bedro wrote:You probably won't like my advice. But I just have to say, don't get emotionally involved with any one online.
That doesn't hold true nowadays, just need to be a little carefull to screen out all the gold diggers. I met my wife through online chat ( same situation like you, different race, religon, nationality etc etc ) we've been toghter almost 3 yrs now.
I was they ulitimate romeo of online chat. Telephone number in less than 20 mintues and date for sure within less than a week. Yes you will find a lot of physcos aswell I had my fairshare.

As for the OP, dude you've already made a grave mistake. Yes women like to be complimented but also like to know that its not only their looks that your after ( read trying to get into her pants ) who told you women were simple creatures !!!!
Now since that she is gone not much you can really do other than wait for her to appear online. TIP : don't keep on msging her everynow and then. That will make you look needy and unconfident, and guess what women like not needy (sticky) and confident, but take care too confident and you will be labeled arrogant. Very fine line my friend. Like I said women are complicated beings and guess what even they don't know what they want. They think they know what they want but the really don't know.
( opens can of worms, wears anti women flame jacket and runs away)( Guys you can thank me later

) Try googling mystery or this link [ link broken, see next post for proper link ] Try to get a few of his books ( I got online ) Trust me when you first this dudes stuff its sounds too freaking weird to work, but this homeboy has the workings of a woman down to an art. ( So fine I would say that it almost took the fun out of it ) Give it a shot and trust me as I have it WORKS ! Although most of his stuff is for real world situatiosn I just kinda adopted it for online useage. You will probally kick yourself and think what a loser you were eariler.
Happy Hunting
P.S: I have no shame in admiting yes I learned how pick up women from a book, ok more like refined the art