How Do I Tell My Employees They’ve Become Redundant?

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How do I tell my employees they’ve become redundant? Apr 05, 2009
I am a head of a department in the UAE office of a multinational corporation. As expected, our company has not escaped the effects of the current global economic downturn. As a result, I have been told by the big bosses that I need to trim the work force in my department by about 20%. I agonized over this decision for days because I felt everyone in my department was too important to let go.

However, I finally came up with a list of the people whom I selected to be in that unfortunate 20%. I submitted the list last week and today I got the go ahead to implement this decision.

The list is confidential and no one in the office knows about it except me and the top bosses. Now my task is to call each person on the list into my office to let them know they are out of job!

I’ve fired people before in my home country but this is the first time I have been asked to terminate many individuals in one day -- indivduals who come from different countries and different cultural backgrounds.

I want to handle it properly and be compassionate (and culturally sensitive) about it. I know some of these individuals will take it very hard because they support big families back home.

Any pointers and help from anyone out there (at the Dubai Forums) on how I should go about it would be very helpful indeed.

Thank you.


Dubai Rose
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Apr 05, 2009
would help if you mention which background most of these guys are from.
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Apr 05, 2009
Well there really is no easy way to put it is there to be honest. It's a horrible job, but if it has to be done, then so be it.

Although I do wonder about some companies, when they make redundancies, yet the big bosses still get their bonuses - hardly fair is it?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: How do I tell my employees they’ve become redundant? Apr 05, 2009
Dubai Rose wrote:I am a head of a department in the UAE office of a multinational corporation. As expected, our company has not escaped the effects of the current global economic downturn. As a result, I have been told by the big bosses that I need to trim the work force in my department by about 20%. I agonized over this decision for days because I felt everyone in my department was too important to let go.

However, I finally came up with a list of the people whom I selected to be in that unfortunate 20%. I submitted the list last week and today I got the go ahead to implement this decision.

The list is confidential and no one in the office knows about it except me and the top bosses. Now my task is to call each person on the list into my office to let them know they are out of job!

I’ve fired people before in my home country but this is the first time I have been asked to terminate many individuals in one day -- indivduals who come from different countries and different cultural backgrounds.

I want to handle it properly and be compassionate (and culturally sensitive) about it. I know some of these individuals will take it very hard because they support big families back home.

Any pointers and help from anyone out there (at the Dubai Forums) on how I should go about it would be very helpful indeed.

Thank you.


Well, if I had to make it work as a director of HR, without people (from different nationalities and backgrounds) making a fuss in my offices building, I would do the following;

If 20 percent of your workforce represents about 50 employees, for instance, you should let them go in tranches of 2 or 3 per day at maximum. Don't let them go all at once, cause they will try and resist it one way or the other.
If you let go a group too big, you will have a disturbance in your entire workforce and that ruins productivity among the rest of your remaining workers. (fear of also losing their jobs). You need a controlled decrease of your workforce without the rise of some sort of 'union of redundant workers' in your building/office. You also don't want to make them mad and slam away their computers etc.

If you have to fire, make sure you do it on Thursday and Fridays. This works both better for your Company and for the ease of mind of the workers itself.

You probably know how to deal with workers that moan (logically) about their families that don't have an income anylonger. But you might have to do some serious talking and giving support for their future career searches by showing you can assist them with your ful support as a reference for them.

And you might see some serious frightened faces in front of you, so you have to make sure you keep a divide of business and personal emotions. You should focus on the Company need for laying of workers. Show them you upmost respect for their services done so far and tell them this move is unavoidable for the Company in order to survive.

Never tell them that you have to cut 20 percent, especially not to the first tranch you send out redundant, since this will spur a feeling of insecurity through the rest of your workforce (both remaining and redundant workers).

This is how I would take this assignment on to me. You probably know it much better than me, since you work as HR director. Anyway, heres my two cents. :wink:
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Apr 06, 2009
put the blame on your boss, so that u don't get beaten up in the parking lot.
Dubai forums GURU
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Apr 06, 2009
If the group is as big as 50, you may need a different approach. It’s tough mentally to handle so many “negative” meetings. You will be numb after 7 or 8 of them. Anything over 10, maybe you should send a sms or email on a Friday, explaining it. Tell them you will call them to the office next week to offer their final payments and bonuses and other help your company can provide.

