Why Do Arab Muslims Think They Are Better?

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Jan 22, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Ah but you forget that Jesus was resurrected! The son of God made the ultimate sacrifice, but asked god to forgive those who persucuted and crucified him for their actions. God sent Jesus - his son - as the ultimate gift to mankind to teach people the error of their ways and show them how to live good and proper lives.

Jews and Muslims do not believe Jesus was the son of God, but a prophet.

One fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity is that muslims follow more of an honour system for living their lives, whereas I think Christianity looks more at being forgiven for ones sins, should you have committed any throughout your life.

Anyway I'm agnostic so all this doesn't mean much to me.

Resurrection didn't happen. Sorry fellows. But Islam corrects this myth.

Of course, you can beleive what you want. I beleive in God's Teachings as per the Quran and thats what I base things on...

No flame just my beleif. :)

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Jan 22, 2006
Liban wrote:
HP wrote:Lets burn a fire and Liban will stand in fire with Quaran and Kelly will do the same wid bible and we will see

: who is true:

what u say people ?

I will just want to add HP, that if you were a true Muslim (which obviously you are not), you would know that the Quran will not save me in this case.

1) The Quran is the Words of God. Not God Himself.
2) Putting faith in the Quran as an object of protection rather than using it as the Book of God carrying His Words and Commandments which are to be obeyed, is idolatory.
3) Reckless acts leading to your death or simply self-pain is against Islam so God ain;'t gonna help you if you sin this way either buddy 8)

u are rite...
if u are a true muslim (100% muslim) then u wil be saved.....just remember the past ...prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) [prophet Abraham (PBUH)]....he was saved that time...
if u follow the exact path of islam then Al mighty wil surely save u.
our duty is to tell the truth to non-muslims...to follow islam belive in islam is not our part...just remember the past...the uncle of final Prophet Muhammed (SAW).. uncle was a good person...pure soul...he help Muhammed (SAW) so many times....but God did not show him the right path of islam or the path of heaven...he will be in the hell....Muhammed (SAW) tried his level best for his uncle...but he did not accepted islam...
so, he will be in the parmanent hell....but with least punishment...a pair of shoes wil be worn to him but u know the effect of that shoe..how effective and harmful it will be......

we muslim must thank to Al mighty who has given a chance to enter into heaven...we should not proud but we should thank to Allah. and we do in the prayers.......

So dont force non-muslims to accept islam....muslims duty is to remind and tell the truth thats all...honestly i feel sad when i see non-muslim people...i m worried about them how they will suffer permanent hell....it is not a small thing.....

all non muslims will be in the hell along with the idol to whome they were worshiping in this world..
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Jan 22, 2006
Oh please spare your pity! There is no one true path to heaven, if indeed heaven exists.

What you've just said I find quite insulting to people of other religions. So if they spend all their lives living by their religion, just because it's not yours, then they're denied access to the pearly gates?

Answer me this, suppose you spend all your life living as per any one religion, then you die, and there's nothing - nothing at all?

As I said before there have been so many, so called prophets, holy books etc, what would you do if another 'prophet' was sent tomorrow, with new teachings, saying nope sorry Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc are not the way to go, this is what God says - then what would you do?

And never count these things out, it's all perfectly feasible.

But hey what do I know.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 22, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Oh please spare your pity! There is no one true path to heaven, if indeed heaven exists.

What you've just said I find quite insulting to people of other religions. So if they spend all their lives living by their religion, just because it's not yours, then they're denied access to the pearly gates?

Answer me this, suppose you spend all your life living as per any one religion, then you die, and there's nothing - nothing at all?

Sorry to say NO ..if u are non-muslim then u cant reach to heaven....why God will punish the uncle of final prophet then ? he was good man...pure soul but he will be in the hell ....a parmanent hell...


i can say if u are a ture beliver of other religion ..it means u are a good driver but dont have licence of driving (or to enter heaven) and soon ...when u will be caught (died) u will be punished...its the simple example.
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Jan 22, 2006
I heard that muslim women , a majority of them, were smarter than their male counterparts, Shafique you do your people justice, and make some of these blundering men on this forum look like unknowing children. God bless you.

