Escape From Dubai

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Mar 13, 2009
A couple of things. You say your devious life as a spy was well behind you when you got to Dubai.
Well, to be did NOT divulge yourself as a spy to the Sultan did you?
So when HE found out who YOU were, he changed his opinion of you !!

So you had duped HIM somewhat!! He did not find out what YOU were until a journalist shopped you!! So how do you expect him to REMAIN A FRIEND?? You had not been honest with him.
Besides, how would ANYONE know when you CEASED BEING A SPY??


And I do not mean dishonest in a minor way !!
I cannot even do that.

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Mar 13, 2009
Typo....Spies are Spies.....not Spys are Spys !! Did you spy that one??
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Mar 13, 2009
^^^Forgets the EDIT function again^^^

I thought I'd SCREAM it to you as you otherwise would not HEAR me... ;)
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Mar 13, 2009
Well According to Herve company executives travelled all the way to France to speak to him? Would'nt it been much easier to jus give him a ticket and bring him here!

Besides if Robby G by snooping in the INTERNET could find out that Herve was a spy, are u tellin me that the defence forces here did'nt know? Very Fishy!

And if he was a French spy, then surely the French government would intervene, the french government has very good ties with the middle east!

And since when did spies start writin books...Dnt they have a gag order or sumtin?
Misery Called Life
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Mar 13, 2009
Besides I doubt any1 in this forum really kno's wat spies are, or how they operate etc etc
So lets quit harpin on about the spy bit
Misery Called Life
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Mar 13, 2009
But if u take wat Herve is sayin at face value, dat he was an employee, who eventually got jacked, simply becuz of campany related matters, then I think its a good reminder for all expats here!
Be Cautious, stay in touch with relatives or ur local embassy.......Jus Dnt take things for granted!
I gues the same rules could apply for expats anywhre else in the world though!
I think thats the message that Herve's wants to send out! His victimization was nutin to do with him being a spy!
Misery Called Life
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Mar 13, 2009
Thank you Misery and Robby, at last some sense, being a former secret agent (the spies are on the other side) had nothing to do with my troubles.
lets get out of this spy thing, the people talking about it here, have absolutely no clues of what it is.
The reason i mention it in my book, is because thanks to my previous experience, i had the skills to pull a stunt like this and escape from this place. and beleive me when i say that Dubai is a caged country.
Ask around you, it is always when you exit the country that you get more problems and delays by the immigration, not when you get in.
Dont take anything for granted, dont trust any Emirati, ask questions in writting, and do not expect any help form your embassy, you are expandable against political and economic interest.
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Mar 13, 2009

You took a job/opened a business in Dubai (just like everyone else).
Fell out with your boss/partner (happens all the time).
Had your passport taken away (many companies still do this).
Got threatened (nothing new there).
Leave the country and decide to bad mouth Dubai (yet another disgruntled former expat).

The only difference I see between your 'dramatic escape' and that of other people's is, they leave on a plane and you left on a boat.

Not exactly Midnight Express material here is it?
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Mar 13, 2009
We would like to read a full story.
No matter truth or not - some facts and opinions about local live are very interesting!
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Mar 13, 2009
Del wrote:So..

You took a job/opened a business in Dubai (just like everyone else).
Fell out with your boss/partner (happens all the time).
Had your passport taken away (many companies still do this).
Got threatened (nothing new there).
Leave the country and decide to bad mouth Dubai (yet another disgruntled former expat).

The only difference I see between your 'dramatic escape' and that of other people's is, they leave on a plane and you left on a boat.

