What Do Muslims Think About Jesus!

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What Do Muslims Think About Jesus! Aug 13, 2005
What Do Muslims Think About Jesus!

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Aug 15, 2005
Everybody loves Jesus!!! Who dosent like a guy that can turn water into wine!!!!
Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 15, 2005
The Jesus in the Quran is not the same Jesus the Christians recorded 800 years before the Quran.

Jesus is the Son of God. He is not a partner of God. There is only 1 God.
Jesus was with God from the very beginning.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . .and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. . ."

Jesus is the Word.
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Aug 15, 2005
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Aug 15, 2005
i can sense the calm before the storm...let it rip boys :roll:
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Aug 16, 2005
abs wrote:The Jesus in the Quran is not the same Jesus the Christians recorded 800 years before the Quran.

Jesus is the Son of God. He is not a partner of God. There is only 1 God.
Jesus was with God from the very beginning.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . .and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. . ."

Jesus is the Word.

Here we go..................I am waiting for the day when abs asks us to donate to THA CHUUUUURCH!!!
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Aug 17, 2005
And once again I say eh! Shrug.

Am I right in thinking though that Muslims don't consider that Jesus was the son of God, but instead that he was a prophet?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 17, 2005
Yes in islamic tradition Jesus was the last "major" prophet before Mohammad.

Muslims do beleive in the holy spirit, but do not consider Jesus as the son of god.

So to sum it up the two points that Islam and Christianity disagree on are :

1) Jesus is the son of god
2) Jesus was crucified (Muslims beleive that Jesus is still alive up in the heavens and that he will come back at the end of times to bring peace and justice back to the world)
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Aug 18, 2005
Jesus saves and Pump Esco withdraws!!!!!! :twisted:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 30, 2005
abs wrote:The Jesus in the Quran is not the same Jesus the Christians recorded 800 years before the Quran.

Jesus is the Son of God. He is not a partner of God. There is only 1 God.
Jesus was with God from the very beginning.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . .and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. . ."

Jesus is the Word.

what is it with you ???? these are muslims who actually respect and love Jesus Christ and there you are contradicting them and shoving and pushing lines from the bible .... knowing from the start that it would only spark a debate and it would only insult .... i really dont see you being a good christian on what you had been posting in this forum ... your post and words are laced with insults and sarcasm ... when they talk good about Jesus .. Al we Christians have to do is ... smile and thank God that They Do respect Our Religion ... and if along the line there are something said that doesnt go parallel with our beliefs .. all we can do is respect in return and pray .. "God pls Lead them the way" all these sarcasm and Hostilities wont do you no GOOD Like what i said Son " Dont Preach if you cant Respect " because of people like you there are never ending conlicts on the southern region of my country and because of people like you there are somany hate crimes around the world triggered by religion ... Religion doesnt teach us to hate ... I guides us to be a better human being ... well if you cant be a good respecting human being i dont see the point of you projecting hollyness and using the word of the only begotten son on your signature..... look at the mirror and ask your self why cant they understand me ?? then after that ask your self this .... Am I really Glorifying God ... or am I Just doing it for Self Righteousness and self glorification ..... what i ask of you is to respect our fellow brothers cause at the end of the day we are all the same we are all brothers... and i also ask/beg of you to think ... my brother ....
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Jan 24, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:And once again I say eh! Shrug.

Am I right in thinking though that Muslims don't consider that Jesus was the son of God, but instead that he was a prophet?

If Jesus (PBUH) were son of God then how a son of God can die ? God does not have a limitation of birth and death....why does his son do have these limitations?

ofcourse Jesus(PBUH) was a great prophet we love and we respect him...
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Jan 24, 2006
Think we need a post from Shaf here to clear things up
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Jan 24, 2006
Jesus was a gift to man at the time.

The arch-angel Gibril (Gabriel) came down to Mary during her sleep and told her that she give birth to a child who will carry God's Message.

Mary said, but how, for I am a virgin. Gibril said not to worry and that God as chosen her, as the most pure and blessed of all women to carry His Message.

And so it was done, God put the child to be known as Jesus in Mary's womb and His Messanger was born nine months later.

Sadaqallah al azeem.
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Jan 24, 2006
Liban wrote:Jesus was a gift to man at the time.

The arch-angel Gibril (Gabriel) came down to Mary during her sleep and told her that she give birth to a child who will carry God's Message.

