Are All Lebanese Drunk?

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Are all Lebanese drunk? Mar 26, 2009
Whats it with these guys - almost everytime I go out - these are the biggest troublemakers on the road.

Just went to pick up my kid and this guy shoots blindly out of an internal road, almost hits meal though I'm two lanes away and although I apply my brakes, He purposely tries to hit me again and again. wtf? Narrowly Avoided an accident but stopped at the signal few meters away, got out and screamed my head off at him telling him I have a kid in the car. Told him to come to the police station.

I dont know what stopped me from pulling him out and trashing him. Something I really regret not doing. Still havent gone to the police co of work but now am thinking twice whether it is worth the time and effort. I dont really trust them to entertain me. I'm not a local anyways.

Screw the lebs. Biggest set of losers I have seen on this planet.

White Nissan Altima 15940 (AUH) by the way.

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Mar 26, 2009
so do you feel better now?? :)
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Mar 26, 2009
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Re: Are all Lebanese drunk? Mar 26, 2009
michaeldubai wrote:Whats it with these guys - almost everytime I go out - these are the biggest troublemakers on the road.

Just went to pick up my kid and this guy shoots blindly out of an internal road, almost hits meal though I'm two lanes away and although I apply my brakes, He purposely tries to hit me again and again. wtf? Narrowly Avoided an accident but stopped at the signal few meters away, got out and screamed my head off at him telling him I have a kid in the car. Told him to come to the police station.

I dont know what stopped me from pulling him out and trashing him. Something I really regret not doing. Still havent gone to the police co of work but now am thinking twice whether it is worth the time and effort. I dont really trust them to entertain me. I'm not a local anyways.

Screw the lebs. Biggest set of losers I have seen on this planet.

White Nissan Altima 15940 (AUH) by the way.

If you are white, they will listen to you. I've seen the police treat white folks VERY courteously. I won't go off-topic now by pointing out how they treat brownies.
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Mar 26, 2009
the only time i had "accident"was when a guy hit my front bumper when parking. got crack on it, nothing really serious though.
that guy tried to escape but i managed to chase and bang his window to stop him. i called the police for report & insurance.
but what amazed me was that he said he wasn't trying to escape as he is an egyptian.
police came and ask us to go to bur dubai police station. i went there but he never showed up.
earlier he said egyptians don't run and are responsible.
yeah right.
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Mar 26, 2009
2 words man....Brass...Knuckles.
If you're gonna fight 'em make sure the fight's worth it.
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Mar 26, 2009
quatroporte wrote:so do you feel better now?? :)

yes :-) a bit
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Mar 26, 2009
yeah but honestly what the heck - Guys on this forum label indians as slow drivers in the fast lanes. better slow than fast. less fatalities. i think the freaks who drive fast and rash need to be done away with.

some of you may hit me for stereotyping - but I stick to my stand on this.
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Re: Are all Lebanese drunk? Mar 26, 2009
gtmash wrote:
michaeldubai wrote:Whats it with these guys - almost everytime I go out - these are the biggest troublemakers on the road.

Just went to pick up my kid and this guy shoots blindly out of an internal road, almost hits meal though I'm two lanes away and although I apply my brakes, He purposely tries to hit me again and again. wtf? Narrowly Avoided an accident but stopped at the signal few meters away, got out and screamed my head off at him telling him I have a kid in the car. Told him to come to the police station.

I dont know what stopped me from pulling him out and trashing him. Something I really regret not doing. Still havent gone to the police co of work but now am thinking twice whether it is worth the time and effort. I dont really trust them to entertain me. I'm not a local anyways.

Screw the lebs. Biggest set of losers I have seen on this planet.

White Nissan Altima 15940 (AUH) by the way.

If you are white, they will listen to you. I've seen the police treat white folks VERY courteously. I won't go off-topic now by pointing out how they treat brownies.

Thank's for that
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Mar 26, 2009
Hmm he had an Abu Dhabi plate? Explains alot!
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Mar 26, 2009
Palestinians and Lebanese are all cuckoo......And people on this forum have problems with Indians!
Misery Called Life
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Mar 26, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:Palestinians and Lebanese are all cuckoo......And people on this forum have problems with Indians!