Where we end up after our life is not for you to judge but for God to dictate. Thank God for a heart that feels sad for the man who does not know what actually comes out of his mouth.
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Jan 22, 2006
emadullah wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Oh please spare your pity! There is no one true path to heaven, if indeed heaven exists.

What you've just said I find quite insulting to people of other religions. So if they spend all their lives living by their religion, just because it's not yours, then they're denied access to the pearly gates?

Answer me this, suppose you spend all your life living as per any one religion, then you die, and there's nothing - nothing at all?

Sorry to say NO ..if u are non-muslim then u cant reach to heaven....why God will punish the uncle of final prophet then ? he was good man...pure soul but he will be in the hell ....a parmanent hell...


i can say if u are a ture beliver of other religion ..it means u are a good driver but dont have licence of driving (or to enter heaven) and soon ...when u will be caught (died) u will be punished...its the simple example.

Right then, so every other religion is wrong then? And I thought Islam was supposed to teach you tolerance, and you still didn't answer the question! Suppose Islam becomes the defunct religion tomorrow, what would you do then?

Yours is not to judge, and it's not for you to say what God, if there is one would do. All these stories, all these books are still only written by men, and man is flawed.

You just proved the point of the thread, that many arab muslims think they're better than everyone else - well done!

There is NO definate TRUTH, so far none of this stuff has been proved beyond any doubt to be true or false, why do you think so many people have different views?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 22, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:
emadullah wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Oh please spare your pity! There is no one true path to heaven, if indeed heaven exists.

What you've just said I find quite insulting to people of other religions. So if they spend all their lives living by their religion, just because it's not yours, then they're denied access to the pearly gates?

Answer me this, suppose you spend all your life living as per any one religion, then you die, and there's nothing - nothing at all?

Sorry to say NO ..if u are non-muslim then u cant reach to heaven....why God will punish the uncle of final prophet then ? he was good man...pure soul but he will be in the hell ....a parmanent hell...


i can say if u are a ture beliver of other religion ..it means u are a good driver but dont have licence of driving (or to enter heaven) and soon ...when u will be caught (died) u will be punished...its the simple example.

Right then, so every other religion is wrong then? And I thought Islam was supposed to teach you tolerance, and you still didn't answer the question! Suppose Islam becomes the defunct religion tomorrow, what would you do then?

Yours is not to judge, and it's not for you to say what God, if there is one would do. All these stories, all these books are still only written by men, and man is flawed.

You just proved the point of the thread, that many arab muslims think they're better than everyone else - well done!

There is NO definate TRUTH, so far none of this stuff has been proved beyond any doubt to be true or false, why do you think so many people have different views?

i think ur knowledge is too weak....before Prophet Jesus (PBUH) every one has to follow Prophet Moosa (PBUH) teaching ...ofcourse the theam to obey God was same as islma teaches us...after moosa everyone has to follow Propeht Jesus (PBUH) and after Jesus (PBUH) every one has to follow Final Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)...and for u kind info after Muhammed (PBUH) no any messenger or prophet will come....
now u got the point ? every muslims have to believe and respect all messengers/prophets....

Quran words are still unchaged and its challenge by the God that this book will be saved/unchaged till the end of this universe....when the time of end will come then the words of Quraan wil be erased by God.....ppl will not see any words in the book.....God will not do so with all other 3 holy books becoz they have been changed by man........and the kabatullah (the stone u see in the makka) will be taken back and will be palced in the heaven......
now u will say...u will not belive..but dont worry u will soon belive on it...coz we muslim belive wat is hidden and wat we canot see..but will belive when it will heppen...then u wil try to run after the truth...but sorry to say....u cannot accept islam when u are near to death...that is not acceptable...
i tel u honestly...when u will be just 5 second far from death u wil see and u wil belive wat i m saying rite now....u will see ur place in the hell too just few second b4 ur death..(if u are non-muslim).....i m sorry to say i dont proud i muslim but i thanks to my Al mighty who has given me chance to enter in the heaven...

but i m not sure i will directly go to heaven or first i will suffer in the hell...coz if i have a minor bad deed then first i will suffer in the hell..then only i will be able to enter in the heaven...but non-muslim will be permanent in the hell......dont belive but u wil belive it later on...

