Ruskie wrote:RobbyG wrote:Because of the supply demand issue we currently have between oil authocracies and Russia, the Europeans are trying to get away from this dependancy since Russia shot off Ukraine a winter back and that means Germany doesn't get a feet of gas either at that point!
I merely logical that we seek alternatives and gaining common ground from it by strategically using the resources we have in the Western world.
Don't blame us we are just doing business. I think you'd be upset if Ukraine stole billions dollars worth of gas that was intended for you.
Who's blaming? Not me. Russia has every right of buying strategic resources. Its simply Europe that is lacking political courage to put a stop to it.
I don't know if you read the papers lately. Russia's Gazprom just bought a 20 percent stake in ENI from Spain. Thats another company that had a share in Italy's shoe, where the new Algerian Pipelines should come out on.
Gone, strategically obtained by Russia. Europe has got a lot to learn from quick and decisive unilateral leadership actions. Fools are we sometimes.
Idealist are realists. No daydreamers or gazzguzlers. I prefer being idealist. The universe is inherently instable, but it always find itself some form of equilibrium. Lets keep it that way shall we?