Western World

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Western World Apr 15, 2009
Is this another attempt to discriminate and fuel hatred. What is the purpose of saying this? Is this term only used by un educated or high school drop outs from Europe, America or is this a term coined by Australians trying to push themselves above the Asian and African countries.

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Apr 15, 2009
As you might know, the media has a very large share in some of the word trends and definitions that are used today. The 'Western World' is one of those words that have been used to indicate the richer part of countries from an 'land mass center point' of the world, namely the Middle East region. (Any bells ringin' already ;))

From the centre of the world, heading left, you come to the richer part of society. Thus called the Western World, that includes some countries in the East, but with the same standards of living. Most evolved part of society.
Heading right, you come close to the majority of inhabitants of this planet that are less 'rich' in terms of capitalistic succes etc. The non-Western societies.

I think its mostly based on the former Anglo-sakso influence that England and America represent(ed). Things are changing rapidly nowadays. So consider the Western World abit outdated. My history isn't that good either. It might as well have been the Roman/Greek empire at first.

Its just a term definition and ísn't degrading for any country less rich. Its based on geographic information of the worlds richest nations and former empires of 'the West'.

Read this for wikipedia's definition:

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Apr 15, 2009
It beats "Armpit of Asia" don't you think?
Bora Bora
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Apr 15, 2009
Definately :lol:
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Apr 16, 2009
Well according to the map

Western World = Places mostly dominated by white caucasian English speaking world oh and that little place on top of brazil and just for fun we'll put in france, germany and italy aswell. Oh and not forgeting the vikings, well most of them speak english so its OK.

Rest don't speak english so bugger off
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Apr 16, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:Well according to the map

Western World = Places mostly dominated by white caucasian English speaking world oh and that little place on top of brazil and just for fun we'll put in france, germany and italy aswell. Oh and not forgeting the vikings, well most of them speak english so its OK.

Rest don't speak english so bugger off

If the Chinese were real explorers they perhaps explored to world before the Spanish/English/Dutch did. Then the Western World would be dominated by Chinese language perhaps.

Its all based on the cause of history. Like Darwin would say; survival of the fittest.

Kingdom of England didn't survive, but its languistical influence still remains. I guess they didn't want to learn our damn Dutch language. We didn't kill em for it either ;)

Heads up DD, English is just a language. Its the people that change the world.
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Apr 16, 2009
There were eairlier explorers than the dutch and the english. They just didn't go about wiping out the natives and taking over the lands.
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Apr 16, 2009
Why are some labels geographic while others are religious?
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Apr 16, 2009
kanelli wrote:Why are some labels geographic while others are religious?

This is what wikipedia has to say:

The term Western world, the West or the Occident (Latin: occidens -sunset, -west, as distinct from the Orient) can have multiple meanings dependent on its context (e.g., the time period, the region or social situation)[1]. Accordingly, the basic definition of what constitutes "the West" varies, expanding and contracting over time, in relation to various historical circumstances. Some historians believe the West originated in the northern and eastern Mediterranean with ancient Greece and ancient Rome. Over time, their associated empires grew first to the east and south, conquering and absorbing many older great civilizations; later, they grew to the north and west to include Western Europe.

Since the Renaissance, the West evolved beyond the influence of the ancient Greeks, Romans and Muslims due to the Commercial,[7] Scientific,[8] and Industrial Revolutions,[9] and the expansion of the Christian peoples of Western European empires, and particularly the globe-spanning empires of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Since the Age of Discovery and Columbus, the notion of the West expanded to include the Americas, though much of the Americas have considerable pre-Western cultural influence. Australia and New Zealand are considered part of Western culture due to their former status as settler colonies of Western Christian nations. Generally speaking, the current consensus would locate the West, at the very least, in the cultures and peoples of Europe, North America,and Australia. Although nations such as Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil and New Zealand are heavily Western in the traditional sense of the term, the common element being the omnipresence of Christian culture.