023.099 (In Falsehood will they be) Until, when death comes to one of them, he says:
"O my Lord! send me back (to life),-

023.100 "In order that I may work righteousness in the things I neglected." - "By no
means! It is but a word he says."- Before them is a Partition till the Day they are
raised up.

023.101 Then when the Trumpet is blown, there will be no more relationships
between them that Day, nor will one ask after another!

023.102 Then those whose balance (of good deeds) is heavy,- they will attain

023.103 But those whose balance is light, will be those who have lost their souls, in
Hell will they abide.

023.104 The Fire will burn their faces, and they will therein grin, with their lips
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Jan 22, 2006

i m not saying that all other religions are rong but rite for good living in this world but that wil not help to enter in the heaven....
ONLY ISLAM IS THE ACCEPTABLE TO GOD.. to reach heaven...its the word of God not mine...

u know one more thing ? the end is soon...final messenger has clearly said...u can see his words are coming true now a days...

u see todays arab ppls they use their money for building and wasting money on stones...am i rite ?

i m not saying that u are rong but u are miss guided....
there are so many pure soul in other religions but there example is like they are a good driver but no license to drive....the schools are good and teaching well...but that schools are not approved/authorised...its just a simple example...

now u are saying all books are ritten by man..but when u wil learn arabic and will master in arabic then read the quraan...u will change this opinion for quraan...i challenge u...
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Jan 22, 2006
wolfsievers wrote:I heard that muslim women , a majority of them, were smarter than their male counterparts, Shafique you do your people justice, and make some of these blundering men on this forum look like unknowing children. God bless you.

Where we end up after our life is not for you to judge but for God to dictate. Thank God for a heart that feels sad for the man who does not know what actually comes out of his mouth.

Well isnt Shafique a male? Mistake one. Mistake 2-Would u please provide a reference for claiming "Muslim women, a majority of them, were smarter than their male counterparts!" and yes including u! :lol: I bet by Jove u have none! I mean the statement is so dumb and biased.Mistake 3- Arent u the same person bashing Liban by claiming things which he didnt provide references?
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Jan 22, 2006
Not were smarter, but are smarter. And I will have to give it to you as you were smart to move to Canada!! Talk about biased, well if you go back over the posts in this forum you will see who is exactly biased in here. What you say is a joke!
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Jan 22, 2006
wolfsievers wrote:Not were smarter, but are smarter. And I will have to give it to you as you were smart to move to Canada!! Talk about biased, well if you go back over the posts in this forum you will see who is exactly biased in here. What you say is a joke!

If you think that moving to Canada and leaving the UAE is better, than please leave this country. We don;t want you here.
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Jan 22, 2006
I am a male wolfseivers.. but thanks for the compliment anyway. There are many noble women in the history of Islam, but I am not sure that numerically there are more wise women than men. However, it is true that pre-Islam the Arabs were a barbaric race (the Quran acknowledges this). It appears to me that some of these traits are making a return today - but this will be in defiance of the teachings of Islam.

On the point whether non-muslims will make it to heaven, I have to disagree with some of the views given above.

My reading of Islam is that all people are at the mercy of God on the day of Judgement. There are a few types of people who we know are guaranteed heaven (for example all children - of any denomination - who die as children go to heaven according to the prophet of Islam).

No where in the Quran is anyone guaranteed paradise for following any religion - you are judged on your merit.