Mary said, but how, for I am a virgin. Gibril said not to worry and that God as chosen her, as the most pure and blessed of all women to carry His Message.

And so it was done, God put the child to be known as Jesus in Mary's womb and His Messanger was born nine months later.

Sadaqallah al azeem.

EXACLTY u are rite....but how we can called him as God ? or son of God ?
just becoz he was a gift to huminity or he born without father ? HOW about adam he also born without father plus without mother...
how about one more entity called UZAIR ?

how about Final messenger Muhammed (SAW)? he is not a Gift from God ?
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Jan 24, 2006
emadullah wrote:
how about Final messenger Muhammed (SAW)? he is not a Gift from God ?

The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is of course the Last and Greatest of all of God's messangers. He was and still is God's Greatest Gift Ever.

The purest man with the best heart. The Prophet truely was and is the Man of men. If you get my drift...
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Jan 24, 2006
What escapes a lot of the fellow Christians is that Islam actually acknowledges the divine message of Jesus Christ, the miracle of his birth, his other miracles, the virginity of Virgin Mary ....etc.

That's WAY more than we can say for any other religion. It's sad that two religions that have so much in common, in the basic and fundamental teachings, to be pitted against eachother like that (In the media at least).

I find it extremely hypocritical that Europe and the US, which only emerged into advancement and technology after the separation of state and church, and the elimination of the Church's role in public matters..... Suddenly pretends to hold some form of divine representation of the "Christendom" ...... how silly.

I find the Arab Christians (Specially the Iraqi and Syrian) to be very close to what I always imagined to be "true" christians.

Let's not forget that if Moses, Jesus, and Abraham were alive today, that they'd probably be escorted off airplanes and into detention in a lot of European/American airports. They were by no way "white" or "western".

As a matter of fact, as much as a lot would hate to hear this, Jesus probably looked more like Hassan and Mohammed and Ali, than John or Andrew or Sean.

Focus on the meeting points.
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Jan 25, 2006
Linda_Stuiv wrote:
As a matter of fact, as much as a lot would hate to hear this, Jesus probably looked more like Hassan and Mohammed and Ali, than John or Andrew or Sean.

Why would people hate to hear that??? I mean if they found that repulsive or abhorrent as a fact then they are mere racists and not even true Christians who are supposed to love their brothers.

Finally a movie on Jesus came out with an impression on what he could have looked like (even tho its haram in Islam to see his image or any prophet's for that matter) - Passion of Christ. Though I still think he was darker. But I will not say more for I do not want to do anything haram.
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Jan 25, 2006
Muslims believe in Jesus as a true prophet of God and the Messiah for the Jews foretold in the OT.

The Quran covers the birth, ministry and even records a conversation between God and Jesus that will take place on the day of judgement (Jesus will be asked whether he instructed his followers to worship him and his mother, he will answer that he was not aware of this as this did not happen whilst he was among people on earth.)

I've said this before, but Muslims actually agree with what Jesus says in the Bible - where they differ from Christians is actually the teachings of St Paul which came in after the crucifixion.

Jesus was the reformer for the Jews and instructed his followers only to preach to the Jews. Jesus said he did not come with a new law, but to fulfil what was in the existing Jewish law.

He also said that his message was not the final one - that another would come in the future.

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Jan 25, 2006
Linda said,

"Let's not forget that if Moses, Jesus, and Abraham were alive today, that they'd probably be escorted off airplanes and into detention in a lot of European/American airports. They were by no way "white" or "western".

As a matter of fact, as much as a lot would hate to hear this, Jesus probably looked more like Hassan and Mohammed and Ali, than John or Andrew or Sean."

Linda, sometimes you post very intelligent and insightful posts, and other times you resort to these kinds of comments.

Let's face it, if 911 never happened there would be less detention of Arab looking people in the West. I can say this for a fact because there was much less detention of Arab looking people before 911.

No one would hate to hear that Jesus looked more Arab than Western - that is just your bias that most Westerners are racist coming through yet again. As far as I know there was no photography in Christ's day, so no one has a completely accurate picture of his features or skin tone. Many artists from many cultures change the appearance of holy people so that others in their culture can relate to him/her. Even if people in the past were more racist and had less experience with people from other countries, doesn't mean that people now can't accept a changed image of Christ.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 25, 2006
kanelli wrote:Let's face it, if 911 never happened there would be less detention of Arab looking people in the West. I can say this for a fact because there was much less detention of Arab looking people before 911.