Not exactly Midnight Express material here is it?

lol well put mate.

hervy i hate spies. spies are goverments servants to do dirty jobs. terroism around the world is happening because of you. you just pointed out how easily you were able to slip into india into mubhai. hell it could have been you who masterminded the mumbhai bombings and the muslims get a bad name.

it is because of ppl like you who created monsters like Al Qaida (which do not exist) and have made the world a unsafer world.

i dont know who you work for now. you could be working for the british and american government. hell i dont even care. everyone has gone through what you have gone through apart from the escape on the Titanic. everyone knows what UAE is like and you being a SPY am sure you knew about this dictator and what he got up to well before entering UAE ( by using your spy intelligence) yet you took the risk. you made millions you escaped and now without a job you thought hey i ll write a book about dubai. dont know whether it will be a hit or not but good luck to you. do you see anyone else writing a book about dubai when things are going hard for everyone?

piece of advice if you want a real seller write about your experience with the MUJHADEENS in afghanistan. write about the gorilla war you taught them and write about how all MUSLIMS are not alike. write about what is the difference in USSR and USA invading afghanistan. NOW that would be something that EVERYONE especially ppl in the Islamic states would be interested in reading about.

the dictator you on about is well supported by USA. and honestly speaking i dont think USA cares hell about your experience cos we all know and you SPECIALLY know what they really care about ;).
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Mar 13, 2009
rudeboy wrote:Al Qaida (which do not exist)

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Mar 13, 2009
Herve. What do you expect since your book will be read by people?
What do you want to be discovered by people whose will read?

PS: please make no offence, but it reminds James Born (ex- spec. ops. agent) - the action hero.C
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Mar 13, 2009
@Rudeboy - so now a gov.employee finds it acceptable to call someone a terrorist ? Amazing, I suppose given enough time and enough money you would manage to rewrite history to the extent that the universe would rotate with Dubai as its axis. If Herve's story is such cak and founded in so much humdrum drudgery - why would you dedicate so much time and bile to put the guy down.

You think the audience for his book are in the Islamic states ? Cretin.

The truth is already starting to knock great big chunks out of that oversized Kitty litter tray. I only wish there was a live webcam filming its demise realtime.

Just think when all the intelligence, experience and the slaves have left you will only have each other to chuck rocks at !

@Coldwater - Human interest ! Who gives a dam about a 46 years old accountant who once broke his toe in a shower in Kuala Lumpur. Someone with a colorful past grabs the imagination.

Andy McNab Ex-SAS sells by the truck - David Smith Auditor .......... hardly compares.

@Del - walk a mile in his shoes at the time this was going on and I guarantee you would have a different perspective, its easy to strut your stuff and waffle on about normality but when your life and that of your family has been shut down, you are being interogated by the Police, your bank has been instructed to dishonour your cash and credit cards, your passports have been taken by the authorities, Etisalat are monitoring every phone call you make... it adds up mate ... then try nearly 4 months in a stinking jail for something you did not do, then its a story worth telling and if only 10% of the readers take something on board then something good came of out of it

Spend enough time around the scum and it starts to rub off.
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Mar 13, 2009
This is you?

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Mar 13, 2009
Love your shirt Herve, very appropriate :lol:
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Mar 14, 2009
Interesting... With the pictures and all...

I'm sure a lot of people would show interest in reading it.

I don't think they would publish some articles about your claims though.
News media here were said to be controlled by the governement.

It is believed that everything that comes out on news papers here were handpicked to protect the country.

Where will your book be released first?
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Mar 14, 2009
worldwide, borders, directly from the publisher and internet orders.
local press will not be allowed to comment, reproduce or publish articles.
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Mar 14, 2009
skipperman wrote:It is believed that everything that comes out on news papers here were handpicked to protect the country.

EVERY country controls its media to a lesser or greater degree.

I'm not saying the UAE isn't a hotbed of corruption, but is it any worse than hundreds of other countries?
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Mar 14, 2009
Del wrote:
skipperman wrote:It is believed that everything that comes out on news papers here were handpicked to protect the country.

EVERY country controls its media to a lesser or greater degree.

I'm not saying the UAE isn't a hotbed of corruption, but is it any worse than hundreds of other countries?

It's not. The problem is that people move from countries where they know the system and its pitfalls, and then find themselves in an alien environment, without bothering to first find out if it will suit them or not. Then they start screaming 'it's not like home!' and writing letters to 7 Days.

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Mar 14, 2009
I need to get mysef a copy of 7days! Jus to see wat its all about!
Misery Called Life
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Mar 14, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:I need to get mysef a copy of 7days! Jus to see wat its all about!