I think there is a little too much heat in this thread at the moment and I would like to quote from the Quran a few verses for the Muslims to ponder over and to make non-Muslims aware of what we believe God has ordered us to do:

"Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians (everyone else) - whichever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve."

Thus, if you believe in God and the day of reckoning and do good deeds - you will go to heaven - regardless of what religion you follow, according to this verse (in my opinion).

Ch6 v 108
"And abuse not those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they, out of spite, abuse Allah in their ignorance. Thus unto every people have We caused their doings to seem fair. Then unto their Lord is their return; and He will inform them of what they used to do."

Allah tells us here to not even abuse idols that idol worshippers worship - therefore we should not even approach ridicule of any persons beliefs. Goodly argument should be used as per the next verse..

Ch 16.v125
"Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation and argue with them in a way that is best. Surely, thy Lord knows best who has strayed from His way; and also knows those who are rightly guided."

Above all, if one is sincere in spreading understanding of their beliefs and what they hold to be true, the first instinct is to pray for the other person - not to engage in an ego enhancing slanging match to try and beat the other person's point of view and arguments (something I have been guilty of doing!)

The success of Islam as a world religion has always been rooted in the beauties of its teachings and the loving attitude of its adherents. This is how Islam spread - conquests may have gained lands, but they did not cause the religion to enter peoples hearts (and they never can).

Wasalaam (peace)
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Jan 22, 2006
Excellent posting Shaf as always.

To those who post with passion:

would do well to take heed from Shaf's postings. There are ways of putting your point of view without being rude and offensive, and his writings here is a good example of HOW to put your point of view / opinion across.
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Jan 22, 2006
As I said before there have been so many, so called prophets, holy books etc, what would you do if another 'prophet' was sent tomorrow, with new teachings, saying nope sorry Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc are not the way to go, this is what God says - then what would you do?

Aunti Choco ,

Bring some respect for prophets and stop calling them " so-called". When i said pious cow to british Queen ,then one of your country man raised his eyes brows.

According to Quaran " There will be no prophet anymore and muhammad (PBUM) was the last prophet of God" It was mentioned in other God’s books about the appearances of one more prophet and all the symptoms were in Muhammad (PBUM).

But we also believe that Jesus will come again in this world and represent Islam and muslims will be in all over the world and then we ll be having day of Judgment.
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Jan 22, 2006
"Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians (everyone else) - whichever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve."

Thus, if you believe in God and the day of reckoning and do good deeds - you will go to heaven - regardless of what religion you follow, according to this verse (in my opinion).

as i dont have quaran with me , i wouldnt be able comment on this ,but if anyone of you check it out ? i think its nice point and i never checked it before .
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Jan 22, 2006
What can I say, I'm a sceptic, and until someone provides me with hardcore undisputable evidence, then that's the way I'll always think. This stuff isn't my bag baby, each to his own.
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Jan 22, 2006
shafique wrote:Ch2v62
"Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians (everyone else) - whichever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve."

Thus, if you believe in God and the day of reckoning and do good deeds - you will go to heaven - regardless of what religion you follow, according to this verse (in my opinion).

Ch6 v 108
"And abuse not those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they, out of spite, abuse Allah in their ignorance. Thus unto every people have We caused their doings to seem fair. Then unto their Lord is their return; and He will inform them of what they used to do."

Allah tells us here to not even abuse idols that idol worshippers worship - therefore we should not even approach ridicule of any persons beliefs. Goodly argument should be used as per the next verse..

Ch 16.v125
"Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation and argue with them in a way that is best. Surely, thy Lord knows best who has strayed from His way; and also knows those who are rightly guided."

Above all, if one is sincere in spreading understanding of their beliefs and what they hold to be true, the first instinct is to pray for the other person - not to engage in an ego enhancing slanging match to try and beat the other person's point of view and arguments (something I have been guilty of doing!)

"Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians (everyone else) - whichever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve."

v83. Do they seek for other than the Religion of Allah.-while all creatures in the heavens and on earth have, willing or unwilling, bowed to His Will (Accepted Islam), and to Him shall they all be brought back.

v84. Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets(Muhammed), from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)."

Ch017.v039 These are among the (precepts of) wisdom, which thy Lord has revealed to
thee. Take not, with God, another object of worship, lest thou shouldst be thrown into
Hell, blameworthy and rejected.
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Jan 22, 2006

i am aassuming you are referring to Chocs comment thus:

As I said before there have been so many, so called prophets, holy books etc,

Gramatically, the way Choc has written this, is not written in a context of "disrespect", but rather in a blase, indifferent, or doubtful way.

And as for your point regarding the use of the word "cow", i like many others here know that the cow is a sacred animal. However to us it isnt. It is used generally in the UK, as a form of disrespect when referring too, or talking to a female.

Likewise, it is the reason why the majority of us would not dream of mentioning "pigs". We would consider it disrespectful to refer to someone as "a pig", and as such we dont, because we know it would be deemed highly offensive.
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Jan 22, 2006
Gramatically, the way Choc has written this, is not written in a context of "disrespect", but rather in a blase, indifferent, or doubtful way.

the same way ,i didnt mean to disrespect your so called queen ,i just cited an example . It is up to u to arrive on conclusion of your own choice.

i didnt know that pig ws pious animal of west :wink:
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Jan 22, 2006
Liban wrote:
wolfsievers wrote:Not were smarter, but are smarter. And I will have to give it to you as you were smart to move to Canada!! Talk about biased, well if you go back over the posts in this forum you will see who is exactly biased in here. What you say is a joke!

If you think that moving to Canada and leaving the UAE is better, than please leave this country. We don;t want you here.

I have to laugh at you Liban......are you going to be the new ruler of Dubai........you sure act like you own the place since you've been there. I really think you need an attitude adjustment, I sure read you wrong when I first met you.

Why do you hold a Canadian passport then? Probably the only country that would take your sorry ass.
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Jan 22, 2006
"Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians (everyone else) - whichever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve."

Ahhhh so this can be interpreted that other religions are accepted and those of other religions can enter heaven, so long as they live their lives according to God, not necessarily just Islam.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 22, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Ch2v62
"Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians (everyone else) - whichever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve."

Ahhhh so this can be interpreted that other religions are accepted and those of other religions can enter heaven, so long as they live their lives according to God, not necessarily just Islam.

Here the followers are refered to those who were beliving in Christianity before islam and the jews who were beliving b4 christianity...
Do u belive in Allah and worship according to his will ? do u belive in last day?
Jews call 'Uzair a son of God, and the Christians call Christ the son of God ....that is rong according to allah....

Ch9 v30. The Jews call 'Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah.s curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!

Ch3 V102. O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam.

v85. If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good).
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Jan 22, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Ch2v62
"Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians (everyone else) - whichever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve."

Ahhhh so this can be interpreted that other religions are accepted and those of other religions can enter heaven, so long as they live their lives according to God, not necessarily just Islam.

I didnt check it wid Quaran but one must read " Believe" (believer) in above text. I assume believer means

" anybody could be in Paradise as long as they were doing "God's Will" and not worshipping something other than Almighty God" .

The statement, "None shall enter the Paradise except Muslims" is true, only if you understand it in the above context. In other words muslims are sincere in their worship to Him and only to Him without any partners.

The heart is a precious comodity to Allah and He is the Judge of the hearts. We can only say what types of beliefs and actions would bring a person closer to either place.

well if anyone else who can explain " believe " or believer?
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Jan 22, 2006
HP wrote:
Gramatically, the way Choc has written this, is not written in a context of "disrespect", but rather in a blase, indifferent, or doubtful way.

the same way ,i didnt mean to disrespect your so called queen ,i just cited an example . It is up to u to arrive on conclusion of your own choice.

i didnt know that pig ws pious animal of west :wink:


strongly believing in religion, and living in a way which shows this belief:
She is a pious follower of the faith, never missing her prayers.

