that I could see) with three digit plates. Boys out for a spin on a Thursday afternoon, but God damn, they would have been hosing them out of those cars had they tapped each other.


So post your daily ****** traffic updates here.

Captain Australia
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May 01, 2009
Well I can't be bothered to write about the numerous idiots on the roads. But this morning I had a water rage incident, where some complete tit on a jetski puts one of my friends/wakeboarders in danger.

The knob head is shadowing my friend on her board, so closely, that if she fell, he'd have hit her, no two ways about it! Well all screamed at him from the boat that he's a complete tosser, he finds this amusing, circles around then does it again, then disappears off to do the same thing to a slalom skier.

So off we march to the hotel where he's hired the bain of the water from to give him what for. Chicken shit had already left.

Next time I'll be pulling my boarder in and go hairing after them in the boat and see how they like nearly being hit with a speed boat!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 01, 2009
God, the number of people killed by jetski's because people think they are 'just toys' is surely surprising. Idiots.

BTW: There is a Jet-Ski race going on right now off shore from the Le Meridien Mina Seyahi. I'm waiting for them to stack it but they all seem quite good. ;-)
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May 01, 2009
what upsets me that some people think that small cars like mine is nothing, and if they driving 4x4 or any luxuryy cars theen they r everything.
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May 01, 2009
zuzudiva wrote:what upsets me that some people think that small cars like mine is nothing, and if they driving 4x4 or any luxuryy cars theen they r everything.

I hear you. This is what I'm driving at the moment. TIDA POWER!!!


PS: I'm 6'4", giving me the tallest man to shortest car ratio of the UAE I think ;-)
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May 01, 2009
mine is toyota
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May 01, 2009
dont want to sound redundant, but the fact is, the M.E is one the most dangerous countrry to drive a car in the world. Its one reason western families are careful to drive late afternoon and evenings when those guys are getting up and start driving in circles around town.
It is also known fact that some executives were reluctant to move their families here because of road safety.
As in the U.S. and Europe the police would filter those guys out when they see someone weaving in and out with high speed interfering with the general movement of traffic, the local police decide to ignore this problem by turning a blind eye on one the most important safety issue in this country.
In terms of driving skills:
The most talented and successful race drivers are from Europe and South America. No local talent, despite of what their self image might be.
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May 01, 2009
today on the way to the smoke house a small tida or similar size piece of art crossed a few lines in front of us almost in one straight line and went behind a bus with a speed of around 130. now was there any car in front of him and next to the bus, this would have been a huge accident
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May 01, 2009
raidah wrote:today on the way to the smoke house a small tida or similar size piece of art crossed a few lines in front of us almost in one straight line and went behind a bus with a speed of around 130. now was there any car in front of him and next to the bus, this would have been a huge accident

Nah, must have been a Yaris. Those guys are crazy.
Captain Australia
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May 01, 2009
Hmm!...May God keep all of uss save from Such a crezy driver's....
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May 01, 2009
Do you remember some day on 2008 where hundreds of vehicles were banged and burnt in Al Maktoom St. ( Abu Dhabi highway)and SZR and they finally had to shut down SZR for a while. That was really nasty.
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May 01, 2009
bedro wrote:Do you remember some day on 2008 where hundreds of vehicles were banged and burnt in Al Maktoom St. ( Abu Dhabi highway)and SZR and they finally had to shut down SZR for a while. That was really nasty.

Do you mean the 200+ car pile up on the Abu Dhabi-Dubai highway around the Ghantoot turn off? If so I remember that one. The highway was blackened and melted for a good 30 metres for a while, but then they re-tarmaced it. You can easily see where the smash was when you come into Dubai from Abu Dhabi. Right where the sign says 'Ghantoot' there is a 30 metre stretch of new asphalt.
Captain Australia
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May 02, 2009
Captain Australia wrote:
bedro wrote:Do you remember some day on 2008 where hundreds of vehicles were banged and burnt in Al Maktoom St. ( Abu Dhabi highway)and SZR and they finally had to shut down SZR for a while. That was really nasty.

Do you mean the 200+ car pile up on the Abu Dhabi-Dubai highway around the Ghantoot turn off? If so I remember that one. The highway was blackened and melted for a good 30 metres for a while, but then they re-tarmaced it. You can easily see where the smash was when you come into Dubai from Abu Dhabi. Right where the sign says 'Ghantoot' there is a 30 metre stretch of new asphalt.

Yea that was it and I still don't know who how the hell did 200 vehicles got burst...
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May 02, 2009
Hilux drivers are mental. I swear they're a complete nightmare.

Once again, two complete losers, one in a Corvette (banana extension) and one in a Lexus, decided to try and climb in my boot over the last couple of days. The Corvette was so close I literally could hardly see him behind be.

