Chat Made Me Lucky

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Mar 25, 2009
With each other !

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Mar 25, 2009
gtmash wrote:Me and Chocoholic tried that online dating thing. It didn't work out.

Negative + Negative = Too Negative

Surely that was to be foreseen :lol:
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Mar 25, 2009
Bora Bora wrote:
Speedhump wrote:^^^I preferred reading muslimbangladeshi^^^ :cyclops:

Gosh SH we are just bantering. Sorry. I guess we have to put our "get serious" hats on.

Joking with you guys! Sarcasm is my normal mode, like RobbyG I think. I'm sure he got me.... Carry on :P
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Mar 25, 2009
RobbyG wrote:
gtmash wrote:Me and Chocoholic tried that online dating thing. It didn't work out.

Negative + Negative = Too Negative

Surely that was to be foreseen :lol:

I thought that two wrongs made a right.....
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Re: chat made me lucky Mar 25, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:
daisy wrote:Yes its true...i met my true love through a simple chat channel and after our few chats we both knew wht we r to each other.......

Any one tht lucky?

Yup, met her on for all the freakin places on earth about three years ago and that too on a three day free trial subscription. Didn't need to extend it to a paid one 8) .

Then we chatted on Yahoo messenger for a few days ( less than a week ) and finally met at McDonalds ! :shock: and it was an instant hit. Although we are from diffrent race, nationality, culture and religon we have been toghter and insperable ever since literally. Only time I have been away from her since then has been when she goes to visit her folks back home

So answer to your question YES.

Great story dude. I know a girl here who is very lonely, works long hours, doesn't like loud bars etc, but I can't persuade her to try an online dating thing. Imma tell her the stories that have been posted here and try to show her that it's not all freaks and loners on those sites.
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Mar 25, 2009
Speedhump wrote:
RobbyG wrote:
gtmash wrote:Me and Chocoholic tried that online dating thing. It didn't work out.

Negative + Negative = Too Negative

Surely that was to be foreseen :lol:

I thought that two wrongs made a right.....

You reminded me of my electrical degree. Negative + Negative = Positive. Either way, I haven't tried that online stuff in 10 years, considering they are all banned.
Dubai forums GURU
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Mar 25, 2009
gtmash wrote:
Speedhump wrote:
RobbyG wrote:
gtmash wrote:Me and Chocoholic tried that online dating thing. It didn't work out.

Negative + Negative = Too Negative

Surely that was to be foreseen :lol:

I thought that two wrongs made a right.....

You reminded me of my electrical degree. Negative + Negative = Positive. Either way, I haven't tried that online stuff in 10 years, considering they are all banned.

are you guys talking about academics?

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Mar 25, 2009
Speedhump wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:
Speedhump wrote:^^^I preferred reading muslimbangladeshi^^^ :cyclops:

Gosh SH we are just bantering. Sorry. I guess we have to put our "get serious" hats on.

Joking with you guys! Sarcasm is my normal mode, like RobbyG I think. I'm sure he got me.... Carry on :P

I guess I was having a touchy feely moment. It passed.
Bora Bora
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Mar 25, 2009
Bora Bora wrote:
Speedhump wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:
Speedhump wrote:^^^I preferred reading muslimbangladeshi^^^ :cyclops:

Gosh SH we are just bantering. Sorry. I guess we have to put our "get serious" hats on.

Joking with you guys! Sarcasm is my normal mode, like RobbyG I think. I'm sure he got me.... Carry on :P

I guess I was having a touchy feely moment. It passed.

next time u have one of those I think Robby will want to know IMMEDIATELY.....
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Re: chat made me lucky Mar 25, 2009
Speedhump wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:
daisy wrote:Yes its true...i met my true love through a simple chat channel and after our few chats we both knew wht we r to each other.......

Any one tht lucky?

Yup, met her on for all the freakin places on earth about three years ago and that too on a three day free trial subscription. Didn't need to extend it to a paid one 8) .

Then we chatted on Yahoo messenger for a few days ( less than a week ) and finally met at McDonalds ! :shock: and it was an instant hit. Although we are from diffrent race, nationality, culture and religon we have been toghter and insperable ever since literally. Only time I have been away from her since then has been when she goes to visit her folks back home

So answer to your question YES.

