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--- Mar 12, 2009

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Mar 12, 2009
Because the English took over a lot of the world a few centuries ago and exported their language.

Thank their soldiers for taking over your land and teaching you English is the message.
Captain Australia
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Mar 12, 2009
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Mar 12, 2009
Captain Australia wrote:Because the English took over a lot of the world a few centuries ago and exported their language.

Thank their soldiers for taking over your land and teaching you English is the message.

Probably that's why Russians are so bad in English. :?
Red Chief
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Mar 12, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
Captain Australia wrote:Because the English took over a lot of the world a few centuries ago and exported their language.

Thank their soldiers for taking over your land and teaching you English is the message.

Probably that's why Russians are so bad in English. :?

ha! nice one
Captain Australia
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Mar 12, 2009
Captain Australia wrote:Because the English took over a lot of the world a few centuries ago and exported their language.

Thank their soldiers for taking over your land and teaching you English is the message.

You're all wrong. Americans have been the guardians of democracy and free speech (in any language) worldwide for the past 60-70 years, like it or not. English is still the language of the world because of their military power, otherwise the whole of Europe might be speaking Russian as they had plans of continental dominance and the rule of Communism from say 1940-1990.

Half of America seems to speak Spanish now anyway though!

p.s. Australian soldiers were British too :O

You all jump to so many dodgy conclusions.....I'd love to see you standing on Maktoum Bridge one day :D
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Mar 12, 2009
are you guys good in history!!!!?

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Mar 12, 2009
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Mar 12, 2009
Hump, leave your propaganda for yourself and don't reread 1984 and the speech in Fulton each month...

After collapse of SU everybody sees who is the real bloody bully: Serbia, Afganistan, Iraq, threats to Iran...

You speak about "plans", "would be"... Look around and you can see what happens now w/o Communism...
Red Chief
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Mar 12, 2009
WhiteJade wrote:
Speedhump wrote:
Captain Australia wrote:Because the English took over a lot of the world a few centuries ago and exported their language.

Thank their soldiers for taking over your land and teaching you English is the message.

You're all wrong. Americans have been the guardians of democracy and free speech (in any language) worldwide for the past 60-70 years, like it or not. English is still the language of the world because of their military power, otherwise the whole of Europe might be speaking Russian as they had plans of continental dominance and the rule of Communism from say 1940-1990.

Half of America seems to speak Spanish now anyway though!

p.s. Australian soldiers were British too :O

You all jump to so many dodgy conclusions.....I'd love to see you standing on Maktoum Bridge one day :D

So is it a saying quoted from any works?

Was told by teachers modern English has just two origins: The Bible and William Shakespear

Seriously poor teachers you have there but probably no better than anything taught to Western schoolkids about say Confucius (which would be zero I think)... Modern English comes from the Bible? OMG. Just Google english playwrights sixteenth century if you have any interest.

I guess you don't want a history lesson but the standardisation of English slowly began when printing began in the 15th Century and was a slow process from there.

By the way, it's just an American bumper sticker, not a quote from Sir Winston Churchill, as some of the scribblers here probably assumed.... :D
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Mar 12, 2009
Captain Australia wrote:
Red Chief wrote:
Captain Australia wrote:Because the English took over a lot of the world a few centuries ago and exported their language.

Thank their soldiers for taking over your land and teaching you English is the message.

Probably that's why Russians are so bad in English. :?

ha! nice one

that's rich !! :D :D :D
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Mar 12, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Hump, leave your propaganda for yourself and don't reread 1984 and the speech in Fulton each month...

After collapse of SU everybody sees who is the real bloody bully: Serbia, Afganistan, Iraq, threats to Iran...

You speak about "plans", "would be"... Look around and you can see what happens now w/o Communism...

Communism. Hm, nice idea shame about the reality. You really think that you can crush the desire of every person to compete and do better for himself and his family. Oh please. Every higher apparatchik had their lovely warm apartment and limousine so long as they kept their noses clean and sacrificed a neighbour or two to the KGB each year (get them before they get you). Everyone else had to make do with kopecs for vodka and cabbage.

Authors, poets and playwrights would disappear at the drop of a hat.

It was an incredibly corrupt regime. I visited in the 1970's, I saw it, or as much as the Russian guides would let us see, apart from when we slipped off to explore and trade a few sticks of chewing gum for Red Army belts or even hats, yes people were that poor, it was the standard trade.

Beautiful Metro system and impressive but truly horrible huge grey government buildings, shame they didnt spend the money on decent housing for the poor babushkas selling grey meat pastries in the street for 3 kopeks.

You LOVE to jump into any thread where I am going to be, and make it personal don't you? :D :D :D
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Mar 12, 2009
hey I just realised; a thread about me! wow.....pandering to my NARCISSISTIC MESSIAH COMPLEX....thanks guys....

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Mar 12, 2009
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Mar 12, 2009
Speedhump wrote:You're all wrong. Americans have been the guardians of democracy and free speech (in any language) worldwide for the past 60-70 years, like it or not.

You MUST be referring to Afghanistan and Iraq.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Mar 12, 2009
WhiteJade wrote:I'd like to emphasize on "MODERN"...or just consider me a terrible student...

