Captain Aus with the humane disposition think about it. . .
Isn’t Dubai and the GCC in general, overtly racist places where people are stigmatized and stereotyped primarily based on looks into a certain group regardless of their up-bringing and education?
Isn’t Dubai also a place where one could see apartheid-centric, job postings where only UK, American, South African (presumably white S.African’s) may apply.
And lastly isn’t Dubai also the lovely place where 33 countries have visas on arrival with generous extensions as opposed to the rest of the world thus practicing a wider form of immigration-passport racism.
Okay I won’t argue with the passport racism and am glad I fall under the 33 countries.
Face the truth and own up to it. Dubai forums is a reflection of Dubai and after staying in Dubai one does come out a tad more racist than entering it before, simply because of the overt and covert forms of racism on display in the most subtlest of service encounters and day to day behavior patterns and interactions with others..
Meow you Adelaide fur ball with a bad sense of dressing and a croaky voice through destroying your larynx with all those Winfields