Are u indian? Paki? Bangali?
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Mar 27, 2009
i guess the problem is the alchol not the nationality..i dont think u will be aware of ur action when u are drunk ..thats why its not good to drive when u are drunk..
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Mar 27, 2009
naruto wrote:i guess the problem is the alchol not the nationality..i dont think u will be aware of ur action when u are drunk ..thats why its not good to drive when u are drunk..

You're not very familiar with normal use of alcohol, now are ya?
OFfcourse there are people who can't handle a drink, but a responsible person knows that alcohol should be consumed with limitation.

Go practice son. 8)
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Mar 27, 2009
RobbyG wrote:
naruto wrote:i guess the problem is the alchol not the nationality..i dont think u will be aware of ur action when u are drunk ..thats why its not good to drive when u are drunk..

You're not very familiar with normal use of alcohol, now are ya?
OFfcourse there are people who can't handle a drink, but a responsible person knows that alcohol should be consumed with limitation.

And never if you intend to drive. The legal blood/alcohol limit here is zero (that's zero booze, not zero blood.....)
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Mar 27, 2009
Speedhump wrote:
RobbyG wrote:
naruto wrote:i guess the problem is the alchol not the nationality..i dont think u will be aware of ur action when u are drunk ..thats why its not good to drive when u are drunk..

You're not very familiar with normal use of alcohol, now are ya?
OFfcourse there are people who can't handle a drink, but a responsible person knows that alcohol should be consumed with limitation.

And never if you intend to drive. The legal blood/alcohol limit here is zero (that's zero booze, not zero blood.....)

Are you kidding me? Offcourse one should NEVER step in a car after a few beers. Liquor is out of the question also.
In Holland it is allowed to have a promillage of alcohol in your blood equal to two small beers. But its better to not drink and drive at all. :idea:

8) Hashies however gets you focussed. Damnnn!!!
Seriously, I drove like superman back than. Sharp and focussed and so laid back :wink:. Yeah boys, those were the dayzz...


This is how my car looked like after I smoked back then.
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Mar 27, 2009
RobbyG wrote:
Speedhump wrote:
RobbyG wrote:
naruto wrote:i guess the problem is the alchol not the nationality..i dont think u will be aware of ur action when u are drunk ..thats why its not good to drive when u are drunk..

You're not very familiar with normal use of alcohol, now are ya?
OFfcourse there are people who can't handle a drink, but a responsible person knows that alcohol should be consumed with limitation.

And never if you intend to drive. The legal blood/alcohol limit here is zero (that's zero booze, not zero blood.....)

Are you kidding me? Offcourse one should NEVER step in a car after a few beers. Liquor is out of the question also.
In Holland it is allowed to have a promillage of alcohol in your blood equal to two small beers. But its better to not drink and drive at all. :idea:

8) Hashies however gets you focussed. Damnnn!!!
Seriously, I drove like superman back than. Sharp and focussed and so laid back :wink:. Yeah boys, those were the dayzz...


This is how my car looked like after I smoked back then.

:D I bet you thought it also had wingssss.......
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Mar 27, 2009
Take a closer look Speedbump.

I didn't need wings, since I was Supafly...I mean Superman Ahresqadayy ;)

Ahh those times 8)
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Mar 27, 2009
For sure.

The only time I ever totally passed out like stone dead flat on the floor was on a barge in Amsterdam. A girl I was with gave me the biggest blowback and everything just went darrrrrk. Talk about being greedy, what a chump! :D

(p.s. for readers, a blowback is not a s*x act).
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Mar 27, 2009
I was just thinking about the good old days and happen to think about Supafly JoeCartoons.