The term "Western World" often includes developed countries in Asia, such as Japan, Singapore, and South Korea, that have strong economic, political and military ties to Western Europe, NATO or the United States. While these countries also have substantial Western influence and similarities in their cultures, they nonetheless maintain largely different and distinctive cultures, religions (although Christianity is a major religion in South Korea), languages, customs, and worldviews that are products of their own indigenous development, rather than solely Western influences. Japan and South Korea, in particular, are the only Asian members of the OECD and the two leading full democracies in Asia, having a high standard of living and a high level of human development. All of these are amongst the generally accepted political or economic characteristics of Western nations.[10]

There is debate among some as to whether Eastern Europe and Latin America are in separate categories of their own or if they are part of the "West". Culturally Eastern Europe and Latin America are usually more or less accepted into the 'West'. They, however, do not fill the traditional economic and living standard criteria which one associates with "The West".[11]
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Apr 16, 2009
lol. An exclusive label for japan- "japanese". :lol:

How come they get to have their own label? How come America and Canada, or UK and the rest of europe do not complain being bundled with the same label with their 'favorite' neighbors? :lol:

And the philippines... The author made it a point to make one island blue with red inside (western outside, chinese inside?) lol. How can a 3rd-World country have "blue" in it?? :lol:

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Apr 16, 2009
pinoy1 wrote:lol. An exclusive label for japan- "japanese". :lol:

How come they get to have their own label? How come America and Canada, or UK and the rest of europe do not complain being bundled with the same label with their 'favorite' neighbors? :lol:

And the philippines... The author made it a point to make one island blue with red inside (western outside, chinese inside?) lol. How can a 3rd-World country have "blue" in it?? :lol:


This guy/girl obviously didn't read the wiki article closely.

Let me quote you another, more clearer point of the influence of Christianity. On that, the Western World is based and spreaded its influence across the globe by its early empires:

"The Philippines is one of 2 predominantly Christian countries in Asia (the other being East Timor). The Philippines is approximately 92.5 percent Christian (mostly Roman Catholic), 5 percent Muslim, and 2.5 percent other religions, including the Taoist and Buddhist religious beliefs of Chinese residents, and the indigenous animistic beliefs of some peoples in upland areas that resisted 300 years of Spanish colonial rule."

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christiani ... hilippines

Japan, another religious foundation; Shinto and Buddhism. 84-96% of population. 4-16 % atheist.

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Apr 16, 2009
Rob, you read a lot. That's great BUT What is your personal attitude towards Korean and Japenese?

All Europeans (mostly German and Flemish) I had spoken to had rather negative attitude to them. They considered them as competitors only who wanted to steal their jobs.
So they don't want to have nothing in common with them. To be frank I as a man from the "second world" was suprised this internal separation. :)
Red Chief
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Apr 16, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Rob, you read a lot. That's great BUT What is your personal attitude towards Korean and Japenese?

All Europeans (mostly German and Flemish) I had spoken to had rather negative attitude to them. They considered them as competitors only who wanted to steal their jobs.
So they don't want to have nothing in common with them. To be frank I as a man from the "second world" was suprised this internal separation. :)

The're equal, the're smart, they look a bit funny though :lol:

I think thats positive actually. They think I look funny too perhaps :wink:
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Apr 16, 2009
Probably You are so positive because they can't steal YOUR job. 8)
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Apr 16, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Probably You are so positive because they can't steal YOUR job. 8)

What job!? They already stole it :idea: :wink: :lol:
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Apr 16, 2009
I knew it was worldguy's thread before I checked who the author was.
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Apr 16, 2009
LizaMarie wrote:There were eairlier explorers than the dutch and the english. They just didn't go about wiping out the natives and taking over the lands.

Ghengis Khan? Mongolian so not Chinese but definitely wiped out a few people and places (including a large part of China) , not so much an explorer as the guy you hope doesn't turn up to your party :idea:
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Apr 16, 2009
RobbyG wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:Well according to the map

Western World = Places mostly dominated by white caucasian English speaking world oh and that little place on top of brazil and just for fun we'll put in france, germany and italy aswell. Oh and not forgeting the vikings, well most of them speak english so its OK.

Rest don't speak english so bugger off

If the Chinese were real explorers they perhaps explored to world before the Spanish/English/Dutch did. Then the Western World would be dominated by Chinese language perhaps.

Its all based on the cause of history. Like Darwin would say; survival of the fittest.

Kingdom of England didn't survive, but its languistical influence still remains. I guess they didn't want to learn our damn Dutch language. We didn't kill em for it either ;)

Heads up DD, English is just a language. Its the people that change the world.

