CLALTD wrote:There are actually reports of a further 70% drop which I had received via email! Some may say now is a good time to buy, but why buy if the market is still falling?
I think the question should be "WHY BUY HERE" even if it falls way below 10% of it's price if you don't have any guarantee or assurance that it will really be yours even if for just 2 decades.
You forgot they always change their laws here on a whim so how will it assure investors they will not change it again and again when the good times is rolling again?
Even their pronouncement of some laws or regulations that's been recently done, you always have several versions of interpretation/implementation from different persons of authority. Why is it always like this?
There never was any definite regulation or laws here except the expat thing. That is, us expats will always be visitors and can be kicked out anytime whoever you maybe or whateever investment you have here.
That should be foremost in our minds.