Chech this out. Its a classic.
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Mar 27, 2009
LOL "bubbles..levitation...sweeeeet"

Ever see Fritz the Cat?
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Mar 27, 2009
Nope, got any links?
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Mar 27, 2009
It was a seventies film. Seriously messed up, all the 1960's references are there, drugs, s*x, police brutality, etc. :D

You use torrents I think, you'll get it there. 1972 film, not the follow up in 1974 which I never saw, could be OK but I have no idea.
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Mar 28, 2009
RobbyG wrote:You're not very familiar with normal use of alcohol, now are ya?
OFfcourse there are people who can't handle a drink, but a responsible person knows that alcohol should be consumed with limitation.

That is explination always given when alcohol consumption is questioned. Which is quite lame actually. But its always that one time when a person over indulges and ends up doing something he/she regrets for the rest of his/her life.

Never really understood why " you lot " ( the drinkers ) are so passionate bout booze in the first place. Whats wrong with being in your senses and plz the lowering inhibitions and such BS don't cut it.
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Mar 28, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:
RobbyG wrote:You're not very familiar with normal use of alcohol, now are ya?
OFfcourse there are people who can't handle a drink, but a responsible person knows that alcohol should be consumed with limitation.

That is explination always given when alcohol consumption is questioned. Which is quite lame actually. But its always that one time when a person over indulges and ends up doing something he/she regrets for the rest of his/her life.

Never really understood why " you lot " ( the drinkers ) are so passionate bout booze in the first place. Whats wrong with being in your senses and plz the lowering inhibitions and such BS don't cut it.

Well said!
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Mar 28, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:
RobbyG wrote:You're not very familiar with normal use of alcohol, now are ya?
OFfcourse there are people who can't handle a drink, but a responsible person knows that alcohol should be consumed with limitation.

That is explination always given when alcohol consumption is questioned. Which is quite lame actually. But its always that one time when a person over indulges and ends up doing something he/she regrets for the rest of his/her life.

Never really understood why " you lot " ( the drinkers ) are so passionate bout booze in the first place. Whats wrong with being in your senses and plz the lowering inhibitions and such BS don't cut it.

I agree with that too. What's wrong with drinking Pepsi? You guys too shy?
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Mar 28, 2009
Its not about a NEED to drink. That is exactly what I read from some of 'you lot' that drink to get drunk. My point is, that you don't have to get drunk if you simply know your boundaries.
I can quit after five very very tasty beers, but I can also tank 20 away. The problem is that 20 doesn't improve my reasoning anylonger....;)
So yeah, than I probably slander across the streets, harass woman, get coarse and jump on cars!

No serious guys, my point is; You really can drink alcohol normally if you want. You don't have to get drunk every weekend. Just let the senses go and have fun. But within reason. Saves you a headache the next morning...and an episode "As the World Turns" ;)

Its not that hard. You just don't need to be a weak tiger. Only if you really want to be that particular weekend 8)
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Mar 28, 2009
RobbyG wrote:No serious guys, my point is; You really can drink alcohol normally if you want. You don't have to get drunk every weekend. Just let the senses go and have fun. But within reason. Saves you a headache the next morning...and an episode "As the World Turns" ;)

My point is why bother with something whose cons far outweigh the pros. And why is having a party, partyin' or having a goodtime associated with alcohol. If there is no booze then its not a party.

G my point how many people "drink responsibly" surely not people involved in the numerous drunk driving incidents or booze related crime. And how can you be sure tommorow your having some problems and have one too many or are trying to drown your sorrows or whatever, and in that drunken state of mind go out and do something which is going to cost you dearly.

I could go on for endless pages but I'll spare you.
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Mar 28, 2009
You made your point very clear, Desertdude. Don't get me wrong. I understand your reasoning.

But the problem is, that people who drink and go driving, don't control themselves. They lack personal responsibility and sometimes people never get that. But drinking my sorrows away is something I find really pathetic.

If you're a man, you face the problem. Don't drink it away like a screaming pig. Because thats how they end up, eventually. Raiding their wives and loving families to mayhem and divorce...

Say Desertdude, as long as they give me a liquor license to get my cool beer once every week or so, I don't mind if they keep it forbidden for the islamic population. Everybody can do what they think is right. As long as I can do mine within my own responsible limits.

Fair ending right?
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