Looking For British Muslim Converts Living In Dubai

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Looking for British muslim converts living in Dubai Mar 13, 2009
I am looking for British muslim converts living in Dubai who would be willing to take part in an interview about their religion and lifestyle.
I would interview potential candidates about their reasons for converting, what changes this had brought to their lives, whether the decision to move to Dubai was because you have already converted or did you convert in Dubai.

The article would be for a UK broadsheet newspaper or magazine and we would arrange for portraits of you to be taken also.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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Converts in Dubai Apr 18, 2009
Assalamu alaikum

I came across this forum post searching for converts in Dubai.. I cannot imagine there are too many.

Insha'Allah I will be relocating to Dubai, or nearby, later this year to marry. I am a white English convert, converted last Ramadan, and would be interested to know other converts - have you had any responses?

Look forward to hearing from you.

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Apr 19, 2009
Im a Moslem who convert to be an Eckist , Where i am living if the Governmnt know , there is Chance for dead sentence.
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Apr 22, 2009
I have a good friend hailing from manchester who converted to Islam and infact even her mum did, but knowing the recent garbage comming from british media recently it will most ptobally turn out to be some nasty perveted anti Islam article, of how great a life they left behind in britain and now are living oppresed, in fear and like a slave here.

So no thankyou I will make it a point to tell them not to get in touch with you

Cheers ;)

@Mandana did anyone ask what you are or what you were ? just another pathetic attempt to creat some sensationalism by a self proclaimed evil doer !
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