I know it sounds cold hearted, but even if you’re a mentally strong person, your input here suggest you have a soft heart for your fellow human. Let them work it with their families for a couple of days before they come to you. It gives you the chance to give them the more “positive” information: paycheck, longer visa cancelation, what the company can do for them and so on.

I really feel your problem. Good luck.
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Apr 06, 2009
No easy way to do that really. I would say send everyone home for the day except those who have to go. The spend the rest of the day sitting with those people and working out their severance packages, and then, the next day when the rest of the staff comes in address them all at once and tell them what had to be done. This will minimize the effect on moral that prolonged periods of fearing for your job can have. Get it over with and let those who are left feel like they have survived and can move on.
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Apr 06, 2009
Firstly, from experience, At this point of time any statements like:

"I Know how you feel"
"I am really sorry"
"You're a good worker but....."

...are not going to be taken lightly....This is most lightly to evoke a strong reaction.

secondly, if you have to give a reason be bold to admit that it was mismanagement. Dont put the reason on "economic downturns". Proper business planning involves sustaining during times of low business. Your employees - although they may be lowly ranked in the org. know very well you all goofed in overspending where you shouldnt have and now you cant retain employees.

People in your position are the first hitting bag so .. :-)
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Apr 06, 2009
Yes blame the company's awful management if you want to get the boot too!

I feel for you, and for the workers you have to let go.

You don't say whether the company want them to leave immediately you fire them? Anyway, many people in Dubai know their jobs are under threat so maybe your workers will be 'half expecting' it anyway, especially if they know the company is in a bad way. This makes your job easier. So don't expect the worst, if you do it may anyway make you nervous and you won't be able to keep control of the situation. As you go through the list I imagine that it will get easier as you gauge the general mood of the staff (sounds horrible).

Maxiumprime suggest closing down your business for an entire day, I guess that's not an option.

RobbyG suggests a slow release, but I don't agree. For weeks everyone will be wondering 'who's next' and an air of despondency will engulf your company. Better to do it all at once in one day. Then those left behind will know that the company is fitter and they have a chance to move forward?

Think of the people that are staying too, not just the ones that have to leave.

Sympathy I'm sure you know how to give, but keep control of the situation at all times. Have plenty of boxes of tissues handy. And make sure you look after yourself too, would the company allow you to have another experienced member of staff in the room with you, not just for safety but also to make a psychological point that it's 'the company' and not just you who's doing the firing?

Good luck.
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Apr 06, 2009
I am writing on this forum after ages, my two cents:

1. I worry as I read your note that its possible emotion or personal situations may have led to some degree of bias on the decision of who to axe. Please ensure you look at the list again and it keep the corporate agenda on priority this also ensures being fair to individuals who are high performers/dedicated.

2. Please ensure 'newness bias' is reduced, i.e. say someone made a big boo boo recently but has been performing consistently over time - don't miss the big picture

I can rant forever but SUGGESTION

3. How about a 15-20% paycut instead and possibly taking away of 'extra perks' and streamlining operations. So you have to let go of much fewer people and when things get better again you can promise to make up and I am sure many would prefer this option to loosing their jobs.
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Apr 06, 2009
write them all an email. if they come swearing at u say it was april fools day :D

nah just write them a nice letter that should do the trick if u finding it hard to tell them. its better to write things down rather then confronting a person.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Apr 06, 2009
write them all an email. if they come swearing at u say it was april fools day :D

nah just write them a nice letter that should do the trick if u finding it hard to tell them. its better to write things down rather then confronting a person.
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Apr 06, 2009
rudeboy wrote::D

nah just write them a nice letter that should do the trick if u finding it hard to tell them. its better to write things down rather then confronting a person.

For someone with the screen name of "rudeboy", that was a pretty nice answer! ;)

My $0.02

It comes with the territory. Business is down, people have to go. It's a business decision, not personal. Making it personal will may be met with mixed emotions.