No, I'm just talking about all the expats writing in to 7 Days every day moaning about this and that. Nothing about this.
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Mar 14, 2009
Speedhump wrote:The problem is that people move from countries where they know the system and its pitfalls, and then find themselves in an alien environment, without bothering to first find out if it will suit them or not. Then they start screaming 'it's not like home!' and writing letters to 7 Days.


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Mar 14, 2009
I think he is under estimating every ones intelligent here .
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Mar 14, 2009
Look Herve ! You are upset at your treatment in Dubai, but examine these facts:-
[1] You worked as a secret agent for France in Afghanistan helping the Mujahadeen against the Russians.
[ Did Russia know that France was helping the opposition? Have the French Govt admitted it since?]
[2] You went to Dubai to set up a company producing submarines......KEEPING YOUR PAST A SECRET !!
[3] A French journalist shopped you and revealed your past WHILST YOU WERE IN DUBAI. Is that correct?
[4] So the Dubai Government discover your past and treat you VERY DIFFERENTLY. Your friend the sultan, treats you differently.........BUT YOU NEVER TOLD HIM OF YOUR PAST!!

As far as I am concerned, the UAE govt could not be expected to TRUST YOU , because you were a spy in the past......AND MAY HAVE STILL BEEN ONE!!

It is like they say......."Once a policeman, always a policeman !"....even after they retire!!

So , after as a career as a DEVIOUS SPY, why do you expect to be treated like everyone else later......WHEN YOU DID NOT PUT "INTERNATIONAL ESPIONAGE " ON YOUR CV!! ???

Every country has secret police. God knows what they get up to. But if you were a POSSIBLE THREAT to Dubai , how do you expect to be treated by them ?
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Mar 14, 2009
RedKite wrote:Look Herve ! You are upset at your treatment in Dubai, but examine these facts:-
[1] You worked as a secret agent for France in Afghanistan helping the Mujahadeen against the Russians.
[ Did Russia know that France was helping the opposition? Have the French Govt admitted it since?]
[2] You went to Dubai to set up a company producing submarines......KEEPING YOUR PAST A SECRET !!
[3] A French journalist shopped you and revealed your past WHILST YOU WERE IN DUBAI. Is that correct?
[4] So the Dubai Government discover your past and treat you VERY DIFFERENTLY. Your friend the sultan, treats you differently.........BUT YOU NEVER TOLD HIM OF YOUR PAST!!

As far as I am concerned, the UAE govt could not be expected to TRUST YOU , because you were a spy in the past......AND MAY HAVE STILL BEEN ONE!!

It is like they say......."Once a policeman, always a policeman !"....even after they retire!!

So , after as a career as a DEVIOUS SPY, why do you expect to be treated like everyone else later......WHEN YOU DID NOT PUT "INTERNATIONAL ESPIONAGE " ON YOUR CV!! ???

Every country has secret police. God knows what they get up to. But if you were a POSSIBLE THREAT to Dubai , how do you expect to be treated by them ?

Try and type Herve Jaubert in Google.
Every piece you read is introduced with: former French navy commander from DGSE or something alike.

Do some better research RK. Everybody can know he was a spy. The Dubai government could know what they took in, if this all mattered to them. In the mean time, he made private submarines and tactical submersibles for the government in the form of a viable business with international attention. So something is not right. Read the book ;)
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Mar 14, 2009

Too much RedBull eh! You jump from assumption to assertion at the drop of a hat and arrive at your own derived facts. Fabulous.

Everyone is entitled to their past and if government work was part of it then that is the end of it, even the little people have to sign non disclosure agreements. (in the UK it is called the Official Secrets Act 1911 - that forbids you revealing or detailing work undertaken on behalf of the government that has not been precleared for release, under penalty of prosecution)

I think you will find that when Herve was INVITED to go to Dubai and be funded by a Government entity, the information about his past was an open secret and Sultan openly joked about it. Yes, that is his name, Sultan, he is not a "Sultan" except perhaps in the star struck eyes of those like you who would curry favour by defending a person that they have no personal exprience of.

The company that Herve was responsible for building up was later taken from him with and his very existance threatened. You wonder why he is ticked off - I suggest buying the book when it comes out and forming a reasoned response of your own.

