Ok thanks for that reply.......
These children are in my prayers every night and I regularly contribute money and food to charities which help benefit children.
Suppose I better bathe my baby in the creek, wrap it in a dishcloth and wheel it around in a ginger crate on wheels because there are less fortunate children in the world.
Just like you should give up your laptop or computer, home, mobile, fridge, car, sunshades, shoes, tv, books, toothbrush, toiletries, water and electricity and put your money where your mouth is..........
I pity any spawn of yours. If the parents of those less forunate children could afford a luxurious pushchair for their child, they would have it.
I thank Allah for what I have and I know I am blessed............you are not one to judge me for wanting the best for my child.
This is just the kind of reply I expected from someone of your mentality.
Thanks for the help and also thanks for your congratulations!