Open Message To Snow

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Apr 28, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:But that's the point isn't it? You admitted your fault - and good on you for that, however you still continued your attack, which makes the admission worthless.

And no 'rising to the occassion' the way you put it, came across like you were asking for a slanging match, so maybe you should review howq you portray yourself in your message.

I really don't care you think of me to be honest, and being a mod has nothing to do with it, I'm voicing MY opinion - end of!

You made a statement, so what? What was the point of it, if nothing but to get a reaction, well congrats you did, and...... so what?

Reconciliation doesn't occur in your dictionary, obviously !!!

So sad. 8) :lol:

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Apr 28, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:But that's the point isn't it? You admitted your fault - and good on you for that, however you still continued your attack, which makes the admission worthless.

And no 'rising to the occassion' the way you put it, came across like you were asking for a slanging match, so maybe you should review howq you portray yourself in your message.

I really don't care you think of me to be honest, and being a mod has nothing to do with it, I'm voicing MY opinion - end of!

You made a statement, so what? What was the point of it, if nothing but to get a reaction, well congrats you did, and...... so what?

Gunning for a fight?. Slanging match?. Continuing to attack? Those are your words. I would have expected this from Snow, but obviously she's a step above you. Your interpretation of my post is at the very least skewed. You have a remarkable ability to take the wrong off yourself and shift it to someone else. You know you screwed up with your post and you keep backpeddling and trying to put the focus that is on you for your display of ignorance onto me. I don't think it's working very well for you. Or, are you striving for that attention you so crave?

Choc, the fact you think that there is power in holding up you finger and stopping a post or moving a thread is not a life. You probably should stop following your parents around the world and grow up. Did you ever stop to think that maybe they are trying to get away from you. Cut the cord Choc. What are you 25? Grow up. Don't be afraid to be an adult, you might like it.

Based on the sane and sensible responses on this thread, I have to discount your opinion. It is, as always, useless.

If you once stood up and apologized for your immature, ignorant behavior you might garner some respect. As it is, I don't think you get much here, except those of your ilk.

What you have yet to learn about life I have forgotten.
Bora Bora
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Apr 28, 2009
Bora Bora wrote:Choc, the fact you think that there is power in holding up you finger and stopping a post or moving a thread is not a life. You probably should stop following your parents around the world and grow up. Did you ever stop to think that maybe they are trying to get away from you. Cut the cord Choc. What are you 25? Grow up. Don't be afraid to be an adult, you might like it.

Based on the sane and sensible responses on this thread, I have to discount your opinion. It is, as always, useless.

If you once stood up and apologized for your immature, ignorant behavior you might garner some respect. As it is, I don't think you get much here, except those of your ilk.

What you have yet to learn about life I have forgotten.

Now that was uncalled for!
Close knit families are an absolute blessing. Which sane parents would want to leave their children and move on? Move on where? My take is choco is independant, earning woman woman, who's made the descision to stick with her parents. I find that beautiful. Being an adult does not equal moving away from your parents? Besides maybe choco was away from her parents( education years) and it's only now that they're together....
I don't deny that choco comes off as arrogant at times, so does everyone else! Everyone here has their eccentricities. Snow seems to have more!
Over and Out! :)
Misery Called Life
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Apr 28, 2009
its quite pointless over here...

someone should start ignoring ...and

that would be fine...

and will leave everyone at peace!!!!!

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Apr 28, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:Choc, the fact you think that there is power in holding up you finger and stopping a post or moving a thread is not a life. You probably should stop following your parents around the world and grow up. Did you ever stop to think that maybe they are trying to get away from you. Cut the cord Choc. What are you 25? Grow up. Don't be afraid to be an adult, you might like it.

Based on the sane and sensible responses on this thread, I have to discount your opinion. It is, as always, useless.

If you once stood up and apologized for your immature, ignorant behavior you might garner some respect. As it is, I don't think you get much here, except those of your ilk.

What you have yet to learn about life I have forgotten.

Now that was uncalled for!
Close knit families are an absolute blessing. Which sane parents would want to leave their children and move on? Move on where? My take is choco is independant, earning woman woman, who's made the descision to stick with her parents. I find that beautiful. Being an adult does not equal moving away from your parents? Besides maybe choco was away from her parents( education years) and it's only now that they're together....
I don't deny that choco comes off as arrogant at times, so does everyone else! Everyone here has their eccentricities. Snow seems to have more!
Over and Out! :)

MCL, close knit families are one thing. Growing up up is another. And by her behavior there is every indication that she needs to do quite a bit herself. Every expat here has left behind family, including you.

