desertdudeshj wrote:RobbyG wrote: a depleting supply from the Middle East
What ? Only if you knew the things I knew.
And what 70's rethoric man. Most probally like 99% of people living in the west believe the Iraqi Invasion and now trying tussle up Iran is all about the war on terror you are one of them. Its all about the black gold homes.
The gulf war is the now and the 70's reference is just to show you how long "they" have been drooling to get to it. And now they have found the perfect excuse.
Trust me dude, like I said eairler if USA, UK or Europe had all the oil reserves you wouldn't even know what an electric car was.
Just like you say I choose to ignore the enviromental issues you choose to ignore this. Dude your the one who has to come out of the frame and look at the broad reality.
And the fact remains people will be still be driving petrol driven cars long after me and you are gone. So why fight it, Join in man. get your self a gas guzzler and feel the power of a real machine and not a puny four pot deisel. Oh sorry I forgot you have to leave a kidney behind everytime you fill up at the pump. But you guys are trying your best to make that better now isn't
Cheers buddy
P.S : when you say "This is no way comparable with what I showed you." WHY NOT ? after all one of the articles is from your cherised independant written by Cahal Milmo one of their chief reporters. The independant which in the other thread you can't help sing high praises of its accurate factual journalism and how well written it is ? Now whats the matter ? Its all of a sudden lost all its credibilty ???
Oh and Checking out mate need to get some Zzzz's
You are right about 'the black gold' being a strategic resources we all need to have. The US imported it for decades without using their own resources beneath the ground, just because prices remained so low for decades till the '90s. Now they start drilling in the Appalach shales and tar sands in Canada, simply to be less dependant on an oil price of 100+ dollars a barrel.
In the US thats nearly 4 dollars a gallon (~3.75 liters) but in Europe we have this nice little fucked up tax system for government spending on innovation. In Holland we are paying 1 euro 60 per liter !! That 6 euro a gallon and that is: 7.5 dollar per US gallon. !!!! BOINK Helloooo!!
Are you nuts, I'm not able to drive a gazz guzzler from the US of A. I really don't even want to drive it with that sick carbon footprint those GM cars have! I drive German BMW. I drive a in-line six cilinder, 2.0 liter injection M52 Single VANOS engine from 1996. Excellent sportcoupé car and it slurps about 1 liter every 14 kilometers when driving normal. 150 horsepowers under the bonnet.

More than enough for a Sheihk Zayed Road traffic congestion
Because of the supply demand issue we currently have between oil authocracies and Russia, the Europeans are trying to get away from this dependancy since Russia shot off Ukraine a winter back and that means Germany doesn't get a feet of gas either at that point!
I merely logical that we seek alternatives and gaining common ground from it by strategically using the resources we have in the Western world.
What is the price for a liter petrol in the UAE?
Thats what I'm saying. You get it at cost price, maybe even government subsided. But not here in Europe I can tell you that. If I go to Venezuela, I get a gallon for 80 dollarcents with subsidy from government.
Some of you really live in a fantasy world. Wait till you visit Europe and have to pay for a hotal arrangement, a ful gas tank or a decent sandwich. Bye bye paycheck. Every product available has its dependancy on oil, one way or the other. You don't think the Western World let oil get back to $150 dollars again now!?
We need to get rid of the full (read: lesser degree) oil dependancy. This is unsustainable for everyone in the long term.
The Green issue, is merely a good incentive to change it all for the better. I won't deny that as you implied. ITs actually a good thing to lower your carbon footprint one day. Maybe our legacies can all live a few years longer without nature disrupting our daily standards of living.
I'm done.