Great story dude. I know a girl here who is very lonely, works long hours, doesn't like loud bars etc, but I can't persuade her to try an online dating thing. Imma tell her the stories that have been posted here and try to show her that it's not all freaks and loners on those sites.

Ask her to join this forum. She will get many PMs, including a few from my other accounts.
Dubai forums GURU
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Mar 25, 2009
Speedhump wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:
Speedhump wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:
Speedhump wrote:^^^I preferred reading muslimbangladeshi^^^ :cyclops:

Gosh SH we are just bantering. Sorry. I guess we have to put our "get serious" hats on.

Joking with you guys! Sarcasm is my normal mode, like RobbyG I think. I'm sure he got me.... Carry on :P

I guess I was having a touchy feely moment. It passed.

next time u have one of those I think Robby will want to know IMMEDIATELY.....

Seeing as he is constantly tailgating me I think he will know it before I do!!
Bora Bora
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Apr 01, 2009
me---i met my true love buy just eating a burger at the food court! that's it! the rest is history!!!
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Apr 01, 2009
andz_zmzn wrote:me---i met my true love buy just eating a burger at the food court! that's it! the rest is history!!!

Wowww, Thát is SO God, totally flabbergasted... 8)

We really have a bunch of Casanova's running around on DF...NOT!! :lol: :lol:
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Re: chat made me lucky Apr 01, 2009
gtmash wrote:
Speedhump wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:
daisy wrote:Yes its true...i met my true love through a simple chat channel and after our few chats we both knew wht we r to each other.......

Any one tht lucky?

Yup, met her on for all the freakin places on earth about three years ago and that too on a three day free trial subscription. Didn't need to extend it to a paid one 8) .

Then we chatted on Yahoo messenger for a few days ( less than a week ) and finally met at McDonalds ! :shock: and it was an instant hit. Although we are from diffrent race, nationality, culture and religon we have been toghter and insperable ever since literally. Only time I have been away from her since then has been when she goes to visit her folks back home

So answer to your question YES.

Great story dude. I know a girl here who is very lonely, works long hours, doesn't like loud bars etc, but I can't persuade her to try an online dating thing. Imma tell her the stories that have been posted here and try to show her that it's not all freaks and loners on those sites.

Ask her to join this forum. She will get many PMs, including a few from my other accounts.

Yep, that's my point right there. This is the last place I'd suggest for her to find a soulmate....! ;)
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Apr 02, 2009
Well, i met an american guy named BK in the year of 2005 and i was 22 years old that time Via MSN, before inever had bf or fell love with a male in the real life... like everyone's experience i thought i have found my Mr. white... i thought i found my soul... he said he would come to China and live here forever, never turn back again... he told me his bad childhood... his tought life... even he had brain tumor... ( he is 13 years older than me) ... he could not keep a good job so very poor... even can not support his own life and get the money from govt. ... i was really loved him, i don't care if he was poor don't care his age, his nationality... in my heart: as long as there is true love, we can get over all of the difficulties...... but i was wrong, in last month, i got an email from another chinese girl and told me: don't trust the guy named BK, he is just a evil, he always tell you would come to China and marry you... but then disappeared and then backed with a sad story... he is just full of lies...
before, he used the excuse of: his sister and a new born baby girl ( 3 days ) and his grandmother dead in a car accident so he could not come to China, it happened in year of Jan, 2007..... i was so so so sad for that... actually, in the real life, he is a very messy guy, dating many girls online and even in the real life... so he have cheating me almost 4 years... but in my mind it was my first love, my true love... he is a very smart guy, good at drawings, singings, playing guitar, esp. he is so professional at taking photographes... he knows how to control someone's minds, how to use others heart...

the worst is: he make me don't trust true love any more, i am soscared of walking into another love... sigh

Now, everything is over, i just feel i am so stupid... he cheated my heart... 4 years time... sigh

so just be careful girls!!! don't hurt yourself...

but if you are lucky, you would find your true love... just be careful...
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Apr 04, 2009
Ive had to have a shower to wash all the excrement off Ive had to read.Touchy feely.Whatever. Pass me the mirror with the two white powder lines cos Im going on a magic carpet ride.See ya, wouldnt want to be ya!
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Apr 04, 2009
way to lose touch with your go...big man...kiss your sheep for me!

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