Most of them already know its coming. Telling them " I really like your work... blah blah" will only make them beg and feel worse.

"the economy is down... company has to cut its force. I'm sorry. Good luck." is a straight forward, no room for arguing statement.

I'd pull them into the office and say it. Makes the delivery a little nicer than a sticky note on their desk.

Good luck, not easy.
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Apr 06, 2009
dresden wrote:
rudeboy wrote::D

nah just write them a nice letter that should do the trick if u finding it hard to tell them. its better to write things down rather then confronting a person.

For someone with the screen name of "rudeboy", that was a pretty nice answer! ;)

My $0.02

It comes with the territory. Business is down, people have to go. It's a business decision, not personal. Making it personal will may be met with mixed emotions.

Most of them already know its coming. Telling them " I really like your work... blah blah" will only make them beg and feel worse.

"the economy is down... company has to cut its force. I'm sorry. Good luck." is a straight forward, no room for arguing statement.

I'd pull them into the office and say it. Makes the delivery a little nicer than a sticky note on their desk.

Good luck, not easy.

aaaah chucks. i m just trying be a nice guy :D but thank u for the compliments ;)
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Apr 06, 2009
Write and email or send an SMS? Are you mad?! How unprofessional is that!!!

NO, you put it in writing on paper, on company headed paper signed by the highest person in authority, whether it's the head of HR or the CEO of the company.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 06, 2009
Its simple. You just send an email individually and mention it decision by the upper management. Offcource, you are also an employee and your responsibility is to get hire and fire in addition with management's decision. Its not your company and not your personal decision.

Dubai Forums Talker
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Apr 06, 2009
Stand up and applaud yourselves DubaiForums, a lot of people with big hearts here trying to help this poor lady!
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Apr 06, 2009
Speedhump wrote:Stand up and applaud yourselves DubaiForums, a lot of people with big hearts here trying to help this poor lady!

lol i wonder WHY they really helping her ;) ;)
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Apr 06, 2009
a lot of men can talk to women and not have their brain drop down into their d*ck, if that's what you mean? :P
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Apr 06, 2009
Anosh wrote:Its simple. You just send an email individually and mention it decision by the upper management. Offcource, you are also an employee and your responsibility is to get hire and fire in addition with management's decision. Its not your company and not your personal decision.


Its an option but it'll surely ruin the productivity among all employees. Chatter will rule the day.

With at the end of the month, an even worse result in targets and income stream depending on what business of course.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Apr 06, 2009
Yep firing people by email or SMS is cowardly anyway, if I found I worked at a company that did that I would want to leave anyway, as it shows a complete lack of HR sensitivity and people skills.
But what do you think: tell them to clear their desk and leave the premises immediately? I think when it's so many people being axed all at once, there's no alternative, or you're asking for corporate sabotage on a grand scale.
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Apr 06, 2009
No that would be a Company I really never would come back to. Just give them at least a two day notice, so they can arrange something to get their stuff (desk items etc) out of the building. Just before the weekends eases ones mind.

Thursday and Fridays are optimum release days for controlled departure of redundant workers.

Telling them to pack their bags and leave this place immediately is a sign of no respect. Its an emotional thing to get fired. It needs to settle in the mind before they are dropped on the side walk of the building with a cardboard box and a foodstamp in their hand...
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Apr 06, 2009
I remember one case in my previous company.

My colleague resigned, claimed that he is not moving to a competitor, however, the company had some solid and reliable sources....

The guy had been asked to leave the premises then and there, escorted, making sure he doesn't have anything with him apart from his personal mobile.

The good thing is, no one month notice! He got his pay in full without rendering hand-over. He spent his one month at home doing nothing -- paid.

Oh well, that's a completely different scenario but yeah, that's life.

Some turns could happen.

What I could suggest is to be professional. It's difficult, and I personally wouldn't want to be in that situation but then again, if the decision had been fair, the lowest/most inefficient/unprofitable 20% had to go, then they had to go.