The focus of the Dubai Worlds attention had nothing to do with Herve's past but I hope the detail of Dubai's deception and abuse of international convention is brought to the fore in his book, as I think you will find that there is a lot of corroberating evidence now in the international public domain to back him up.

Case in point - Do you really believe that the Nakheel executive currently languishing in jail had anything to do with bribery and the embezzlement of funds? Garbage, not fit for intelligent consumption, food for gossip at the Lime Tree Cafe, Yes, a rung on the ladder for some half educated inexperienced local, Yes, but nothing else.

Get a life, or a least get some experience of the real world. As someone else used as a tag line - "The Truth us Out There" - and its coming soon.
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Mar 14, 2009
Speedhump wrote:
Misery Called Life wrote:I need to get mysef a copy of 7days! Jus to see wat its all about!

No, I'm just talking about all the expats writing in to 7 Days every day moaning about this and that. Nothing about this.

I kno wat ur talkin bout.....I jus wanna read the complaints of the expats...Sumtimes some of the complaints are eye-openers, some plain hilarious, to the incredulous.......
Besides I read the Gulf News, where everyone seems to be in love with this place! With that paper, free and fact based journalism jus goes for a dive!
I'd like a more balanced perspective!
Misery Called Life
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Mar 14, 2009
ok so you got in trouble with the GOV or an individual ( shits happen ) then you ran away with no passport and now you are in USA, did you use any of your submarine to get to USA with out a passport ?

- why didn't you as a western go to your embassy ? you would've been under their protection, we all know the soft policy in UAE toward westerns.

never heard of someone with an extreme case not even an illegal immigrant would do such a thing. something went wrong while you were here !! you did something so bad to make you run away in boat , com'an tell us what is it ! were they going to assassin you? put you in jail with no trial and you are western from a respect country ? even if they were powerful they can't over power a western country protecting it citizen !!!

you are not telling us the hall story here, it's fishy and odd.
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Mar 14, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:
Speedhump wrote:
Misery Called Life wrote:I need to get mysef a copy of 7days! Jus to see wat its all about!

No, I'm just talking about all the expats writing in to 7 Days every day moaning about this and that. Nothing about this.

I kno wat ur talkin bout.....I jus wanna read the complaints of the expats...Sumtimes some of the complaints are eye-openers, some plain hilarious, to the incredulous.......
Besides I read the Gulf News, where everyone seems to be in love with this place! With that paper, free and fact based journalism jus goes for a dive!
I'd like a more balanced perspective!

I know one of the editors of 7 days. They were closed down for more than a week two or three (or four) years back, I can't remember what it was they published to cause the Government to go crazy, but they were just told 'stop the presses' you're not allowed to print anything more.

They've been threatened quite a few times in the past over stories they've run, but they do seem to have some more freedom now. It is now permissible to print that locals have broken the law and ended up in jail too, not just expats! :D

Hmmm...Gulf News...where every letter is written by Indians, and is about traffic problems, and ends 'I urge the relevant authorities to look into this matter'. :D
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Mar 14, 2009
And this is the product of the "local" breeding program?

Dumb as a bag of hammers, sharp as a cue ball, talks the big talk but runs to daddy or the police the minute someone stands up to him.

The fact that you "never heard of someone" - is a testimony to your ignorance and your genetic disposition towards diminished responsibility.

Do you ask us to believe that there is no one currently being held in the police jails littered around Dubai with no charge and no substantive evidence against them.

You have for sure an brother uncle cousin who works for the police in one way shap or form. Ask them to take you around a few of the holding tanks underneath the police stations. There are people who have been held in limbo for extended periods far and above even your own tribal guidelines.

Thats before looking into the cases of judicial abuse, ritual torture etc etc all of which are well documented - Try a visit to Amnesty International or Fair Trials Abroad and see what response you get when you ask about Dubai and the UAE.

It is morons like you that light a fire in my gut and inspire me to get on here and support people like Herve. You just do not have it in you to simply say, "oops sorry my mistake, here is your end of service dues".

It has always got to be someone else's fault does it not, like a bunch of 11 year olds in the school playground ....
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