You are entitled to your opinion of her, as I am, and she of me, which she has expressed. You have your take on her, and I have mine. Unfortunately she seems that there are only two opinions that count: hers and those who agree with her.

I don't particularly care to have words put in my mouth by someone who is stirring a cauldron. Please re-read her posts, not just on this thread by other threads.

Even Snow didn't stoop to Chocs level.
Bora Bora
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Apr 28, 2009
The ire of one woman is bad enough, to get between two warring women? I( nor any man) stand no chance!

Let me clarify the parents thing, I'm away from them only because of circumstances. I don't advocate living with parents, but to have them closeby, is priceless!
I guess in the UAE you find many grownups living with parents, simply cuz of the finance factor. It's feasable.
And I ain't simply stirring up a cauldron here....that's just not fair.
Misery Called Life
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Apr 28, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:The ire of one woman is bad enough, to get between two warring women? I( nor any man) stand no chance!

Let me clarify the parents thing, I'm away from them only because of circumstances. I don't advocate living with parents, but to have them closeby, is priceless!
I guess in the UAE you find many grownups living with parents, simply cuz of the finance factor. It's feasable.
And I ain't simply stirring up a cauldron here....that's just not fair.

MCL you are not the one with the stick in the cauldron! I know you are not instigating anything. Your explanation is feasible and I agree with you. She was the one who said she follows her parents around. So calm down.
Bora Bora
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Apr 28, 2009
Haha esxcuse me I have lived on my own for many years, we just happened to be in the same country for a while, that's all. They're not here now. I'm doing my own thing ta very much.

I was merely pointing out the tone of your original post was aggressive and abrasive and seemed to have no point to it whatsoever, but to serve as another attack on Snow - why do you find that concept so hard to comprehend.

I think you protest too much about your innocence = guilty!

MCL, just leave it. BB's family probably disowned her long ago.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 28, 2009
Also BB you're a complete hypocrit:

Quoted from you:

You obviously take your approach to the forum on a personal level and have demonstrated a very negative childish attitude. Personal attack!

I have yet to read anything by you that has any substance, is positive or shows any level of respectable intellect. Insulting

I have to admit that you are the first, and I will make it a point to be the last, to bring out the nasty in me. BS, because you're still doing it!

You have felt the sting of my tongue and I could have continued but thought about how I would be stepping down to your level. Hence, I will avoid future exchanges with you. You already have stooped to the lower level!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 28, 2009
my first live cat fight .... meeeeewwwooooo
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Apr 28, 2009
DO you want a saucer of milk Kid? :wink:

And I'd hardly call this a cat fight really, more like a scuffle.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 29, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:DO you want a saucer of milk Kid? :wink:

And I'd hardly call this a cat fight really, more like a scuffle.

Stirring the cauldron is not a scuffle.
You can interpret it anyway you want.

Time to put the vodka down - maybe pick it up.
Bora Bora
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Apr 29, 2009
Catfight? Where's the turn on factor dude?
This is a boring intellectual battle of one-upmanship or must I say

Jerry Seinfield best summed up catfights -" Men think if women are grabbing and clawing at each other there's a chance they might somehow, you know... kiss."
:D :lol: :lol:
Misery Called Life
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Apr 29, 2009
Oh what a wonderful cop out response BB.

MCL, Ahhh Jerry Springer - I miss him, he was bananas is he still on?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 29, 2009
Say guys in which movies did you witness the best catfights?

From Russia With Love- James Bond
Classic gypsy catfight scene.

Has anyone watched Obsessed? I hear there a scene between Beyonce and Ali Larter?
Misery Called Life
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Apr 29, 2009
Kill Bill - Uma vs Daryl/Lucy/Vivica.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 29, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Also BB you're a complete hypocrit:

Quoted from you:

You obviously take your approach to the forum on a personal level and have demonstrated a very negative childish attitude. Personal attack! (No personal attack but simply an observed fact)

I have yet to read anything by you that has any substance, is positive or shows any level of respectable intellect. Insulting (insulting but true)

I have to admit that you are the first, and I will make it a point to be the last, to bring out the nasty in me. You haven't see the nasty yet! I guess

You have felt the sting of my tongue and I could have continued but thought about how I would be stepping down to your level. Hence, I will avoid future exchanges with you. You already have stooped to the lower level!
(Wrong again Chocs, she lifts herself, hence this thread ;))
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Apr 29, 2009
Not that forum members find me caring and intelligent or to have a voice, I just find it "unique" to have a thread dedicated to SNOW when it could be voiced via PM.