I hate it when they tail, you make a big song and dance about getting in front, then suddenly brake right and head to an exit.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 02, 2009
It Is Kinda Crezy n evryOne hate's Offcourse!...........
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May 02, 2009
If I was driving my old car, built a bit like a tank, I would just slam on the brakes and let the tail gaters hit the back of me, teach them a lesson. But not in my shiny new car.

Maybe I could come up with some sort of pie throwing device, that launches custard pies onto their windscreen instead.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 02, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:If I was driving my old car, built a bit like a tank, I would just slam on the brakes and let the tail gaters hit the back of me, teach them a lesson. But not in my shiny new car.

Maybe I could come up with some sort of pie throwing device, that launches custard pies onto their windscreen instead.

Ohh Girl!!.... forgod Sake, Just let it Go!... You will hurt you're self, their no sense to fight n do somthing with Crezy or stepborn people.....
So Just keep the hand's on the weel, n eye on the road .. Drive slow n safe, I need you save n sound in home, good lady!!...........
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May 03, 2009
The other night , was crashing with a mate. We reach the inner lanes behind his house.His car was in front and mine behind. The car in front of him was a Vanquish with a fancy number plate( think it was 2 digits). This guy was tailing a chick who was walking on the pavement. Just three cars on the road.... suddenly the retard stops. Just stops! We can't overtake him cuz it's a one way road. My mate a Lebanese guy gets out of his car and walks up to this guy. He just stares blankly back and tell us to wait. Thats it! We contemplated calling the cops, but we were like screw it no point getting into a tiff with these people . So we just back up a long long way and leave.
Misery Called Life
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May 03, 2009
macjul wrote:dont want to sound redundant, but the fact is, the M.E is one the most dangerous countrry to drive a car in the world. Its one reason western families are careful to drive late afternoon and evenings when those guys are getting up and start driving in circles around town.
It is also known fact that some executives were reluctant to move their families here because of road safety.
As in the U.S. and Europe the police would filter those guys out when they see someone weaving in and out with high speed interfering with the general movement of traffic, the local police decide to ignore this problem by turning a blind eye on one the most important safety issue in this country.
In terms of driving skills:
The most talented and successful race drivers are from Europe and South America. No local talent, despite of what their self image might be.

Your post stinks of Ingnorance and racism !

"Middle east one of the most dangerous country" WTF !

"western families are carefull to drive late afternoon" Again WTF ! implying the only westerners know how to drive ?

Don't forget the same"westeners" get sloshed on the weekend and drive around like idiots on the way back from their parties. If I had a dirham for every drunk fool driving around like a idiot late at night during the weekends. Plus there are also quite a lot of western trolls who drive like they bought their license from a grocery store. So sorry " we western we drive good and you third world idiots, only be allowed to ride donkey carts" caveman logic is bullshit

Also "The most talented and successful race drivers are from Europe and South America. No local talent, despite of what their self image might be." statment sucks crap. You might say succesfull but you can never say more talented. A few from the region who have followed through in their respected sports have been quite successfull. Saed al Hajri, Mohamed bin Sulayem, Al Qassimi and the new qatari chap Attiya to name a few. And don't forget the Dubai Victory Team.

I actually don't get hassled much on the road, I'm sorry but having a luxury SUV really does spare you the worst and somehow people do think twice before flashing, honking, cutting you off or tailgating, but still not totally immune from it. But really doesnt bother me much.

Thing that does get my goat is people standing on the middle divider and right when your like 5 ft from them they think about crossing the road and step right in front of you :shock:
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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May 04, 2009
Well Desert Dude a recent survey counducted had made it rather clear that the bulk of the accidents were caused by Indians, Pakistanis and Arabs.

http://www.gulfnews.com/Nation/Traffic_ ... 79344.html
According to the stats, apart from the Brits, Westerners are quite ok on the road.

Getting hassled on the road thankfully has been a rarity for me. Although the above mentioned incident was a first. And I wasn't pleased at the very least.

I don't think it's right to keep blaming nationalities for accidents.....It's individuals. And with globalisation and the way the world is becoming flat, to keep blaming nationalities for everything is just gonna get retarded!
Misery Called Life
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May 04, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:If I had a dirham for every drunk fool driving around like a idiot late at night during the weekends.

You'd have how much? Even the biggest drinkers I know here do not mess with the law thus they be eating camel meat and going to the loos in a hole for 4 months.

desertdudeshj wrote:they bought their license from a grocery store

Yeah, because most Arabic folk do lessions followed by an intensive test.

desertdudeshj wrote:somehow people do think twice before flashing, honking, cutting you off or tailgating

Obviously pissed up Brits and mistake you for one of them
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May 04, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:Well Desert Dude a recent survey counducted had made it rather clear that the bulk of the accidents were caused by Indians, Pakistanis and Arabs.

http://www.gulfnews.com/Nation/Traffic_ ... 79344.html
According to the stats, apart from the Brits, Westerners are quite ok on the road.