You use many words out of context. Many may be fooled by you on here, but we have a saying in UK.

"you can only fool some of the people all of the time, but not all the people all of the time".

I know you are able to comprehend all what is written here, i believe you are more intellegent than you would like people in here to believe.

I think its best left at that, if you are not able to engage in any form of intellegent converstaion or debate.

Some of us do not suffer fools gladly.
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Jan 22, 2006
strongly believing in religion, and living in a way which shows this belief:
She is a pious follower of the faith, never missing her prayers.

i am very confuse now , i thought pious mean beautiful . As the definition is changed, tell me who is Pious ? Indian cow or ?
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Jan 22, 2006
emadullah: I understand you, but there is something you don't understand.

In religion, NOTHING is fact, EVERYTHING is faith.
What you have is faith, and what Christians and Jews have is faith. Do not be so bigoted to think that it is only the Muslim who will go to heaven.

You all believe in and worship the same God. Why would this same God treat you as more special than them?

Nothing is fact. It is all a matter of what you believe in.

My belief? I have no religion. I believe in God, and I believe in the goodness of soul, which is something I think is common in all religions, and something I think God would be entirely happy to see amongst all humans, of all races and of all religions, not JUST Muslims.
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Jan 22, 2006
sleepless.in.dubai wrote:emadullah: I understand you, but there is something you don't understand.

In religion, NOTHING is fact, EVERYTHING is faith.
What you have is faith, and what Christians and Jews have is faith. Do not be so bigoted to think that it is only the Muslim who will go to heaven.

You all believe in and worship the same God. Why would this same God treat you as more special than them?

Nothing is fact. It is all a matter of what you believe in.

My belief? I have no religion. I believe in God, and I believe in the goodness of soul, which is something I think is common in all religions, and something I think God would be entirely happy to see amongst all humans, of all races and of all religions, not JUST Muslims.

Well said Sleepless! I couldn't agree more.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 22, 2006
sleep less in dubai :

u got a good point.

I also used to think we have some big non Muslims names in history , who benefited the society through invention , research or engaging in other activities. For example doctors who save the lives and bring revolution in medicine ,Scientists or mother Teresa ( many others).

Now my question is

"how can God throw them in hell who have dedciated their lives for noble mission" ?
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Jan 22, 2006
HP wrote:
strongly believing in religion, and living in a way which shows this belief:
She is a pious follower of the faith, never missing her prayers.

i am very confuse now , i thought pious mean beautiful . As the definition is changed, tell me who is Pious ? Indian cow or ?

You are not confused at all HP - Its what you want us to believe :roll:
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Jan 22, 2006
sleepless.in.dubai wrote:emadullah: I understand you, but there is something you don't understand.

In religion, NOTHING is fact, EVERYTHING is faith.
What you have is faith, and what Christians and Jews have is faith. Do not be so bigoted to think that it is only the Muslim who will go to heaven.

You all believe in and worship the same God. Why would this same God treat you as more special than them?

Nothing is fact. It is all a matter of what you believe in.

My belief? I have no religion. I believe in God, and I believe in the goodness of soul, which is something I think is common in all religions, and something I think God would be entirely happy to see amongst all humans, of all races and of all religions, not JUST Muslims.

dont worry my dear u will believe everything soon after death...i dont force anyone to belive wat i given the reference....
u have same mentality as that of my christian friend...i asked him 'if Jesus Christ (PBUH) comes and says Mr XX u are not muslim u have to follow islam to reach heaven what u would do then' ? he answered me " no i will no change to islam..i m a good person god wil not punish me..."

he is waiting for god to come and say MR XX come to islam to reach heaven.....God has sent his book to follow and still he is waiting for God to come and meet in person ???

i think u have a same answer...am i rite ? i m sorry to say my dear u will loose evrything...
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