Possible that there was less direct detention. However, persecution of Arabs was just as prevalent unfortunatly. I saw it daily and I lived in a more accepting Western country.
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Jan 25, 2006
If it weren't for Islamic terrorist groups giving good and peaceful Arabs a bad name and making people paranoid about attacks Arabs would not be singled out and detained. That is a fact.

I also have to point out that many groups of people feel persecuted by others.

Try being a woman! Women have been suppressed far longer than any race of people on this planet, and we continue to fight for equality and fair treatment.
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Jan 25, 2006
kanelli wrote:If it weren't for Islamic terrorist groups giving good and peaceful Arabs a bad name and making people paranoid about attacks Arabs would not be singled out and detained. That is a fact. .

Fine, lets say you are right. Why are blacks and hispanics discriminated against then????? Blacks don't carry out attacks against whites.... In fact Blacks are victims of white people....
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Jan 25, 2006
Liban wrote:
kanelli wrote:If it weren't for Islamic terrorist groups giving good and peaceful Arabs a bad name and making people paranoid about attacks Arabs would not be singled out and detained. That is a fact. .

Fine, lets say you are right. Why are blacks and hispanics discriminated against then????? Blacks don't carry out attacks against whites.... In fact Blacks are victims of white people....

Whites have created an unfortunate situation where minorities of all types are socially and economically disadvantaged, which often means that some of the people in those minority groups turn to crime to feed their families or become wealthy so they can buy nice things (a la American capitalistic way!). When you see that there are more minorities in your area charged with theft, gang crimes, violence etc. you tend to lump them into the "dangerous" category. In this way, the situation is comparable to the Arabs being singled out - society (and not just the whites in all cases) have a defined group of people to be suspicious of. I'm not saying it is right, it is just the way it is.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 25, 2006
It sucks.... :cry:
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Jan 25, 2006
Liban wrote:Fine, lets say you are right. Why are blacks and hispanics discriminated against then????? Blacks don't carry out attacks against whites.... In fact Blacks are victims of white people....

I have to beg to differ here Liban.

Racist attacks are on the increase especially in the UK. In November 5 Indians were jailed for a racist attack on ramdomly selected white people in a city centre

The first one they attacked sadly died, in Court evidence was given that they were heard whilst kicking the guy in the head "lets play football with the white mans head".

It is something more common now in the UK, mainly a problem with Black Afro Carribeans from Jamaca called "yardies". They are basically drug dealers, and are very violent indeed, and have no love or tollerance of white people.
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Jan 25, 2006
Every group has its morons....
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Jan 26, 2006
Read all the thread, and yes there are bad people in every race, country and religion.

Back to Jesus (PBUH) in Islam, ... All people go the point now??

Lets see now, got some questions.

1) When was the bible wrote or collected, and how many bible is there?
We (Muslims) belive that Jesus (PBUH) recieved the Bilbe. but, we also belive that modifications or changing happened after he was lifted up in heaven.

2) What does christianity think about Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)?
We belive in Moses and Torah, Jesus and Bible, and Muhammed and Quran, but the Quran, God preserved it from being changed like the previous (thats our belif)
I know for sure Muhamed (PBUH) came after Jesus, but the Church should have an opinion, right?

3) What does christianity think about Moses and Torah?

Please, if you are gonna give offensive reply, we don't need it here.

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Jan 28, 2006
kanelli wrote:Let's face it, if 911 never happened there would be less detention of Arab looking people in the West. I can say this for a fact because there was much less detention of Arab looking people before 911.

Pls see this POST and judge who were resposible for 911?


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be humane Feb 01, 2006
Jesus or any other propehts or any other concept ,which is being the bedrock of any other religion ,thse icons and good hearted thoughts are being hyjacked by their followers . Prophets lived for the poorest of the society . Followers live to protect the name of the prophet . Who needs more attention . Is it the prophets or is the people who deserve it . Church became one of the biggest multinational organisation by selling the brand Jesus . Isalam built mosque everywhere by selling their belief . What's true religion. If every creature has the same creator ,How can we differentiate between any of the life forms on earth . In stead of trying to protect and fight for God and prophets ,we should have fought for humanity and for the land were we live .Lets protect this land for our future generation .

I dont think God is a weakling to fight for him .He has to above destructions and above humanly passions .

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Feb 01, 2006
Liban wrote:Every group has its morons....

They certainly do! :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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