Getting hassled on the road thankfully has been a rarity for me. Although the above mentioned incident was a first. And I wasn't pleased at the very least.

I don't think it's right to keep blaming nationalities for accidents.....It's individuals. And with globalisation and the way the world is becoming flat, to keep blaming nationalities for everything is just gonna get retarded!

Aw come on we've already been through this already ! Anyways here the argument in a nutshell. BECAUSE THEY ARE THE MAJORITY HERE ! If 90% of the population consisted of brits then according to the stats would show brits to be the worst drivers and blah blah and blah

If you could get the percentage from every community here then that would be a diffrent story all toghter. Anyways this is a old topic wich has already been done to death.
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May 04, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:.
If you could get the percentage from every community here then that would be a diffrent story all toghter.

Thats an assumption ur making.
Personally I've found Westerners, Filipinos and most Indians to be very civil on the roads. Except those really well to do Indians with fancy cars. Guess ego comes first!
We all know from which communities, worst of the lot come from......
Misery Called Life
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May 04, 2009
Why does every post have to turn into a race related argument on this forum???

The subject of the post is about bad driving experiences with t!ts on the road.

Every race and nationality has its bad drivers - lets get this back on topic shall we?
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May 04, 2009
True! The people that really piss me off on the roads, are the ones that sit in the lane next to the fast one, just pootling along. They force people to undertake them, which is dangerous.

Every lane to the left of the slow lane, is an overtaking lane. Keep right people!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 04, 2009
Well you can't blame them for being in the 2nd lane as the third land is usually blocked by people double parked with the hazard lights flashing ! because people have to park with in 10 cm of the entrance.

God forbid if they will have to park a few cars down the road and walk a few meters !!!
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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May 04, 2009
Here is another one:

The other day I had to drive to Abu Dhabi, somewhere around 9th and 32nd street. I get near to the place I'm going and immediately notice the crazy traffic. It's a side street and only two lanes wide but there are people everywhere. Evidently there was a school or something nearby and people were going mad trying to find parks.

There are people double, even triple parked and everyone is beeping and yelling and stuff. They even had a couple of guys there who would take the keys of the double-parkers and move their cars if someone came. The office I needed to visit was right in the middle of it all, but there was no way I wanted to deal with all that crap.

So what did I do? I drove around the corner and a block up the road. There there were dozens of parks and no one about. It took me a good 60 seconds to walk through an alley from where I parked to where people were killing themselves to get parks.

WTF? Would it kill you lazy buggers to get out of your cars and walk 30 metres to get your kids? You could park at your leisure, save the madness of scrambling for a park and, god-forbid, get some exercise.

From talking to my friend who has kids it seems a common theme. Some people wait 20 minutes for a park out the front of a school rather than parking further away and walking for a minute.

What the hell is wrong with these people?
Captain Australia
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May 04, 2009
Captain Australia wrote:Here is another one:

The other day I had to drive to Abu Dhabi, somewhere around 9th and 32nd street. I get near to the place I'm going and immediately notice the crazy traffic. It's a side street and only two lanes wide but there are people everywhere. Evidently there was a school or something nearby and people were going mad trying to find parks.

There are people double, even triple parked and everyone is beeping and yelling and stuff. They even had a couple of guys there who would take the keys of the double-parkers and move their cars if someone came. The office I needed to visit was right in the middle of it all, but there was no way I wanted to deal with all that crap.

So what did I do? I drove around the corner and a block up the road. There there were dozens of parks and no one about. It took me a good 60 seconds to walk through an alley from where I parked to where people were killing themselves to get parks.

WTF? Would it kill you lazy buggers to get out of your cars and walk 30 metres to get your kids? You could park at your leisure, save the madness of scrambling for a park and, god-forbid, get some exercise.

From talking to my friend who has kids it seems a common theme. Some people wait 20 minutes for a park out the front of a school rather than parking further away and walking for a minute.

What the hell is wrong with these people?

Incompetency and lazyness both come in many ways. :lol:
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May 04, 2009
Captain Australia wrote:WTF? Would it kill you lazy buggers to get out of your cars and walk 30 metres to get your kids? You could park at your leisure, save the madness of scrambling for a park and, god-forbid, get some exercise.

What the hell is wrong with these people?

Real men just drive up to the door and turn on their hazard lights. Walking is for environmentalists and girly men.
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May 04, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:I actually don't get hassled much on the road, I'm sorry but having a luxury SUV really does spare you the worst and somehow people do think twice before flashing, honking, cutting you off or tailgating, but still not totally immune from it. But really doesnt bother me much.

thisis the bit I like best from your post.
It says to me
"I feel immune from any traffic hassles because I expect the poor people in little cars to get out of my way and let me drive whichever way I choose"

Half of these posts are probably about you !
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