When I'm upset with K-Dog because he states something ridiculous, I get upset so when I fight back on the forum, I could care less what others think. It means I'm so pissed I want the forum to know. I have PMed him but he made me so upset that a PM wasn't enough. So Bora, I do have difficulty finding sincerity in your post. If you are sincere, wasn't a PM to Snow or the mods enough if the issues were greater?
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Apr 29, 2009
puppypup wrote:Not that forum members find me caring and intelligent or to have a voice, I just find it "unique" to have a thread dedicated to SNOW when it could be voiced via PM.

When I'm upset with K-Dog because he states something ridiculous, I get upset so when I fight back on the forum, I could care less what others think. It means I'm so pissed I want the forum to know. I have PMed him but he made me so upset that a PM wasn't enough. So Bora, I do have difficulty finding sincerity in your post. If you are sincere, wasn't a PM to Snow or the mods enough if the issues were greater?

Read the original post puppy. Read all the posts that followed it. This thread was brought down by a MOD. You have been a good sport about some of the posts you had gotten and I do tip my hat to you for that. Let me ask you, if KDog made a public statement to you acknowledging that he realized he stepped over the line, what would your reaction be? What is the difference between you saying: I'm so pissed I want the forum to know. and my making a statement letting the forum know I acknowledge going to far?

And as for dedicating a thread to Snow. You dedicated a couple to yourself.

I think it's time to give this a rest.
Bora Bora
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Re: Open Message to Snow Apr 29, 2009
You call Snow childish. lacking respectable intellect and brings out the nasty in you in your opening post. And yeah I've read the whole thread over the days. You're not sure if you should fear Snow.. Yet you state your opening letter is done with "humility." Umm when I discuss K-Dog negatively I acknowledge it's not with humility. I'm upset and let the posters know because heck I want to scream I'm upset so y'all can hear. I acknowledge I'm not humble. If I truly were, I'd refrain from discussing him or creating a tread to him but I"m not a Saint. :lol: I created the Viet. vs. Filipino vs. non-Asian brunette thread to him.

Also there is a difference "dedicating" a thread to myself vs. to another person that does not share my body, thoughts and soul. It's my choice on how I treat myself.
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Re: Open Message to Snow Apr 29, 2009
puppypup wrote:You call Snow childish. lacking respectable intellect and brings out the nasty in you in your opening post. And yeah I've read the whole thread over the days. You're not sure if you should fear Snow.. Yet you state your opening letter is done with "humility." Umm when I discuss K-Dog negatively I acknowledge it's not with humility. I'm upset and let the posters know because heck I want to scream I'm upset so y'all can hear. I acknowledge I'm not humble. If I truly were, I'd refrain from discussing him or creating a tread to him but I"m not a Saint. :lol: I created the Viet. vs. Filipino vs. non-Asian brunette thread to him.

Also there is a difference "dedicating" a thread to myself vs. to another person that does not share my body, thoughts and soul. It's my choice on how I treat myself.

Fear Snow? Now that's funny. Obviously Snow doesn't have the exclusive on being childish and putting up posts that don't have a modicum of intellect. And if this continues I am sure that we will go from someone stirring their cauldron to someone with an identity crisis seeking attention and turning the focus on themself, once again. And dedicating a thread to yourself is just that - a thread to yourself about yourself.

As I said, I think enough has been said on this subject.
Bora Bora
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Apr 29, 2009
No Robby she does not at all.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 29, 2009
Rob, don't you know that you don't have an opinion? There is only one opinion that counts here.
Bora Bora
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Apr 29, 2009
Oh stop getting so uptight and getting your knickers in a twist.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 29, 2009
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Apr 29, 2009
Chocs, it is so obvious when you are mixing your meds with booze. Do one or the other, but not both together.
Bora Bora
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Apr 29, 2009
That's not even funny!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 29, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:That's not even funny!

I think it is. Hell, its even true perhaps.

Get your knickers out of the twist Chocs. :lol:
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Apr 29, 2009
No! It's not funny! And the reason it's not funny is something things like that could be true, so you shouldn't say it in such a flipant manner.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 29, 2009
Are you kidding me????
Please change your username to Sensitive Sally or Debbie Downer.

Last time I checked, this was the internet, where everything should be taken seriously LOL. /sarcasm
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