I always believe that people had always been given chances all their lives. It's what you make out of it, day in, day out. Everything that is happening today is out of something that had been planted yesterday.

If you had planted the good seeds yesterday, maybe, things would have been different.
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Apr 06, 2009
farthestpoint has the right idea for certain employees who can steal customers, take copies of company records to take to a competitor, etc. It's necessary to get them off the premises immediately and they will understand it, and thier contract (pay etc) must still be honoured even while they sit at home for a month or whatever. For the basic workers maybe Robby has the idea, sensitivity...

No one size fits all solution exists.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Apr 06, 2009
Well you also have to bear in mind, that for many people this will be the end of their lives in Dubai! Do they have loans, mortgages etc etc, some might be forced to skip the country, others might try to find other jobs, so the offer of any assistance would be prudent.

A company that my friend works for, told all their staff that they would not inform the banks of the redundancies straight away, to give those that wished to pack and leave straight away the opportunity to do so.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 06, 2009
Thanks to everyone who responded to my post. Most of the suggestions and comments were helpful and supportive. Greatly appreciated!!

The problem with most employees in this part of the world is that they have invested a lot in their jobs. They’ve traveled great distances to come to a strange land, to work for better wages so that they can provide a better life for themselves and their families back home. It's a big sacrifice for many. Losing their job means losing their dreams for a better future. When a worker loses his or her job in the UAE, their visa is cancelled and they must go back home within a month-- unlike sacked workers in most other counties where they usually find another job without much effort (not now perhaps!). That’s why there is that display of super charged of emotions when they find out about the loss of their job, something which I certainly hate to see or go through.

There is another thing I’ve noticed about some workers esp. from Asia, East Europe and Arabic countries. They take their termination too personally. Not only they get too emotional when told about it, they seem to also get upset and angry. No matter how much I explain the reasons behind the termination, they think I have picked them because I don’t like them. Then they start saying why me, and not so and so who’s worse than me. They also go on listing all the good things they do, or have done, for the company and all the bad things the other employees do, or have done!

Anyway, I don’t have much time to write more right now, but when it’s all over I hope I can report back here, on how everything went.

Again thank you all indeed for the kind responses.

Dubai Rose
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Apr 06, 2009
Dubai Rose wrote:Thanks to everyone who responded to my post. Most of the suggestions and comments were helpful and supportive. Greatly appreciated!!

The problem with most employees in this part of the world is that they have invested a lot in their jobs. They’ve traveled great distances to come to a strange land, to work for better wages so that they can provide a better life for themselves and their families back home. It's a big sacrifice for many. Losing their job means losing their dreams for a better future. When a worker loses his or her job in the UAE, their visa is cancelled and they must go back home within a month-- unlike sacked workers in most other counties where they usually find another job without much effort (not now perhaps!). That’s why there is that display of super charged of emotions when they find out about the loss of their job, something which I certainly hate to see or go through.

There is another thing I’ve noticed about some workers esp. from Asia, East Europe and Arabic countries. They take their termination too personally. Not only they get too emotional when told about it, they seem to also get upset and angry. No matter how much I explain the reasons behind the termination, they think I have picked them because I don’t like them. Then they start saying why me, and not so and so who’s worse than me. They also go on listing all the good things they do, or have done, for the company and all the bad things the other employees do, or have done!

Anyway, I don’t have much time to write more right now, but when it’s all over I hope I can report back here, on how everything went.

Again thank you all indeed for the kind responses.


hey lifes hard. no gives u the million dollars on the plate. you have to fight hard to get it. its a tough world out there. they did a great job in getting to where they are. its not their fault. its the recession :D if it wasnt for the recession they would still be there. use the same lines and you will be alrite.

if u cant. am ready to do your dirty job provided u pay me 50 dollar for every person and u sort my insurance out :D
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Apr 07, 2009
Just write a list of names of those who got fired and stick on the board.
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Apr 07, 2009
Snow wrote:Just write a list of names of those who got fired and stick on the board.

i hope u are not being serious here :P
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Apr 07, 2009
With the salaries theyre getting, they probably already are and are prepared for it lol....

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