Yep you and we had a good few head to heads over the centuries. Then we stole your ideas about paper commerce, made them better and took over a large part of the world by financing military power and trade on government bonds! Mind you, if it hadn't been England it would have been some other western power, maybe you guys. As it was, most of the modern world was been shaped by the UK and to some extent by the other colonial powers over 400 years, in one way or another. For better or worse. Think USA......we all had a hand in that one !
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Apr 16, 2009
Of course Chocs doesn't think history has anything to do with the modern world, she tells me I'm blinkered :D :D
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Apr 16, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Rob, you read a lot. That's great BUT What is your personal attitude towards Korean and Japenese?

All Europeans (mostly German and Flemish) I had spoken to had rather negative attitude to them. They considered them as competitors only who wanted to steal their jobs.
So they don't want to have nothing in common with them. To be frank I as a man from the "second world" was suprised this internal separation. :)

Koreans are very hard nosed in business, they consider themselves polite but in fact can come over very rude to Westerners. A small business problem can become huge if you don't know how to handle them. Japanese are a bit easier to deal with in my opinion, but again it takes years to build trust and not long to demolish it. Both are very good business partners once you have trust established (introduction through a trusted mutual person is the easiest way). They also both do have a sense of humour if you take the time to uncover it although it may not be to your taste. With Japanese it can be hard to get through the age barriers which are their sort of 'class' barrier, but in private they can be very open, I once had a young Jap guy bowing his head to the ground, his arms wide open, in tears in front of me at the end of a good night we had together, he was so emotional it was crazy. He went off crying in a taxi. It was because he didn't expect so much respect from me as I was older! (they cant mix like that inside their own rigid social heirarchy). They like a drink......

What's your experience vodkabreath?

edit: to include small insult :D
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Apr 16, 2009
Speedhump wrote: As it was, most of the modern world was been shaped by the UK and to some extent by the other colonial powers over 400 years, in one way or another. For better or worse.

You are so predictable...
Red Chief
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Apr 16, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
Speedhump wrote: As it was, most of the modern world was been shaped by the UK and to some extent by the other colonial powers over 400 years, in one way or another. For better or worse.

You are so predictable...

you can't change history, or me.
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Apr 16, 2009
I can't change you, Speedy. Of cause, I can't. You are the walking history of the Greatest Empire ever built.

Return to reality: Brits assemble Japs cars.
Red Chief
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Apr 16, 2009
Speedhump wrote:
Red Chief wrote:
Speedhump wrote: As it was, most of the modern world was been shaped by the UK and to some extent by the other colonial powers over 400 years, in one way or another. For better or worse.

You are so predictable...

you can't change history, or me.

If we can't change you, why are we still talking :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok, change is rigorous...lets 'alter' you a bit. :wink:
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Apr 16, 2009
RobbyG wrote:
Speedhump wrote:
Red Chief wrote:
Speedhump wrote: As it was, most of the modern world was been shaped by the UK and to some extent by the other colonial powers over 400 years, in one way or another. For better or worse.

You are so predictable...

you can't change history, or me.

If we can't change you, why are we still talking :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok, change is rigorous...lets 'alter' you a bit. :wink:

No way pal. We're not here to change our opinions are we? Have you seen anyone do it since you joined here?

Have you ever seen the cabbage eater miss a chance to bash me?

I love it here, so full of predictable people who'se buttons you can push just by mentioning the Union Jack and the biggest Empire the world ever saw. :D :D :D
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Apr 16, 2009
What ARE we going to do about all these filthy Russian gangsters that are in Dubai now...
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Apr 16, 2009
Speedy, could you avoid those odd aliases. We are not in the British kindergarten. I guess you have own grandchildren. What will they think as soon as they have learnt about this childish behavior?

Humour is definitely not your strong feature...
Red Chief
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Apr 16, 2009
An alias is a false name used by someone. We all have them here.

I wasn't calling you a gangster despite your avatar. Just disparaging your countrymen who are making headlines here. Are you going to deny that Dubai is now stuffed with Russian gangsters killing each other, adding another charming racial portrait to the bars full of miserable looking Russian whores?

I'm out now, read you later (if I have to...)
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Apr 16, 2009
Speedhump wrote:What ARE we going to do about all these filthy Russian gangsters that are in Dubai now...

Getting back into trouble again, now are we :lol: 8) :lol:

We have one thing in common...we don't know when to quit. Always on fire :twisted: :wink:
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Apr 16, 2009
Speedy, I can't belive that definite person could be so close to the appropriate cartoonish character.

That was awesome, Colonel Blimp!
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