Managers Are Adding More Pressure On Us.

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Managers are adding more pressure on us. Mar 07, 2009
Did you notice recently that managers are adding more and more pressure on their employees?

me personally suffering so much at the moment from the burdens they are adding, and all my friends facing the same problem, in what seems to be like they are catching us from the neck. we can't complain or refuse, or else we will be in the road.


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Mar 07, 2009
Is this also true that half the peoples salaries have been reduced to half?
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Re: Managers are adding more pressure on us. Mar 07, 2009
howdy wrote:Did you notice recently that managers are adding more and more pressure on their employees?

me personally suffering so much at the moment from the burdens they are adding, and all my friends facing the same problem, in what seems to be like they are catching us from the neck. we can't complain or refuse, or else we will be in the road.

That's a problem the world over right now though.
Companies have been cutting back everywhere. Departments have all had to offer up a "sacrificial lamb" to cut costs and reduce the head count.
The result is that the people who are left have to pick up the slack.
Now technically it shouldn't be a problem because in theory the workload should have deminished hence the requirement to cut costs and staffing levels, but in reality that isn't always the case.

Been there, seen it and done it before. THings will eventually level off again, work will pick up again and firms will start recruiting again.

It could be worse, you could have lost your job, which, in this current climate is not a great thing because new jobs are more scarce than they would normally be.
Even worse, you could be working for a firm that hasn't seen the need to cut costs and then suddenly turn up one morning to find that the doors are locked, the receivers have been called in and you will get absolutely nothing in compensation.

Every cloud and all that.......
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Mar 07, 2009
well what do you EXPECT? most of you sit lazying around on dubai forum :D

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Mar 07, 2009
atleast they didn't drop the salaries for most. It's good thing coz price of commodoties has gone much cheaper and so you can buy much more :)
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right Mar 07, 2009
you are right guys, and very wise words.
but the problem is that its getting unbearable.

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Mar 10, 2009
guys... do whatever it takes to hold on to your jobs..... during this phase !!!
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Mar 10, 2009
I have been out of work for 3 months so don't take your job for granted. Instead embrace it and enjoy the extra workload. Look on the bright side, at least it fills in the day rather than watching your watch.
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right Mar 11, 2009
you are right guys. I'm thankful that I still have work, in spite of the unbearable pressure, I will listen to your advices, and hold my chair as much as I can. thank you so much.

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