British Get 3 Months While Myanmarese Get ONE Year...

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British Get 3 months while Myanmarese Get ONE Year... Mar 06, 2009
Guess what. They caught another sex scandal on the beach but this time it is a couple from Myanmar. And they're going to jail, but luckily for them it is one year only, while the poor British had to suffer with 3 months imprisonment.
This is very cute of Dibai, don't you think?
With every lighter shade of skin tone you have you get x number of weeks off your jail term.

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Mar 06, 2009
if thats that then its probably 3 and half hours for a local. :D
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Mar 06, 2009
Dont know how the woman looks like....maybe very good so they want to her to stay longer??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Mar 06, 2009
Very good , why would they want to have sex on the beach ?!? maybe just to irritate the laws , so yeah let em stay in jail for a year , they could have stepped down in the sea water and had it would look more decent ..
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Mar 06, 2009
really dont get it. why dont ppl get a room? does it turn them on to do it in public or something :D cant get the lil ginger up so they go hey lets go to the beach and do it. maybe that will do the trick :D
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Mar 06, 2009
Yes but this is bad. Double-standards are becoming a habit of Dubai. It is not fair, racist and cruel. We are not blind to not take notice of these things.
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Mar 06, 2009
Snow wrote:Yes but this is bad. Double-standards are becoming a habit of Dubai. It is not fair, racist and cruel. We are not blind to not take notice of these things.

Double standards...whats new.

There is a way more legitimate reason for the authorities on this matter. Ever heard of a learning curve?
The English couple was a big example for the world and for Dubai in handling this kind of unwanted behaviour. The next couples that cross the line in Dubai are getting more severe punishments. People are required to have some sort of knowledge of foreign developments and their impacts. Ignorance can cost you greatly.
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Mar 07, 2009
i think they deserve what they are getting regardless of their skin. they knew what happened to vince but oh NO they still want to get their lil banana out of their pants and wave it around in the public :S like WTF get a room otherwise control it and go back and do it wherever you came from.

they honestly thought they would get away with it. well not everyones name is VINCE :D.
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Mar 07, 2009
It has nothing to do with the colour of the skin, but rather to do with how many lawyers you’ve got and the importance of your country to the UAE.

I remember last year, an African American singer got caught in the airport with very serous drug offence, but immediately got released by an order from the ruler of Dubai.

Romanian people are as whiter as you can get, but always receive bad treatment at home and overseas. So it's about money and the importance of your country in the international stage.

I agree with rudeboy, do whatever you want in your private home.
People who are after some sort of pervert adventures and can’t satisfy unless they do them publicly, UEA should makes it clear to them that before they kick their sorry asses out of the country, they’ll give them a lesson that they’ll never forget.

Public places are for everyone and there for they must be respected at all time, whether in the UEA or in any other country, Period.
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Mar 07, 2009
Robby: Learning curve...I don't think these guys had CNN or BBC back hom in Myanmar to know about the previous incident.

According to Wikipedia:
"Several human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science have reported on human rights abuses by the military government.[67][68] They have claimed that there is no independent judiciary in Burma. The military government restricts Internet access through software-based censorship that limits the material citizens can access on-line.[69][70] Forced labour, human trafficking, and child labour are common.[71] The military is also notorious for rampant use of sexual violence as an instrument of control, including systematic rapes and taking of sex slaves as porters for the military. A strong women's pro-democracy movement has formed in exile, largely along the Thai border and in Chiang Mai. There is a growing international movement to defend women's human rights issues.[72]"
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Mar 07, 2009
Snow wrote:Robby: Learning curve...I don't think these guys had CNN or BBC back hom in Myanmar to know about the previous incident.

According to Wikipedia:
"Several human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science have reported on human rights abuses by the military government.[67][68] They have claimed that there is no independent judiciary in Burma. The military government restricts Internet access through software-based censorship that limits the material citizens can access on-line.[69][70] Forced labour, human trafficking, and child labour are common.[71] The military is also notorious for rampant use of sexual violence as an instrument of control, including systematic rapes and taking of love slaves as porters for the military. A strong women's pro-democracy movement has formed in exile, largely along the Thai border and in Chiang Mai. There is a growing international movement to defend women's human rights issues.[72]"

That may be true, but remember how things went in the old days? People didn't have internet so you would inform yourself locally or via traders and brochures of early travel companies.
If a Myanmarese is able to buy a ticket do Dubai and enjoy a luxury destination like this, you may expect any growing awareness of cultural habits and such.

But hey, you don't have to tell me that people are getting more lazy (or 'busy' is also a good excuse) in not doing any preliminary research...a growing phenomenon
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Mar 07, 2009
You are so tough. I would really hate to work for you.
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Mar 07, 2009
Snow wrote:You are so tough. I would really hate to work for you.

No need for that. Unless your lazy, then you do have a problem ;)
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Mar 07, 2009
Yes ok....
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Mar 08, 2009
lol ok.... luv the way he simply gave up just like that.
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Mar 08, 2009
Maybe its a she :D
Or he/she actually happens to be lazy (or laid-back not to comment).

Snow becomes damp when you boil it ;)
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