And Confucius' everything, thanks.

Btw, they are going to produce a movie about Confucius.

nono, sorry if I misunderstood!

I guess the time of Shakespeare was when Modern English really 'came about' but he was just one author and playwright, and in his time was competing with a lot of others for publication of his work and patrons to come to his theatres. There was also a dictionary by Samuel Johnson somewhat later, which helped to fix (codify) the language into stricter spellings than existed before (Shakespeare did actually make up a lot of words!), but of course it's a TOTALLY FLUID process, and still evolving today :)

Sounds boring when I say it, but it's an interesting subject really.....

A movie about Confucius sounds interesting, but I hope he won't be played by Johnny Depp or Clint Eastwood :)
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Mar 12, 2009
Del wrote:
Speedhump wrote:You're all wrong. Americans have been the guardians of democracy and free speech (in any language) worldwide for the past 60-70 years, like it or not.

You MUST be referring to Afghanistan and Iraq.

LOL!!! As I have said before, everyone that has tried to take on the Afghans down the ages have got their ars*s whopped... :D
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Mar 12, 2009

You are full of propaganda and very ignorant about Soviet Union... I will not educate you.

I've never told you that Comminism is good or bad but it had been a way of surviving of our country, rather good and successfull untill 70's... Remember we lived in face of very strong military threat...

Moreover Russia has been alive so far only due to Soviet Era: no new big plants, pipelines and highways have been launched sience collapse.
Red Chief
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Mar 12, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Hump,

You are full of propaganda and very ignorant about Soviet Union... I will not educate you.

I've never told you that Comminism is good or bad but it had been a way of surviving of our country, rather good and successfull untill 70's... Remember we lived in face of very strong military threat...

Moreover Russia has been alive so far only due to Soviet Era: no new big plants, pipelines and highways have been launched sience collapse.


It's not propaganda if it's true, although it may be painful to read.

The overthrow of the Tsarist regime was necessary but it was a shame you took the wacky theories of a strange Jewish philosopher to rebuild your country. They were interesting theories but unsustainable in the real world. There would have been much better ways to use the tremendous resources you have. Currently I guess you have to be considered in the process of rebuilding again, which is painful but necessary.

The military threat was there against you because of the ideological position your country took which was against the beliefs of most of the rest of Europe (and more importantly the US...).
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Mar 12, 2009
Speedhump wrote:The overthrow of the Tsarist regime was necessary but it was a shame you took the wacky theories of a strange Jewish philosopher to rebuild your country.

The 1917 Revolution was planned and financed by Western interests.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Mar 12, 2009
As I wrote (why didn't you read) there have been no rebuilding for last 15 years at all, nobody even tried...

That's why you could guess who is the most popular politician among Russians for the last 100 years...

As for military thread IMO it doesn't matter the reason why and which propaganda was better... It existed and the last events showed that it was very real...
Red Chief
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Mar 12, 2009
Del wrote:
Speedhump wrote:The overthrow of the Tsarist regime was necessary but it was a shame you took the wacky theories of a strange Jewish philosopher to rebuild your country.

The 1917 Revolution was planned and financed by Western interests.

Russians both in cities and in the country were literally starving. It had been brewing since almost the turn of the century.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Mar 12, 2009
Red Chief wrote:As I wrote (why didn't you read) there have been no rebuilding for last 15 years at all, nobody even tried...

That's why you could guess who is the most popular politician among Russians for the last 100 years...

As for military thread IMO it doesn't matter the reason why and which propaganda was better... It existed and the last events showed that it was very real...

I did read your words, you didn't understand my reply. No rebuilding because no-one thinks it's their job. The people always had the State to do it for them. Democracy is hard and you need better leaders, also philanthropists who will work for the benefit of the country and the people rather than just grab for themselves. Russia is currently in the hands of the mobsters. It needs to change. Think of it like Britain after the Romans left, people went back to living in wooden huts because they weren't able to keep the workings of the state functioning. It's a process of relearning.
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Mar 12, 2009
Speedhump wrote: The people always had the State to do it for them.

using their bombers as they did in Serbia, Iraq and Afganistan... Don't help us we will have died ourselves witout US and BP...
Red Chief
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Mar 12, 2009
Red Chief wrote:
Speedhump wrote: The people always had the State to do it for them.

using their bombers as they did in Serbia, Iraq and Afganistan... Don't help us we will have died ourselves witout US and BP...

You misunderstood. The people always had 'The State' (Russian Communist state) to think for them, build for them, to provide them with jobs, etc., not 'The States' as in USA.
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Mar 12, 2009
Sorry. We really did.
Red Chief
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Mar 12, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Sorry. We really did.

I know, it was a 'cradle to grave' way of living even if you were just they giy who stood at the top of the escalators in an office block every day. I know many people do miss it, as you say.

But I was there in the 70's only for a couple of weeks I know, I visited GUM, a huge building, and honestly the shelves in the stores I visited were almost bare, there was just nothing for people to buy. I was amazed. I guess it's different now that capitalism has taken over. Some say better, some say worse.
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Mar 13, 2009
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